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And yet once again, @VerifiedVoting’s President says nada about the dangers of touchscreen barcode ballot marking devices (BMDs). On the contrary, she advocates “voter marked paper ballots,” which she defines as either HAND marked or marked by a MACHINE. Not good enough. 1/
My heavily sourced article on the many dangers of touchscreen barcode ballot markers (“BMDs”). 2/…
Read 18 tweets

📌In death, Sen. John McCain is about to exact revenge on Trump

📌#GamerGate > #4Chan > Alt R > #QAnon > #Twitchy > (etc) = #TrumpRussia

📌#Religion and #MoneyWashing... Not so strange bedfellows.

In death, John McCain shows a virtuous alternative to Trump

PBO, who beat Mr McCain to the WH in 2008, said they shared a "fidelity to something higher".

GWB described him as "a patriot of the highest order".

Condolences pour in after the death of John McCain

John McCain to Lie in State at Capitols in DC and Az

The death of Sen. John McCain marks the passing of a man, an American patriot & a politician whose record of service to country will always be his defining attribute.

We must ensure his legacy of bi-partisanship & patriotism endures into the future.
Read 87 tweets
Dear @vermontSOS (D): I am alarmed that you helped scuttle the Secure Elections Act w/ your expressed "concern" that the "mandates for post-election audits [were] too stringent..." If anything, they were not stringent enough.… 1/
Contrary to what election officials have lead us to believe, all voting machines & scanners can be hacked via the internet even if they are not themselves connected to it. 2/…
This is because (among other reasons) all voting machines & scanners must receive programming before each election from centralized computers that can and often do connect to the internet. 3/
Read 17 tweets
US senator @ronwyden needs our grassroots help to pass a meaningful election security bill: the #PAVEAct. So are we going to help him by demanding that the Senate Rules Committee pass the Act & by identifying & calling out individual obstructionist senators or not? 1/
Here are the phone numbers, email addresses, and Twitter handles of all Members of the Committee.… 2/
Do not be disheartened by the recent failure of the Secure Elections Act. Election integrity groups had already withdrawn support of the latest watered down version of the SEA anyway. 3/…
Read 26 tweets
Dear @RoyBlunt and Senate Rules Committee Members: DO NOT use the withdrawal of support of the Secure Elections Act by one or more senators as an excuse to push through the current version of the Act, which you unacceptably WATERED DOWN, or something even more meaningless. 1/
IT election experts agree that electronic tallies cannot be trusted without, at a minimum, meaningful manual audits and a secure chain of custody between election night and the audit.…;… 2/
Meanwhile, the following states require no manual audits whatsoever to confirm the legitimacy of electronic tallies:


Read 17 tweets
Dear @IndivisibleTeam: Please endorse the #PAVEAct. For too long, elected officials have told us to “just trust” our elections. They must instead make our elections trustworthy. 1/
Unlike the equally well-intended Secure Elections Act, the #PAVEAct requires that states (1) give all voters the option to HAND mark their ballots; and (2) conduct Risk Limiting Audits for all federal races. Without these two requirements, passing an election security bill … 2/
… will do little more than allow politicians to pretend they have done something to secure our elections. We cannot afford to pretend to have secured our elections. We must actually secure them. Please help. Thank you. #ProtectOurVotes 3/
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Dear @BernieSanders:
Many of your supporters do not trust the election process. As someone who voted for Hillary, I get it. Because the terrible truth is that NONE of us can trust our elections. The only way to fix that is to fix it. Pls support @RonWyden's #PAVEAct. 1/
Unlike the equally well-intended Secure Elections Act, the #PAVEAct requires that states (1) give all voters the option to HAND mark their ballots; and (2) conduct Risk Limiting Audits for all federal races. Without these two requirements, passing an election security bill … 2/
… will do little more than allow politicians to pretend they have done something to secure our elections. We cannot afford to pretend to have secured our elections. We must actually secure them. Please help. Thank you. #ProtectOurVotes 3/
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I honestly don’t know what to make of this hearing postponement, but am thrilled by the large # of people who asked the Senate Rules Committee to amend the Secure Elections Act to require states to: (1) give voters the option to HAND mark their ballots: & (2) conduct RLAs. 1/
2/ This is how we change the discussion. We, the voters, are the only leverage we have to get meaningful election security legislation. Meanwhile, the #PAVEAct, which already includes the above 2 requirements, is gaining momentum.
Read 4 tweets
Demand that the Senate Rules Committee amend the Secure Elections Act to require states to: (1) give voters the option to HAND mark their ballots (like the #PAVEAct); & (2) conduct Risk Limiting Audits (like the #PAVEAct). Deliberations are TOMORROW! 1/…
2/ Here is a link to the phone numbers and emails of all Committee members. Pls contact them all, even if they are not your senators. Pls reply #Done if you do this. Thanks!…
3/ Note: These provisions are already in the #PAVEAct, which was just endorsed by @BrennanCenter and several additional senators. But it is the Secure Elections Act that is up for deliberations, which is why we must demand that it be amended to be more like the #PAVEAct. TY!
Read 3 tweets
Action item! On 8/22/18, the Senate Rules Committee will deliberate on @amyklobuchar’s Secure Elections Act. Demand that the Committee amend it to require states to (1) give voters the option to mark their ballots by HAND; & (2) conduct Risk Limiting Audits! Contact info below 1/
2/ Without the above 2 key provisions, the Secure Elections Act will do nothing more than allow senators 2 PRETEND they did done something to protect our votes. Enough pretending! We need #handmarked #paperballots & Risk Limiting Audits NOW! @RoyBlunt @SenFeinstein @SenSchumer 1/
3/ Here is a link to the addresses & phone numbers of all members of the Senate Rules Committee. We must call, email, & tweet to ALL of them nonstop between now and 8/22!! This is our chance to make our voices heard!
Read 11 tweets
“We gotta move to #paperballots that are marked BY HAND” - Senator Ron Wyden, author of the #PAVEAct
Here's an example of what many election officials & reporters misleadingly call a "paper ballot system," even though the so-called paper ballots have barcodes and are filled out by a TOUCHSCREEN that might not work!
Read 3 tweets
Dear @KamalaHarris and @SenFeinstein:

