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Oct 4th 2018
Spot the difference:
@Conservatives at their Conference promise the Jewish community their constant support. Soon to be banned: Iranian sponsored Hizbollah’s Al-Quds March. The Tories promote @TheIHRA definition of #Antisemitism and are true allies of #Jews in the #Uk 1/4
By contrast @UKLabour at their conference: sea of Palestinian flags. Bullying of Jews, @lucianaberger has to have a police escort (they even deny that!) and no balance, meetings denying antisemitism. This is @jeremycorbyn’s #LabourAntisemitism #CorbynAntisenitismOmnishambles 2/4
If you elect or even support @ukLabour you support what Labour MP @ChukaUmunna calls #InstitutionallyAntisemitic. You are supporting a party that bullies dissent, and has kicked 1,200 +complaints against #LabourAntisemitism into the long grass #CorbynAntisemitismOmnishambles 3/4
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Sep 19th 2018
The Green Party is set to vote on adopting the #IHRA definition of antisemitism at autumn conference next month… (1/x)
It follows Campaign Against @antisemitism criticising then-leadership candidate Shahrar Ali, for what the organisation deemed an ‘offensive rant’ during a resurfaced Gaza demonstration speech made in 2009. Full story here:… (2/x)
Unofficial members' forums saw a barrage of antisemitic comments in the wake of our story on...alleged antisemitism in the Green Party - see here (3/x)
Read 15 tweets
Sep 15th 2018
Ben is not Jewish but he’s decided to respond to @jk_rowling using his Jewish heritage and at the same time lying about what happens in the Middle East. I’m going to post My analysis if Ben’s posts as a thread, since this is the kind of nonsense giving #LabourAntisemitism cover
From his surname, Ben is clearly the son of an Israeli man and a British non-Jewish woman. I’m assuming the latter, from Ben’s comment it seems that this is most likely; I’m sure he’ll correct me, should I be wrong. This is not a judgement of him, but an attempt to elucidate.
Here’s the second tweet. Racism against Ben cos he was born in Israel, classic #Antisemitism. Disgusting.
Ben uses this as his credentials. This tweet says “this is real antisemitism”, setting up the rest of this thread for credible abuse of his status.
Read 23 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
The @UKLabour / @jeremycorbyn #antisemitism issue shows no signs of abating. Unfortunately, there is even a difference of opinion on why this is, which is why I've been incredibly reluctant to write anything about it. Regardless, here's my perspective: /1
My entire life, I have been opposed to racism and prejudice in any form. This was instilled by my upbringing, personal experiences and natural inclination to defend others facing prejudice. As a teen, I was the one in school who stood up to bullying whenever I saw it happen. /2
I fought my own fights and the fights of people too scared or small to take action. It was a natural instinct. It got me into some trouble, but generally, what I did was appreciated by the victims of the abuse, the parents of the victims, teachers, bouncers and even the police /3
Read 25 tweets
Sep 13th 2018
@RabbiZvi’s #LabourAntisemitism roundup:

It’s 5 months and a half since the first demonstration of the Jewish Community against @jeremycorbyn’s obvious antisemitism. How is it going?
This thread is a position document referencing #CorbynAntisemitismOmnishsmbles in @UKLabour
Corbyn has been outed as an obvious antisemite, sneering at Jews, laying a wreath on the grave of a Jew-killer, supporting a 9/11 conspiracist, calling Jew-killers brother and pedalling Israel conspiracy theories on @PressTV #CorbynAntisemitismOmnishambles 2/12
@ukLabour Party is now outed as an institutionally #antisemitic organization due to the exposure of @PeterWillsman ranting paranoia and smears against our @BoardofDeputies and others as “Trump fanatics”. Levers ofpower are being used to avoid #CorbynAntisemitismOmnishambles 3/12
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Aug 31st 2018
#Corbyn’s month:
August has seen @jeremycorbyn under increasing pressure due to his #antisemitism. It did not start well.

