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Oct 10th 2018
Kobach cites FAIR report saying KS spends $377M public benefits on illegal immigrants. 1/2 of that is public schooling for immigrant children. If elected, would Kobach try to challenge US Supreme Court that ensures education for children regardless of status? #ksleg #ksed #ksgov
Look at what Kobach did in Alabama in 2011. Kobach wrote and pushed for HB 56 in Alabama, a bill that critics say, among many things, tried to intimidate undocumented children from attending school. #ksleg #ksed #ksgov
HB 56 disrupted Alabama schools. Eventually the school provision in that bill was blocked. Will Kobach try the same thing in Kansas? #ksleg #Ksed #ksgov
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Sep 8th 2018
What a debate! Well done, @KansasStateFair!

We're proud to support @gregorman, not only the Independent choice, but the best choice to lead ALL OF KANSAS into the future.

And thank you to everyone from #teamorman!

ICYMI: Our recap ⬇️ #ormanforkansas #ksgov #ksleg
To open, Greg lamented the two decades of decline that has occurred at the hands of Republican AND Democratic administrations:

"Kansas used to be a leader—a place that other states looked to for inspiration. But now we're a cautionary tale, and both parties are to blame."
With 27 years of experience turning businesses around while giving employees the confidence and stability they need to build their best lives, Greg is ready to do the same for Kansas.
Read 18 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Election expert: Kansas’s ES&S voting system would allow some votes to be altered in a way that a manual audit or recount could not detect. By @jennycohn1 for @tytinvestigates #ProtectOurVotes…
Read 3 tweets
Sep 1st 2018
Wow. Jurisdictions considering election equipment made by voting machine mega-vendor ES&S should read these email exchanges between Johnson County Commissioner Ronnie Metsker & ES&S. Thread. #ProtectOurVotes #ksleg
via @warrendad cc: @tytinvestigates… 1/
2/ "I assume we will somehow be ready for canvass. I am not sure. What I have seen today while our team has struggled to function on software that will not operate, gives me grave concern."
3/ "This is unprecedented. They [the top 3 county attorneys] are gathering to discuss the last minute ‘bad media coverage damage control.’ ES&S is the central focus of the situation * * The public microscope is out. They are already relentless."
Read 9 tweets
Aug 18th 2018
This is more like it! A Republican candidate for the Sedgwick County, Kansas Commission has requested a HAND recount after his 1% primary loss to a Republican who sits on that Commission! 1/ #ksleg cc: @tytinvestigates…
2/ Sedgwick County uses the same ES&S ExpressVote system as Johnson County, which experienced a massive glitch uploading results on August 7 in the GOP gubernatorial primary. As shown here, they also make some candidates harder to find.…
3/ Pls read about the recent ES&S “glitch” in Johnson County and the history of ES&S, including the gaping security holes with ES&S’s last touchscreen sensation (the iVotronic), in the piece I wrote for @tytinvestigates. TY.…
Read 3 tweets
Aug 14th 2018
At 9:00 p.m., just b4 a"glitch" delayed further reporting by Johnson County, Kobach was behind by 44 votes in the state & 13% in the County. At the time, there was only one other (much smaller) county left. When reporting resumed, Kobach had the lead... #ksleg @tytinvestigates 1/
2/ At 9:07 p.m., a reporter for the Kansas City star reported that Johnson County would not display further results for at least two hours due to a “computer glitch.”
3/ According to Johnson County, each of its 196 voting location had its own encrypted USB drive, and the drives were taking too long to upload.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
When you #VOTE remember Puerto Rico 🇵🇷

🔹Remember their fear & their tears
🔹Remember Trump ignored them
🔹Remember the GOP agreed
#GlovesOff #ksleg #KS03

We need to add making Puerto Rico a state to our TO DO LIST!
Read 3 tweets
Apr 4th 2018
One need only look to the south (OK) and west (CO) from Kansas to see the potential consequences of weakening or eliminating constitutional protections and court oversight of equitable and adequate funding for schools! #ksleg #ksed
I have come to see the current Kansas governance structure, constitutional language and judicial oversight as a model for others to follow! This includes steps #ksleg has taken over the years to understand their fiscal responsibility (cost studies) #ksed
What's so unique? Special about KS school finance? FIRST - the 1960s Article 6 established a fourth gov't branch (State Board) w/constitutional authority to set & oversee standards, while tasking #ksleg w/making "suitable provision." #ksed (thoughtful balance!)
Read 17 tweets
Mar 7th 2018
#HB2757 Restores due process rights for teachers that were eliminated in 2014. Rep @marymarthagood will be carrying the bill. Follow this thread for an explanation of the debate. #ksleg
Quick note: due process protects good teachers, not bad. It only gives teachers who are fired a right to appeal to a 3rd party. If a teacher is bad, the 3rd party will uphold to district choice. If the teacher is good, the 3rd party protects the teacher from unfair dismissal.
Rep @marymarthagood properly explaining that due process is not tenure. No jobs for life, just ensures reason & justification for firing. Despite this apt explanation, we will likely still hear many ignorant comments about bad teachers not being fired (admin's fault).
Read 39 tweets
Oct 21st 2017
Thread about Kansas "Strength of Match" Criteria for Crosscheck /1
Kansas pays for and administers #Crosscheck, a voter registration list maintenance tool, on behalf of all 28 member states. Member states/2
send voter registration records to KS every year; KS sends them back file of "possible duplicate registrants" for processing. /3
Read 27 tweets

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