It is critical that you pass Senator Ron Wyden’s PAVE Act, which requires that states give all voters the option to mark their ballots by HAND and that they conduct Risk Limiting Audits for federal races. Thread. 1/
Although the PAVE Act has a 2020 effective date, the hand marked ballot clause must be accelerated to 2018. This CAN be done bc even most paperless counties already have scanners (for absentees), which can be used to count paper ballots in the midterms. 2/…
Relying on Touchscreens is too risky bc voters will be unable to vote if there is a widespread failure and an insufficient number of paper backup ballots at the polls. 3/…
Read 8 tweets
Some folks will tell you it's too late to pass Sen. Wyden's #PAVEAct before the midterms and that the hand marked paper ballots clause will never be accelerated to 2018 anyway, so we should not waste our time demanding it. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM. 1/
We need out LEADERS in Washington to clarify for the entire country what MUST and CAN be done by 2018 to protect our votes. Even if the #PAVEAct does not pass, clarity of messaging may facilitate change at the state & local level. 2/
With so much misinformation from the Election Assistance Commission itself and many state and county local officials, we desperately need someone to LEAD the country in this area. @RonWyden "gets it." His #PAVEAct is spot on (except for delaying implementation to 2020). 3/
Read 12 tweets
Some folks will tell you it's too late to pass Sen. Wyden's #PAVEAct before the midterms and that the hand marked paper ballots clause will never be accelerated to 2018 anyway, so we should not waste our time demanding it. I disagree. 1/
We need out LEADERS in Washington to clarify for the entire country what MUST and CAN be done by 2018 to protect our votes. Even if the #PAVEAct does not pass, clarity of messaging may facilitate change at the state & local level. 2/
With so much misinformation from the Election Assistance Commission itself and many state and county local officials, we desperately need someone to LEAD the country in this area. @RonWyden "gets it." His #PAVEAct is spot on (except for delaying implementation to 2020). 3/
Read 12 tweets
For 2 years,Trump has called Russian interference a hoax & its investigation a witch hunt.
He eliminated the National Security coordinator position at the NSC.

Russia’s attack was an act of war but Trump& regime attended the NSC election security meeting for less than 30 minutes
Trump admin has no strategy for election security, & no one's in charge

Despite Russian interference and $380M in federal aid
🔹22 states opted out of upgrading voting machines
🔹42 states won’t have new voting equipment by Nov
Here’s what we can do:

Call your SOS:
🔹Hold them accountable for your state’s election security

Call your reps📲202-224-3121
Ask they pass:
🔹the bipartisan #DETERAct bill for midterms
🔹the #PAVEAct which calls for paper ballots & risk limited audits

Read 4 tweets
Here’s something I don’t understand about the DETER ACT: the word IF (if Putin interferes again, there will be harsh sanctions). By making the sanctions s conditional, it implies that Putin isn’t already interfering when we’ve already been told that he is. 1/
So are we implying that the interference has to be something more than what’s happened already? 2/
I’m not against the Act, just kind of perplexed by it. I like to hash these things out, ideally publicly. Some people don’t. So I remain perplexed. 3/
Read 18 tweets
Last year at the @defcon @VotingVillageDC in Vegas, hackers were able to hack 25+ voting machines currently used within 90 minutes.

