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Sep 13th 2018
Hi guys, some of you need to dissent/ decline wrt the #manels youve been put on, at the @skochgroup event
- @SkochSameer pls check.
- Guys on manels include @nitin_gadkari @ManishTewari @ashwani_mahajan @iam_anandv @prasanna_s @prasanto @nixxin @AnupamSaraph @pavanduggal + others
2. Does this reflect lack of #merit or prevalence of #sexism that @skochgroup has found only 4 women of worth, out of 46 speakers?

- The 4 women: @ShamikaRavi @rachnakhaira @navikakumar, Yamini Aiyar

- How are the 42 men feeling?
cc @SkochSameer @SreenivasanJain @ManishTewari
3. Today began with @skochgroup declaring that only 4 women were found #meritorious, to speak on tech.
But 42 men were worthy.
They celebrated this #inequality, with a full page ad in Indian Express.
Read 16 tweets
Jul 4th 2018
Do @realStuartReges’s opinions affect his teaching? See 2:20-3:30 of this lecture to of hundreds of students. The “news, or whatever” that he’s reacting to is @susanthesquark ’s Uber blog post published 3 days prior.… 1/8
Imagine you’re a woman in this class. You expect toxic behavior to be denounced. Instead, your instructor disdainfully sighs that this behavior has revived “the big push these days” to get more #diversity in tech. You wonder whether he is glad you're here. 2/8
Imagine you’re a man in this class. You believe the stories of the #womenintech around you. You think @womentechmakers is neat. You’d like to help. Your instructor just showed you that he disagrees. You decide it’s safer to stay quiet. 3/8
Read 8 tweets
Jun 11th 2018
Marie-Francoise Roy opens the annual workshop on the progress of the Gender Gap project in Paris.

#genderequity #WomenInScience #womeninSTEM #womenintech
Mei-Hung Chiu reports on the regional workshop for Asia held in Taipei in Nov 2017. 36 participants from 12 countries met to develop strategies for the project's success.…
Igle Gledhill summarizes the work done at regional workshop held at AIMS in Cape Town in December 2017.…
Read 25 tweets
May 15th 2018
First panel session is titled "Tech Girls Rising" #WomenIntech #Techfest2018 #Sparkyourcuriosity
"It is important for more women to come into technology because we need females to find solutions that other women have" #Techfest2018 #sparkyourcuriosity
"One of the biggest problems women have is a lack of mentoring" #Techfest2018 #sparkyourcuriosity
Read 50 tweets
May 6th 2018
I went to @MicroConf this week and it was amazing. I learned so much. Here are a few highlights! This thread will be useful to you if you are bootstrapping a business or you want to build a business on your own one day. #MicroConf 1/18
Everyone I met was great. They shared their ups & downs without hesitation. We didn’t talk about just business. We talked about work-life balance, breastfeeding, sleep training, traveling w/ kids and how loving your kids unconditionally goes a long way. #MicroConf 2/18
I always felt welcome to join an ongoing group conversation or to strike up a new one. People would open their circle immediately. #MicroConf 3/18
Read 19 tweets
Apr 12th 2018
Thread of resources! A friend just asked me to give him some links on articles on why women are underrepresented in tech which are written for a popular audience. Here's a roundup of articles I sent him. #womenintech #womeninSTEM (1/n)
First off, one should know that CS was once female dominated in the West:… (2/n)
One should also know that CS is female dominated in some countries today, like Malaysia and Qatar, and that many non-Western countries have near-parity in their CS majors.… (3/n)
Read 10 tweets
Mar 8th 2018
I love that on #InternationalWomensDay we take the time to celebrate women, it's brilliant. What would be even more brilliant is if we did this every day. For the next 365 days, I am going to add a Tweet a day in celebration of women from around the world 🌍 Let's get started 👇
Day 1: @drpriaero is an Aerospace Engineer / Senior Research Associate at @UniofOxford's Department of Engineering Science, researching fluid dynamics & thermodynamics of jet engines 🚀 #IWD2018 #IWDEveryDay
Day 2: @monicasarbu created @packetbeat, an open source data shipper, before joining forces with @elastic to lead the Beats team. She's a mum while at it too 💪 #IWD2018 #IWDEveryDay
Read 166 tweets

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