He kicked off August’s #Omnishambles with non-apology for his behaviour, inviting a Survivor on HMD to compare Israel to Nazis.… 1/n
The day after this was revealed in the papers @MichaelSegalov (who apparently blocked me for pointing out his rather craven behaviour) said he should apologise nicely. Michael is not doing anyone any favours by his behaviour, @jeremycorbyn is a racist.… 2/n
A reaction carrying over July’s @peterWillsman #racist #LabourAntisemitism, Segalov is focussed on shuffling off the inconvenience:
“But the best chance we have of quelling this is for Corbyn himself to guide his supporters. He can’t be accused of being a traitor to himself. 3/n
Read 30 tweets
Aug 29th 2018
If you're fucking sick of hearing so much about left-wing antisemitism, think how fucking tired its victims are of being on the receiving fucking end of it.
And if you think complaints about left-wing antisemitism are part of some kind of conspiracy to cover up complaints of other kinds of racism or forms of bigotry, guess what, you sound pretty indistinguishable from an antisemite, however "woke" you are.
Absolutely true that antisemitism isn't the only form of bigotry or hypocrisy on the left - various people &/or publications decry some kinds of antisemitism but not others, or are actively transphobic or racist in other ways. That's not an excuse to be same.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
Some stats on the coverage of #LabourAntisemitism in UK national newspapers:

• In seven years from 2009-2015, there were just 212 articles with the words #Labour and #Antisemitism appearing in the same sentence
• In the three years since there have been 2,053

• In those same three years, there have been a total of 3,740 articles containing the word #Antisemitism
• So 55% of all articles mentioning #Antisemitism have mentioned #LabourParty in the same sentence (since 2016)
• 2009-2015 it was less than 7%

On the flip side:

• 2009-2015 there were just 41 articles with the words #Conservative and #Islamophobia appearing in the same sentence
• In the three years since this has risen, but only to 92

Read 10 tweets
Aug 13th 2018
The annual @AMCHAInitiative report on campus #antisemitism is full of important facts & stats, but it’s the nearly 20 testimonials submitted by #Jewish students that will break your ❤️ 1/
@AMCHAInitiative This study should (finally) put to rest the myth that #BDS only engages Israeli 🇮🇱 institutions. In fact, individuals have always been targeted for harm—incl. Jewish students, faculty, staff. Just read PACBI guidelines! 2/
@AMCHAInitiative Key finding of the new report: student groups ganging up to stigmatize, shun individual Jewish peers as racist & calls to kick their orgs off campus is more emotionally & psychologically damaging than a swastika etched into a bathroom 🚽 stall. 3/
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Aug 10th 2018
Meet #Israel's #Hasbara, which means #Propaganda, MSM Censorship Application👇🤨
This app came out about last year, and it is still on the iTunes store.
The app posts daily missions & TELLS YOU WHAT TO DO AND WHAT TO SAY
#Trolls #Palestine #Gaza #BDS #JeremyCorbyn #JC4PM
6yrs ago #Jerusalem, #IDF Rep:
"we are now located in the SAME building where the Foreign Journalists are,we have close working relationships w/ hundreds of journalists. In addition we launched media project working in many platforms,twitter in Arabic, Russian, French & English."
How #Israel-i Propaganda (#Hasbara) Works: #TheLuntzDocument
If you want to understand how the #propaganda works you need to read the Luntz document -- "The Key," Luntz says, "is the Claim that the Fight is Over Ideology, Not Land. About Terror, & Not Territory."
#Palestine #BDS
Read 35 tweets
Aug 6th 2018
In my Guardian article yesterday I claimed that Corbyn and his team want to rewrite @TheIHRA definition on #antisemitism to neuter @UKLabour's own rule against antisemitism. This is key to understanding what they are trying to do and I'll explain it a bit more here /1
If a party member is disciplined for antisemitism it is always under the rule against conduct that is "prejudicial, or... grossly detrimental to the party." This used to be at the discretion of the NEC /2
This changed last September when party conference made the expression of antisemitism and other prejudice an automatic offence. The old rule is on the left, new rule on the right /3
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Aug 5th 2018
I've absolutely had it with this 24/7 #antisemitism news cycle, which is being weaponised by elements of the Labour party and the mainstream press to undermine the Labour party and its leadership... #TomWatson
If you haven't heard @MikeSegalov on anti-semitism yet, his interviews for the #BBC and Momentum are well worth a listen
As Segalov makes clear, its right to say there are legitimate concerns regarding anti-semitism both across society & within Labour. A fringe element within Labour & most political parties = anti semitic. Also fair to say #antisemitism is being weaponised
Read 12 tweets
Aug 5th 2018
#tRump on Senate Democrats at fascist rally in Ohio on August 4, 2018: "A few of 'em say nicer things than, about me than any Republican. A couple of 'em compare me to some of the greats. They talk about Abe Lincoln. Honest Abe. No. No, they say great things."
#tRump on August 4, 2018: "I went to the Wharton School of Finance. I was a very fine student. And I will tell you, one of the great schools in the world. The Wharton School of Finance. One of the hardest schools in the world to get into. I got in. Let me tell you. I went there."
Read 7 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
Let’s just step back and examine what the @UKLabour #Antisemitism row is all about.

