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Sep 25th 2018
Trump: Day 612
-204th Day at a Trump Property
-Declares That He's an "Honest Guy"
-Will Meet with Rosenstein Thursday
-Sz Kav Accusations 'Totally Political'
-Avenatti Teases New Kav Accuser
-128 Kavanaugh Protestors Arrested
-China Imposes Massive New Tariffs
Day 717 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 569 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 72 tweets
Sep 18th 2018
I know in the #Kavanaugh news, this will get lost, but the Senate Homeland Security & Gvtl Affairs Cmte is holding a full committee hearing on family detention *right now.*

I'll be tweeting throughout, and you can watch the hearing here:…
There's a long line outside & many fierce advocates reminding the witnesses and senators that there are still HUNDREDS of children -- who were ripped from their parents arms at the border under Trump's family separation policy -- who still haven't been reunited with their parents
These children include a 2 year old who is in government custody who is deteriorating quickly and indications that the child can no longer recognize the mother's voice. #FamiliesBelongTogether
Read 58 tweets
Sep 12th 2018
Immigration & Customs Enforcement—more commonly known as ICE, is a law enforcement agency of the federal government of the U.S. tasked to enforce the immigration laws of the United States & to investigate criminal and terrorist activity of foreign nationals residing in the U.S.
ℹ️ICE has two primary components: Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO). It is an agency under the jurisdiction of Homeland Security and was established in 2003 following the 9/11 tragedy.…
ICE was designed to keep us safe from terrorists—for instance, the terrorists who took over the planes on 9/11 were living undetected in the U.S. for over a year.

Pls read this thoroughly before commenting. The Trump administration has corrupted this agency to do horrific acts.
Read 32 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Scanning through Flores reg - will highlight pieces in this thread below. PG 2: "Most prominently, the rule would create an alternative to the existing licensed program requirement for family residential centers, so that ICE may use appropriate facilities to detain family units"
This part is basically them arguing that they need a licensing workaround to be able to build more jails that house moms and kids. You know, like the ones where that 3 year old recently died after leaving the conditions there. #FamiliesBelongTogether
Just highlighting this "her" here, as a reminder that our DHS Sec is @SecNielsen and she is seeking to build more prisons for kids and still hasn't been held accountable for ripping children from their parents in the first place. #FamiliesBelongTogether
Read 4 tweets
Sep 3rd 2018
1/ Just spent a week working pro bono with CARA at DETENTION center in #Dilley Texas (oddly renamed "residential" center) to prepare the #SUPERWOMEN being held there prepare for their credible fear interviews. They told me ghastly stories of persecution suffered in lawless
2/ countries at the hands of gangs who terrorize and extort them, then beat, rape and threaten to kill them and their children if they dare go to the police or say "enough," AND/OR countries with such weak laws, corrupt police, and/or corrupt government officials that are
3/ effectively lawless when it comes to protecting women from violent husbands who treat them like property by repeatedly raping them, telling them they are worthless SIMPLY because they are WOMEN, restricting their freedom to work, express political views, attend church, see
Read 11 tweets
Aug 29th 2018
This is why I’ve joined @MomsDemand. my daughter came home from school today anxious about “the lockup drill” because her classroom doesn’t have a closet. A closet for her to hide in in the event of a shooter. She’s 7. She’s fucking 7.
In lieu of a soundcloud link, here’s where you can sign up for @MomsDemand…
Fortunately I live in DC and we have some of the strictest gun-control laws in the US. But we’re right next to VA and MD and their lax gun laws/loopholes carry consequences here. PLEASE VOTE for #gunsense come November, your neighbors and schools need you to
Read 5 tweets
Aug 26th 2018
Trump: Day 582
-150th Day at a Trump Golf Club
-193rd Day at a Trump Property
-John McCain Dies at Age of 81
-Doesn't Regret Mocking J. McCain
-Increases Attacks on Jeff Sessions
-Draws a Blue Stripe on U.S. Flag
-3 Executive Orders Struck Down
-528 Migrant Kids Remain Separated
Day 687 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 539 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 54 tweets
Aug 25th 2018
A week ago I was tired and frustrated cause I was focusing on the wrong things. I was resisting but also thinking about things like why xyz didn't follow me or why they didn't RT me or do I make an impact

I took time to reflect and refocus. Here is what I learnt. /1
It's not about me stupid
It's about the children pulled away from families, 528 of whom are still not reunited and it is unclear if/when they will be reunited. #FamiliesBelongTogether #chi
It's #WhatsAtStake for women's rights, LGBTQ rights, voter rights, Roe v Wade, ACA, health care for pre-existing conditions, Medicaid...
Read 4 tweets
Aug 25th 2018
Whoo Hooo Check out these dancing #StandOnEveryCorner #Protesters
in Florida 😁🙃🙌


#Protesters are our FRONTLINE!

