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Oct 8th 2018
Blood red FRAUD against the black sky.

Are you feeling it, #Resistance?

Are you ready to Protest?!

Day 85 at the #KremlinAnnex begins NOW

Come to Lafayette Park! The Neverending Protest has been described as Cathartic. Group therapy. Loud!

Live feed from @KremlinAnnex OF #KremlinAnnex Day 85 is here, if you're interested in watching from home.

"Hit the polls!" is the current chant as I type. And ya damn well better, is all I can say.

@KremlinAnnex You have to realize this is the only way to get the country right side up again, don't you?

It's #VoteThemOut.

A beautiful pic, by @ramseyfay, per usual. And the sign of the times.

Read 32 tweets
Sep 11th 2018
@DaveRapps @SenSchumer Rosello does not = Puerto Rico lol He makes political moves like you wouldn't believe lol But don't worry, it is a known fact that his political career is over now, nothing he can do will save it. The right is so ignorantly gullable. La ignorancia ya es demasiada.
@DaveRapps @SenSchumer Just to mention it, I has a Trumpist- @e_deplorable say "the right didn't keep voting these thieves in office, check mate," & they blocked me before I could finish my replies- Rosello is a member of the right, conservative party in PR. The right is exactly who voted for him 1/
@DaveRapps @SenSchumer @e_deplorable The party is called New Progressive Party (Partido Nuevo Progresista, PNP or NPP), it was founded by a former Republican (he was a Republican here in the main land) the other parties are the Popular Democratic Party (Partido Popular Democrático, PPD) they are liberal, left. 2/
Read 10 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Read Mangy Jay #magi_jay's awesome thread:

1/ I think some political journalists are fundamentally misreading leftward shifts in the Democratic party; namely, I think many are over-attributing any leftward shift to Bernie Sanders.

Read Mangy Jay #magi_jay's awesome thread:

Original Thread:
Please be sure to follow Mangy Jay. #magi_jay a very thoughtful and cogent writer, who gives no fluff. Thank you!
Read 4 tweets
Aug 30th 2018


The GOP opponent wants to bring the Trump Agenda to our beautiful State! Let him know Florida supports 💫@AndrewGillum FOR GOVERNOR💫 to make Florida great again!

🌊🌊🌊#BlueWave2018 #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica 🌊🌊🌊
DeSantis represents all that we need to fight against...

Read 3 tweets
Aug 24th 2018
Trump: Day 580
-Claims Flipping "Ought to be Illegal"
-Would Give Himself a Grade of A+
-Argues Against Own Impeachment
-Likely Oust Sessions Post Midterms
-Has Tweeted "Witch Hunt" 110 X's
-'In Deep' on Time's Magazine Cover
-Opposed 'The Secure Elections Act'
Day 685 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 537 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 66 tweets
Aug 23rd 2018
We have an illegitimate President. He commited conspiracy in plain sight with a hostile foreign power to attain the Presidency. We are ALL witnesses to his crime.



We have an illegitimate President. He conspired with his attorney to defraud the American People to silence witnesses at a crucial point in his campaign so that Voters would not have complete information with which to make their voting decision.


We have an illegitimate President. He conspired with his attorney to hide campaign donations paid to keep witnesses silent at a crucial point in his campaign.



Read 12 tweets
Aug 12th 2018
GOP House Candidate Melissa Howard Busted By Florida University For ‘Faking’ Her Diploma...…
GOP candidate Melissa Howard poses with her fake diploma...
Is there anything about the GOP these days that isn't fake? Anything? WHO TO VOTE FOR THIS YEAR IS NO BRAINER. #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #VoteThemOut2018
Read 3 tweets
Aug 12th 2018
@amjoyshow I get so frustrated when pundits on tv are constantly saying Dems don't stand for anything.
Dems stand for
equal opportunity
social justice
human rights
the environment
fair taxation
retirement with dignity
Repubs are about GREED!
Read 7 tweets
Aug 11th 2018
Democrats Fight #GOP Culture of Corruption to Make Washington Work for the People/1 #VoteBlue2018 #Midterms #Democrats #DemsWork4USA #WhyIVoteDemocrat It’s a vintage button with a donkey kicking an elephant saying “Kick out Depression with a Democratic Vote”
This week’s indictment of #GOP Congressman Chris Collins shines a stark light on the rampant culture of corruption and self-enrichment among #Republicans in Washington today/2 #Collins #CorruptGOP #SwampThings
..and the story continues to widen as reporters unearth at least six other #GOP current and former Members of Congress who have recently owned or sold stock in Innate Immunotherapeutics, the Australian company at the center of the arrest of Rep. Collins./3 #GOPCORRUPT #Collins
Read 20 tweets

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