@jeremycorbyn ‘s groupies last night organised mass love-in for their idol. This was a feel-good diversion from the 💩storm of examples of his intolerance n antisemitism over the last weeks. 1/10
But @jeremycorbyn won’t get out of responsibility for his nastiness. He is a very unpleasant man.

On Holocaust Memorial Day 2010 he organised an event including a Holocaust survivor, designed to attack Israel using the Holocaust. Disgusting.… 2/10
The Press say that he apologised.

It was a non-apology. In fact, @JeremyCorbyn has apologised for "concerns and anxiety" caused by him chairing a House of Commons event at which Israel was compared to the Nazis.

No, just sorry we’re upset. He’d do it again. *Not* sorry.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
@JeremyCorbyn in real trouble. A conviction politician with utter ideological commitment he cannot lie about his actions. You won’t get him deviating from his line cos of this rigidity. So he is now destined to suffer a massive car crash over his past. @BBCr4today

His failure to adopt #IHRA full definition #antisemitism is due to his knowledge that this would catch him. He is too rigid to adopt it and then fail to implement it. He had to fiddle with it so that he could feel comfortable by allowing his own actions as not antisemitic. 2/11
Now his allies, emboldened by his own tweak of the #IHRA definition , have started speaking up about smears and the like, using obviously antisemitic smears. And he can’t stop what he’s started. The @PeterWillsman debacle is only the latest of many and they’ll not end. 3/11
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Jul 29th 2018
1. A few comments on Jonathan Freedland's (@Freedland) often misleading piece on the antisemitism controversy and the Labour Party…#Antisemitism @medialens @MichaelRosenYes @tonylerman @CPMacL2008 @AaronBastani @michaeljswalker
2. Freedland says only people who say “Jews are Nazis” would contravene the IHRA definition. In fact, the IHRA definition is much broader, referring to “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis”…
3. Freedland says IHRA definition “explicitly says that if you criticise Israel the way you criticise other countries” it is not antisemitism. This ignores the testimony of Kenneth Stern, who drafted the definition that has morphed into the IHRA definition…
Read 14 tweets
Jul 26th 2018
So I spent a few curious hours today looking for Labour, specifically Corbyn supporter's #antisemitism

Being in IT I pretty much know how to go about it

I used some Twitter searches to follow reports, then the web app and some API calls to make historic searching easier.
I also did a similar exercise via Facebook, Reddit

