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Sep 12th 2018
Trump: Day 599
-Sz Hurricane is 'Tremendously Wet'
-Planned Visit 2 Ireland is Cancelled
-Expanding Tent City to 3,800 Beds
-Wants 2 Hire 21 Foreign Workers
-Deficit 2 Hit $1T by Fiscal Year End
-Russia Suspected of Cuba Attack
-"Fear" Loaded with Explosive Details
Day 704 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 556 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 72 tweets
Sep 11th 2018
THREAD: Some notes and thoughts from reading "Fear" yesterday. Firstly, as @HeathaT points out, it pays to collaborate on these projects: Bannon, Porter and Cohn seem major sources and all come off pretty well.
Some anecdotes: When Bannon was first asked to chat to Trump about a presidential run in 2010, he replied: "I don't have time for fucking nonsense...this guy's not serious.
In the subsequent meeting, Trump is told it's a problem that history shows him to be "very pro-choice."
Trump's response: "What does that mean?"
He is told what pro-choice means.
"That can be fixed," he says. "You just tell me how to fix that. I'm—what do you call it? Pro-life."
Read 34 tweets
Sep 11th 2018
Here's dumbfuck talking about his voting record, asking "what's that" and is unsure about what you call it when you against abortion when Bossie and Bannon meet with Trump discussing a potential 2012 run against abortion. #Fear
This is more to that first meeting with Bossie, Bannon and Trump. #Fear

Contined from above

He's a fucking moron
I'm gonna keep adding excerpts on this thread for anyone that's waiting on their own book and bc I want to highlight how stupid he is.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 9th 2018
"In his first TV interview for his new book, Woodward talks with CBS News national security correspondent David Martin about the behavior of President Donald Trump and his staff."

📖#FEAR #Woodward #Trump
@realBobWoodward @SimonSchuster

📖#FEAR #Woodward #Trump
@realBobWoodward @SimonSchuster…"
"Many readers will find Woodward's depiction of this president and his presidency so devastating that it can only be described as an indictment."

📖#FEAR #Woodward #Trump
@realBobWoodward @SimonSchuster…
Read 26 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
The Unindicted Co-conspirator In Chief's point about the South is unfortunately going to appear far truer than it is when his southern supporters call this "Fake News" and stand around with their fingers in their ears going "Nyah. Nyah. Nyah."

But that is the least of Trump's problems.

This book must be packed with one reckless episode after another, and one gets the sense that the reviewer was trying hard to limit the scope of the review to as small a sample as possible.

There is clearly going to be much more in the book because given the revolving door nature of this administration's staff changes very few individual names even make the cut. Bannon only appears in one anecdotal arguments with Ivanka, who also only shows up once.

Read 4 tweets
Sep 5th 2018

Unresolved recusal & financial issues require a pause in the Kavanaugh hearings

Mueller will accept some written answers from Trump.

Woodward’s book reveals an admin having a "nervous breakdown of executive power" -is unflattering in the extreme. The WH is #CrazyTown

Trump said condemning white supremacists was ‘biggest f---ing mistake I’ve made’: Woodward book

The accusations sending tremors through the Catholic Church are a concerted and dubious attack by ultraconservatives on Pope Francis.

📌Pope Francis is #AntiMafia

“US air defense is back in Europe!

@SCNationalGuard 678th #AirDefense Artillery Brigade arrived in 🇩🇪 for a 9-month #AtlanticResolve deployment;

This marks 1st time a US air defense artillery brigade has deployed to Europe since Cold War”
Read 62 tweets
Aug 13th 2018
1-I need to look into what triggers shills to come to my account and why. Because when they do, they all seem to concentrate in the same posts and have (allgegdly) no connection to each other.
What's more, #memes seem to trigger them and not posts per se.
& specific #hashtags
2- @CIA and other shills are DICKS. you know why? Cos you are all morons enough to come at the same time and concentrate in the same FUCKING post?
Are you seriously that dumb?
I don't need a degree to teach u the basics of stealth and concealment,but apparently you need a lesson
3-So here is the lessons:
-If you want to seem genuine, you need to come at me at different times and concentrating on different posts.
-If you all come at me at once (pretending not to know each other) and talking about the same post, I know are all FUCKING SHILLS

Read 24 tweets
Aug 2nd 2018
Q!🔥Thread for 8/2 #QAnon

[This post relates to Q’s previous post No.2405745:
Public disclosure.
Impossible to defend.
“Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.”

(See attached posts, per Q)
Q! 8/2 #QAnon🔥

Welcome to the mainstream.
We knew this day would come.
(glimpse)(what to expect)
>POTUS’ twitter comments
Liberal Democrats
Fake News WW
Fake MAGA supporters
Bandwagon shills
Paid shills (Media Matters)
Intel infiltration (neg dissemination).
MSM inf[…⤵️]
Q! Thursday, 8/2 #QAnon🔥

What does FEAR look like?
What does PANIC look like?
What does CONTROL look like?
What does COORDINATION look like?
What does FAKE NEWS look like?
[Sample 4]………
Read 9 tweets
Jul 13th 2018
I see people tweeting about feeling scared, how things are so bad and getting worse. They sound #panicked & dwell on worst case scenarios.