Let's give them ALL the Support & Promotion that we can!!

Let's DO THIS THING & get #MonstersOutOfWH

h/t@ImmaBlueDot 💞

👇👇👇issues #ResistanceProtesters are broadcasting across US

They're reaching people outside of Twitter & Recruiting Voters & #Resisters

They're attracting Media Coverage

We've GOT TO HAVE THEIR BACKS &/or join them 🥰
#KremlinAnnex #PromoteProtesters
Read 4 tweets
Aug 18th 2018
I'm listening to @kathrynajoyce's THE CHILD CATCHERS. (If you liked my thread on the Trump administration deliberately creating orphans at the border, you'll LOVE this well-researched, intense book about white evangelical adoptions.
Two shocking things I learned: 1. After the earthquake, MOC were pushing to relax adoption regulations to make it easier to take children out of Haiti - many weren't even orphans. Some Democrats wanted to tie the bill to DACA. The bill's sponsors revolted. Same as it ever was.
2. The US moored ships off Haiti's coast, not just to provide disaster relief, but to interdict any Haitians trying to flee to the US for refuge. So Congress is making it easier to take Haitian children while simultaneously deflecting their parents' efforts to reach safety.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 16th 2018
Today the government submitted a new plan to locate the hundreds of parents whom it deported without their kids. We've negotiated with them on several fronts, but a huge issue remains 👇
The government is arguing that deported parents and children can only be reunited in their countries of origin.

This means that parents won't be able to resume asylum claims and children may have to forfeit theirs.
This is especially troubling as parents may have been misled or coerced into waiving asylum rights, believing that it would bring back their children faster.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 13th 2018
............................................................ 1/
........................................ 2/
........................................................... - each 1 of the dots in the above 3 tweets reps a child still going to sleep tonight separated from their parent. That's a lot of kids. #FamiliesBelongTogether /3
Read 3 tweets
Aug 13th 2018
What obligations activists have to journalists is a serious question, but what obligations journalists have to activists is a serious question too.
When I was upstate with my kids for the big national #FamiliesBelongTogether protest in June, a local reporter saw us painting signs before the march.
He asked me if he could talk to the kids, asked me if he could take photos, asked if he could use their names in the article.
Read 18 tweets
Aug 10th 2018
Calling on ALL #Resisters 📢

Are you Ready to TURN UP THE HEAT on this Treasonous Dictatorship? 💪

Are you ready to use the most effective tactics employed by successful #CivilResistance Movements in democratic countries?


Study of successful #NonviolentCivilResistance mvmts use a combination of 3 tactics👇

"The Tea Party showed us how much
power can be leveraged when all 3 are used at
once. If hundreds of thousands of people
contribute in this way, Trump and the
Republicans won’t stand a chance."
It's ESSENTIAL to support ALL 3 tactics

Like a stool w/3 legs-ALL ARE REQIRED

In our #Resistance mvmt 2nd two tactics are STRONGLY supported (i.e. pressuring elected officials and promoting dire importance of voting ✊