I also came at it the other way, finding obvious anti semitism and attempting to back trace it to Corbyn supporting accounts.
Finally I searched some obvious dark places of the internet where racism of all sorts is rife. I again attempted to find any link to Labour or Corbyn.
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Jul 24th 2018
#NaomiWimborneIdrissi, founding member of #JewishVoiceForLabour:
"Let's be clear very clear what that is code is,there is NO SUCH THING as an agreed international code for #Antisemitism,there is a document that has been pushed for many years now by pro-#Israel organizations"
"There is NO International Code of #Antisemitism, this is a ploy to get rid of #JeremyCorbyn" says #NaomiWimborneIdrissi, founding member #JewishVoiceForLabour,"there is a document that has been pushed for many years now by pro-#Israel organizations"
Shame on you, @margarethodge what a liar👇😡There is NO International Code of #Antisemitism, this is a ploy to get rid of @JeremyCorbyn & to silence critics of #Israel & #Zionism‼️@UKLabour
WATCH response from #NaomiWimborneIdrissi, founding member of "Jewish Voice For Labour":
Read 10 tweets
Jul 19th 2018
I was wondering how far the #antisemitism issue in the Labour Party had moved on in the last few years, so I had a look through the @Gerasite archive
The suggestion that Corbyn himself has always simply been an honest broker, trying to find peace in (a small section of) the Middle East was dismantled by @DavidDPaxton…
Do you remember the original line that nobody had ever encountered any antisemitism in the Labour Party? Owen Jones' tried that one, and a few other things, and @NudderingNudnik pointed him in the right direction…
Read 5 tweets
Jul 19th 2018
As Labour prepares to discipline @margarethodge, here's a post I wrote in April on the culture of complacency, victim-blaming and self-congratulation that has marked the party's response to #Antisemitism.…
Too often, Labour has tried to silence those who complain rather than challenge the existence of abuse.
Too many on the Left see prejudice as a right-wing problem, of which the Left is incapable. The result is a culture of complacency that allows abuse to flourish.
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Jul 19th 2018
#thread on @UKLabour NEC Code Conduct on #Antisemitism showing how opposition to it is wrong. Links from Dr Brian Klug, Moran Mandelbaum, David Feldman, Josh Nathan Kazis on Kenneth Stern, Rhea Wolfson, Jennie Formby and Jo Lansman
Firstly this is the NEC code here. Please read. It covers conspiracy theory antisemitism, the 'socialism of fools' and antisemitism masquerading as criticism of Israel. These are the issues that have crept into Labour from the conspiracy theory fringes.…
Jon Lansman @jonlansman states the new code is "Labour’s antisemitism code is the gold standard for political parties .. The new code makes clear that discrimination against Jewish people is unacceptable while allowing for legitimate criticism of Israel "…
Read 24 tweets
Jul 18th 2018
From the beginning, Zionists advocated a "Jewish State" not just in #Palestine, but also in #Jordan, southern #Lebanon, and the #GolanHeights as well.
As it will be proved from the quotes below:
#ICC4Israel #EthnicCleaning #Occupation #BDS #Gaza…👈
#Palestinians are not indigenous to #Palestine👈This propaganda has no other purpose than 2 further dehumanize Palestinians & justify #Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing & murder
In #BenGurion own words👇😡you'll see how that outrageous claim is far removed from historical reality
“We must expel the Arabs and take their places…”~#DavidBenGurion
Born in 1886 as David Green (Gruen) in Plonsk, #Poland. He is considered one of the three founding figures of Zionism beside #ChaimWeizmann & #Herzl.
#ICC4Israel #BDS #Palestine #Gaza…👈
Read 87 tweets
Jul 16th 2018
The current focus of this row is designed by Labour to suggest that they have tackled the issue. This of course is not the case; Labour are trying to exculpate their own Members by defining out those aspects of antisemitism, which affect them most. 1/8
Notable therefore is the broad IHRA definition of #antisemitism, which is the gold standard. Adopted by 24 EU countries, this is the universally accepted definition. A total of 31 countries have so far accepted the broader definition, which tackles the political mutation. 2/8
This is of course the reason that @UKLabour and @jeremycorbyn are so keen to avoid it. They have edited out the parts of the definition that they don’t like, and are busy gaslighting Jews into accepting the change as “superior”. Utter bunkum. It’s watering it down. 3/8
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Jul 10th 2018
Today #NEC of @UKLabour is deciding on their definition of #antisemitism. We all know that Zionism is only supported by Tories and Imperialists, and traitor blairites, so we can ditch definitions which IHRA say are antisemitic and just use ones we like like duffing in Jews. 1/3
Saying ZioNazi is a matter of freedom of speech. After all Israel is waging a nuclear war on Palestinians and using their dead bodies for dog food, feeding their babies to religious Jews as beef burgers and using their blood in wine to create a master race. 2/3
Israel is crap and committing genocide and ethnic cleansing: must be true, they’re just rubbish at it, as there has been an increased Palestinian population each year since 1948. No surprise, israel is crap at ethnic cleansing because it is je…Zionist, rubbish at everything. 3/3
Read 4 tweets

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