We have reason to worry, but dwelling on the worst case scenario isn't productive & can damage our cause. THREAD 1/6 #FridayFeeling #panic
Thinking about what you can do in the worst case scenario isn't a bad idea.

Dwelling on it and panicking is not good for anyone and is counter productive to our cause.

Fear & hopelessness are our enemies - they paralyze people & stop them from taking action. 2/6
When people stop taking action, not winning in the midterms becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

We all get scared, and that's OK, it's normal now.

But we all need to bear in mind that #fear is infectious, and infecting others with our fear or panic isn't helpful. 3/6
Read 6 tweets
Jul 13th 2018
Thread: Decreasing muscle mass in aging: The harmful effects and how to counteract ––

Tags: #sarcopenia #aging #ageing #HealthyAging #MSKover50 #resistance training, #weights #physicalmobility #muscle, #protein
#osteoporosis #bone #fracture #falls

Thread: 🔽muscle in #aging ––#Sarcopenia RX, prevention –––

#MSKover50 #resistance #physicalmobility #osteoporosis #bone #fracture #falls

Lifespan vs. Healthspan: Why We Need Muscle for #HealthyAging.…
Live Strong and Prosper...…
Thread: Sarcopenia in #Aging: RX, prevention –––
Biochemical Pathways of #Sarcopenia &Their Modulation by Physical #Exercise: A Narrative Review…
H/T @MathewPiasecki Tags: #MSKover50
LT: Key RE: onset & progress
RT: Rec. of @ACSMNews & @American_Heart
Read 19 tweets
Jun 3rd 2018
#Procrastination is funny.
Am I doing it because I'm bored? nah.
Do I want to do something else? no.

Why then?
Totally afraid of fucking up.
So we'll sit here until the deadline waiting for me to not fuckup?

(telling on myself, to give myself a kick up the backside)
Step 1, draw borders
Step 2, draw something that looks like it follows the action on the previous page.
Step 3, write a bad line. (All it has to be is plausible, not finished)
Step 4, make the next panel to follow the first.

#edits can be done #later
#Fear of #blankpages is real
And if i hate what i wrote on these panels, i can scrap it.
Or, if i like some panels and not others, i hold the page up to the light, trace the panel onto the back and do something else.

In this age of computers, you arent trapped.
No such thing as " #AllOrNothing "

Read 3 tweets
May 22nd 2018
The Creators of the World’s Misfortunes
by Joseph Goebbels
"One could not understand this #war if one did not always keep in mind the fact that International J//ewry stands behind all the unnatural forces that our united enemies use to attempt to deceive the world and keep humanity in the dark.
"It is, so to speak, the mortar that holds the enemy coalition firmly together, despite its differences of class, ideology, and interests.
Read 87 tweets
Jan 17th 2018


Eric, I'm going to be straight with you. You are not known as the smart Trump, so I am going to have to do multiple Tweets (a thread) to TRY to educate you. It turned out to be 15 tweets.

Yes, we know that all he cares about is "green".

He proved that with the #TaxScamBill. Got a lot for you guys with that one. #InheritanceTax

You got the "Green Thing" right, so let us talk about the #Racist thing. I know you believe what you say, but your problem is you do not know what #Racism or #Racist means.

Tell me what you think after you learn what it means, ok.




a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
Read 35 tweets
Jan 16th 2018

The problem with “#SHITHOLE”.
I do not give a shit about “anyone” including our #SHITHOLEPresident using the word SHITHOLE! That is just a stupid vulgar word. Our #SHITHOLEPresident should never have used it, But…

#Resistance #Resist #VetsResistSquadron

There are many problems surrounding our #SHITHOLEPresident and his #SHITHOLE comments, but my issues are twofold, (ONE). the full contextual meaning of what he said, and

#Resistance #Resist #VetsResistSquadron #VetsResist

(TWO). the level of his ignorance and negative impact it is having on the global community.

1. When viewed in full context, the use of the word #SHITHOLE by our #SHITHOLEPresident is total undeniable #xenophobic.

#Resistance #Resist #VetsResistSquadron
Read 18 tweets
Dec 12th 2017
1/ #THREAD Ah, teeny tiny demographical instance of something, hastily wound up to a coy, careful kind of un-endorsement of something else, even uses paper in a medical / scientific journal to try substantiate this un-endorsement placement #Beware #BullAtWork How 'well-connected'
2/ and how reminiscent of a certain type of anti-vaccination trolling / disinformation.😬 #Questions such as: A/what percentage of the population actually use the product B/ what percentage of that specific demographic have been injured seriously, in a clinical sense or in the --
3/ particular mode described in the, eh, 'article' ? C/ So even if as seems likely this only verifiably happened to a tiny % of users,& even if the argument that it is all just public knowledge/public info. is applied so it appears to be, lets say for the heck of it, 'authentic',
Read 9 tweets

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