It's time to beef up support for Protests 🐮👊
Read 8 tweets
Aug 4th 2018
Trump: Day 560
-136th Day at a Trump Golf Club
-179th Day at a Trump Property
-572 Children Remain Separated
-Detaining 7.5 Mo Pregnant Woman
-Deports Wife of Iraqi War Veteran
-Tells ACLU 2 Find Deported Parents
-DACA Ordered 2B Fully Restored
-China Plans $60B in Tariffs on US
Day 665 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 517 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #fakenews #TrumpLies
Read 65 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
Happening now: Long line waiting to get into the Senate Judiciary hearing on family separation. Hundreds of families remain separated and accountability is overdue. I will tweet out news from the hearing on this thread. #familiesbelongtogether
.@ChuckGrassley has opened the hearing. The room is overflowing, with many advocate mamas here with their children in their arms, protesting the rights abuses that continue to unfold.
.@SenFeinstein is delivering her opening with a focus on the appalling lack of government transparency regarding the family separation crisis. Months into the crisis she reminds us that we still don't know the total number of children separated from their parents....
Read 32 tweets
Jul 26th 2018
Passing today’s deadline with hundreds of parents still separated from their children, shows contempt for human rights & court rulings—inexcusable.
All Trump officials responsible for this failure to meet the family reunification deadline should be held in contempt of court.
Absolutely no excuse for failing to resolve the self-inflicted chaos of the Trump Admin’s immoral & illegal immigration policy. #FamiliesBelongTogether
Read 3 tweets
Jul 26th 2018
Today is the deadline to reunify families. This is a portion of a mother’s credible fear interview @ Port Isabel detention center - she can barely speak she is so distraught about being separated from her daughter - read our full report @NBCNews #FamiliesBelongTogether
She tells Judge Robert Powell she fears returning to her country of Honduras. According to @SyracuseU @TRACReports Judge Powell denies nearly 80 percent of asylum requests - our full report @NBCNews
The judge says she will be removed from the U.S. and should speak to her deportation officer about “the possibility of reuniting with her daughter” - both devastating and confusing moments over 400 parents have faced ahead of being deported w/our their children @NBCLatino
Read 3 tweets
Jul 23rd 2018
My workday is often punctuated while I am waiting for others, like now. I'm going through the affidavits filed last week in border cases.

This is abuse.

Of children.

Of adults.

By government.

If we choose as policy to keep people in detention, we have standards.

Trust me, you never know when you might be the one who ends up detained. You *want* a minimum standard that is humane.

Let's do a few screen shots while I'm stuck in this hallway.

Imagine no hygiene items. This isn't just you don't feel well so maybe you don't brush your teeth for a couple of days to spare your gag reflex.

If you haven't been a woman who has been at least 10 hours over needing a tampon, ask one how that feels.

Read 14 tweets
Jul 12th 2018
🚨 Update on our family separation case:
The Trump administration failed to meet the deadline to reunite all kids under 5. We’ve asked the court for specific remedies to ensure this does not happen again.

We won't allow the government to waste time. #FamiliesBelongTogether
The administration claims to have reunited 58 children as of today. The government said they would give us notice of a time and place for each reunification so that we could arrange for nonprofits to be onsite to help families and verify reunifications.

That didn't happen.
Not only did the government fail to give notice, we heard reports of troubling situations, including ICE leaving a parent and kids, one of whom is 6 months old, alone at a bus stop.

The government's lack of communication caused hardship for families who have been through enough.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 11th 2018
Yesterday, the Trump Administration notified the court that it has identified 102 separated children under the age of five – and that only four of these children were reunited with their parents before the deadline.
The Administration has failed to even identify the parent of one child and has made no effort to contact 12 parents who the Administration itself deported.
Contrary to what HHS Secretary Azar told Congress, many parents of separated children reportedly still do not know where their children are, and their attempts to contact them have been unsuccessful.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 10th 2018
José, a man represented by our Southeast Immigrant Freedom Initiative in his asylum case was today reunited with his son thanks to @ACLU. Here’s how the Trump administration tore apart this family:
1. José fled Honduras with his 3-year-old son because he feared for their lives. The two had rarely been apart, and they came to the country together — with José’s identification and his son’s birth certificate. They presented themselves at a port of entry seeking asylum.
2. Despite the government's insistence that people who present themselves to immigration officials at ports of entry would not be split apart from their children, this, officials took his son away.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 9th 2018
Tomorrow is the deadline for the government to reunite 102 separated children under the age of five with their parents.

Today in court, the Trump administration said just over 50 children would be reunited by the deadline. #FamiliesBelongTogether
It's extremely disappointing the government will not be in full compliance with the court order by tomorrow, but the most important thing is that the court will continue to hold the administration's feet to the fire to get these kids reunited with their parents.
A federal judge has stepped in to manage this mess truly of the Trump administration's making.

Make no mistake, we will hold the administration to account until every single child is reunited with his or her parents. #FamiliesBelongTogether
Read 3 tweets

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