One EVM had voter rolls with voter info from TN still on it.

43 states used EVMs in the 2016 that were over decade old.
Russia is actively hacking the 2018 midterm elections.

Trump/GOP regime have done nothing until the senate passed this nonsense today.
Non-binding means they agreed with each other.

Reality: this doesn’t call for any action to safeguard our elections.

We must demand Congress take action Now or the midterms will be hacked.

Call Every. Single. Day.

DEMAND your 3 reps pass & enact the #PaveAct BEFORE midterms

S.3049 calls for handmarked #PaperBallots & audited elections.


Then #VOTE🌊
Read 3 tweets
Dear @amyklobuchar & @SenatorLankford: I am alarmed that your Secure Elections Act appears to allow states to force voters to use touchscreen barcode ballot markers like ES&S's ExpressVote, which has not even been subjected to human usability testing! 1/…
2/ The failure 2 conduct human usability testing is what landed us in the disastrous predicament we now face w/ so-called Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trails, which studies later showed cannot be "verified" or audited successfully. I discuss those studies in the article in post 1
3/ I worry that some of the same people who promoted VVPATs have a dicenstive to acknowledge their grievous error & are now compounding the error by equating "summary cards" from touchscreen barcode ballot markers with "paper ballots"--again without human usability testing!!
Read 42 tweets
Lawmakers who shirk their duty to protect our elections under Article 4 Sec. 4 of the U.S. Constitution--stating that Congress shall "protect ... [the states] against invasion"-- shld be deemed co-conspirators in any further election meddling. #PAVEAct #HandMarkedPaperBallots 1/
I hear that some Dems are instead pushing for @amyklobuchar’s Secure Elections Act. But as I read it, the SEA would allow states to use taxpayer $$$ to buy touchscreen barcode ballot markers for all & to force all voters to use them! 2/…
3/ Indeed, unlike Sen. Wyden’s #PaveAct, the SEA does NOT require that states give voters the option to mark their ballots by hand. This should be a NON STARTER.
Read 5 tweets
Dear Republicans & Democrats in Congress: Under Article 4 of the US Constitution, it is your duty to protect the states against invasion. You violate that duty each & every day that you fail to pass the #PaveAct with an effective date of 2018. We need #HandmarkedPaperBallotsNow
Read 3 tweets
One year ago, @Reince tweeted that the GOP had “a revolutionary data program” resulting in them “carrying WI for first time in 30 years.”

Attached was this article that said these “Data Operations” helped Trump win WI & will used for the 2018 midterms.

Trump won* WI by just 22,748 votes.

200,000+ in WI were unable to vote in 2016.

Along with MI & PA, WI was one of the 3 swing states that gave* the EC to Trump by a scant 78,652 votes.

All 3 States were among the 39 states reported as hacked by Russia.

Exit polls are a scientifically proven litmus test. In 2016, they were off by as high as 10%

Anything above ~2.5% indicates suspect anomalies. It triggers other countries to nullify elections.

In the swing states of MI, PA, & WI—all were all above 3%.

Read 6 tweets
The #TreasonSummit was bad - but not unexpected. We all knew Trump wouldn't stand up to Putin.

1. Don't spread fear & panic - that's their goal
2. Take time away to process if you feel overwhelmed
3. Stick to the plan
Here's the plan.

If you haven't signed up for rapid response alerts if Trump fires #Mueller or #Rosenstein DO IT NOW. 2/7
We MUST ALL support the #PAVEAct . Make these phone calls, share this info, ask others to make these calls. 3/7 #election
Read 8 tweets
"It is in m my view inexcusable that our democracy depends on such hackable voter technology made by a handful of companies [e.g., ES&S & Dominion] that have been able to EVADE OVERSIGHT and in fact have actually been STONEWALLING the Congress for years. " - Senator Wyden 1/
"My legislation [The #PaveAct] focuses on two common sense measures that are backed by the overwhelming number of cybersecurity experts in our country: paper ballots and risk limiting audits." 2/
"And I wrote this bill in spite of this campaign of DUCKING and BOBBING and WEAVING, really STONEWALLING from the major voting machine companies [which are ES&S and Dominion]..." 3/
Read 19 tweets

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