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Sep 11th 2018
Thank you for following our discussion on Lead Radio as we discuss nomination forms into elective offices and the implications for young people
We liken the issues around nomination form as something that is rather a tradition rather than law. The constitution in S 222, 226 & 227 is quite silent on whether political parties should collect forms or not
However, a critical look into Political party finance tells us that nomination forms are one of the ways parties sustain themselves. Others are donations, grants and membership dues.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 1st 2018
At NGN12m, the PDP presidential form is less than half by 3m of what the APC sold its equivalent for in 2015.

Despite the APC recession and inflation, PDP’s presidential form at 12m is now less than a quarter by 7m of what APC is selling its form for in 2019.
If @daily_trust will undertake a comparison of the form prices across both, it will be seen that APC’s weaponisation of poverty agenda, being used to keep poor voters in line behind them is now being used to keep young aspirants not only out of power but entirely out of contest.
It is sad and surprising that in an age of #NotTooYoungToRun, APC has set up another barrier in front of Nigerian Youths via #TooPoorToRun.

These costs are simply outrageous -

House of Assembly - ₦1.1m
House of Rep - ₦3.8m
Senate - ₦8.5m
Governor - ₦22.5m
President - ₦55m.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
Political neophytes don’t quite understand the rules of engagement in politics. First of all it is no indictment on your NGO for anyone to declare their political intention at the event. People shutdown cities for this & it should be considered a privilege that this happened here
Anyone who chooses to indict you for this is either ignorant or simply vindictive. It was glaring you were blindsided and a disclaimer is in order without the need for emotional expression disappointment. Your event didn’t hold at the Stadium so I doubt if it is about your clout.
You have other interractions coming with other political parties & there may be more surprises in the wait. I understand however the feeling of disenfranchisement of the ruling party & hope this disclaimer cures their anxiety. I only stopped by to say this kind of things happen.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
I’m attending a conference in Abuja between Young Aspirants and the Leadership of the PDP, under the guidance of the President of the Senate @bukolasaraki and midwifed by the #NotTooYoungToRun folks.

@UcheSecondus is also here.

Good engagement so far.
DSP Ekweremadu addresses the audience and on behalf of PDP proposes a covenant with the Youths of Nigeria that if PDP comes into Power in 2019, it will abolish the age limit on official contests such that if you can vote at 18, you can be voted for at 18.

SP Saraki speaking now and affirms that PDP is the first party to engage the youths this way under the #NotTooYoungToRun agenda.

Talks about how he came into politics as Obasanjo’s SA - a position he didn’t want to accept but eventually did and now he is President of the Senate.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 20th 2018
A lot has been said but none of these can invalidate the fact that the @bukolasaraki led 8th assembly is the most productive National Assembly since our return to Democracy in 1999, let me highlight a few of their accomplishments to buttress my assertion. ISSA THREAD !
1: In 2016, the @BukolaSaraki led 8th @NGRSenate initiated the first-ever National Assembly Joint Public Hearing on the budget. The 3-day Public Hearing was to give the public an opportunity to weigh-in on the Appropriations Bill.
2: To make the budget process more transparent, for the first time since 1999, the @bukolasaraki les 8th @NGRSenate laid the national budget together with its details when it passed the 2017 Appropriations Bill.
Read 20 tweets
Jun 1st 2018
Meanwhile, 15 bills was sent to President @MBuhari by the @NGRSenate alongside with the #NotTooYoungToRun bill, but he decided to sign only the #NotTooYoungToRun so has to win the hearts of Nigerian youths towards his 2019 reelection bid, here are the other bills. THREAD!!
1. Authorization of Expenditure in the absence of Appropriation Passed in 28 States
2. Financial Autonomy of the State Legislatures passed in 33 States
Read 18 tweets
May 13th 2018
Hello @ynagNG

Thanks for having me today.

I apologize for having to postpone this session for two hours.

It was due to circumstances beyond my control.

Let’s start with Youth Inclusion and it’s definition

There has been a wave of demands and activism in demanding that there is more inclusiveness for Minority groups in the politics of our continent especially in Nigeria

I think it’s important to define what we mean when we say we want inclusiveness

This is because a lot of people (including young people) have misunderstood (for various reasons) what we say we want and misconstrued it for #YouthTakeOver

They are two different things.

Read 30 tweets
Feb 25th 2018
Some have asked me why the National Assembly is not focused on repealing the Land Use Act. Let me explain using a hypothetical situation. Let’s say that through the #NotTooYoungToRun campaign, you manage to become a “Distinguished Senator of The Federal Republic.” Short thread.
First thing you do as a new Senator is find someone who is close to the Senate President, so that he can assign you to a juicy committee. The Senate Committee on the Federal Capital Territory is a very good one. Don’t go and struggle for Appropriation or Petroleum Committees.
As Chairman Senate Committee on FCT, it would be really odd if the FCT Minister doesn’t allocate you land in a good part of the FCT. Assume for the sake of argument that he allocated you 5,000 sq. meters in Maitama. The official rate I think is N20k per sqm (Used to be just N2k)
Read 6 tweets

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