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Oct 8th 2018
1) Columbus Day 2018 is half time at the 2018 Mid-Term Bowl. The score is GOP 17 and Democrats 16. Let’s recap the first half.

#BlueWave #RedWave #2018MidTermElections…
2) Going into the game the Democrats were riding their #BlueWave of enthusiasm. They were so confident America was tired of all the lies and sordid behavior of Coach Trump that the Democrats could win the game easily.
3) They laughed at their good fortune every time a GOP player would pledge to work closely with their coach; such easy pickings.

Read 23 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
1) What we witnessed today, if you could stomach watching the Christine Ford testimony was a horrible moment in time for this country. I would not doubt that something could have happened as described in her youth.
2) Without any shadow of a doubt in my mind, she is blaming the wrong man. It is entirely my opinion that most certainly she is blaming the wrong man intentionally. How could I say that you ask?
3) No specificity in details, unable to. Why? Such as the day she took a polygraph & how is coincided with a trip (That she flew to) to her own grandmothers funeral. Is is highly unlikely that she has taken many polygraph tests to have been uncertain the day.
Read 23 tweets
Sep 9th 2018
... @LisaMei62 posted this and I put it into a thread and added some links for reference. Hope it helps. Here we go>>> "Anon put together a list of bullets that lend credibility to the theory that Mueller isn't targeting @realDonaldTrump." #TheMoreYouKnow #MAGA #MAGA2018
1) Points consistent with the theory that Mueller is not targeting Trump. (Contrary to what is widely ASSUMED) *Trump tweets vs Mueller: Would you antagonize someone investigating you? Would your lawyers allow it?
2) Flynn sentencing delays (3x) (According to this article it has been 4 times)…
Read 26 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
I am joining all the #MAGA2018 in #BoycottNike
I am organizing the biggest @NIKE shoe burning event.
My deep state connections tell me these model shoes are the Libs Favorites.
Make them cry.
Nike loses $200 every time you burn these.
let's burn a mountain of NIKE's. Send vids
This event added some new rules:
- up to 4 MAGA2018 can pitch in to buy one pair ( team spirit)
- Willing to postpone until Unemployment checks are received this Friday.
FYI: libs can’t March with them pink socks on their heads if they can’t find Nike shoes at the store. BUY EVERYTHING AND SMASH IT WITH YOUR PICK UP TRUCKS!
Read 5 tweets
Aug 24th 2018
1) I dedicate this thread (from Alistair Begg and C H Spurgeon) to

@HouseFloor @SenateFloor @SpeakerRyan @HouseDemocrats @SenateDems @DNC @GOP @HouseGOP @SenateGOP @CIA @FBI @StateDept @DOJgov @NSAGov

2) If fire breaks out and catches in thorns so that the stacked grain or the standing grain or the field is consumed, he who started the fire shall make full restitution.

Exodus 22:6
But what restitution can be made by one who throws the firebrands of error or stirs the coals
3) of lust and sets the souls of men ablaze with the fire of hell? The guilt is beyond estimate, and the result is irretrievable. Even if such an offender is forgiven, he will still experience grief in recognizing that he cannot undo the effects of his foolish behavior!
Read 11 tweets
Jul 28th 2018
IF you haven't seen this Series, you Need to‼️
'The Swamp' produced by 4 US Consv Rep Congressmen
@RepDaveBrat @RepRodBlum @RepTomGarrett @RepKenBuck
Understanding what Washington DC's about ~ EXPOSED
Ep 1 - Meet the Troublemakers
IF you haven't seen this Series, you Need to‼️
'The Swamp' produced by 4 US Consv Rep Congressmen
@RepDaveBrat @RepRodBlum @RepTomGarrett @RepKenBuck
Understanding what Wash DC's about ~ EXPOSED
Ep 2 - Everything Comes From The Top
IF you haven't seen this Series, you Need to‼️
'The Swamp' produced by 4 US Consv Rep Congressmen
@RepDaveBrat @RepRodBlum @RepTomGarrett @RepKenBuck
Understanding what Wash DC's about ~ EXPOSED
Ep 3 - Dirty Money & Backroom Deals
Read 4 tweets
Jul 19th 2018
🚨Mueller connected to CrowdStrike is the single most important piece of evidence that #Comey orchestrated #MuellerWitchHunt. #Comey leaked & lied. Had #Mueller in the bag
#FBICorruption #Treason #Sedition

Google just hired #CrowdStrike

This is a #MAGA WAR!
#BoycottCrowdStrike, likely a citizen spy & surveillance tool of #FBI #CIA akin to #Snowden revelations. Google gave them $100M & they monitor GoogleCloud

#USA citizen surveillance by #FBI #CIA #NSA is nothing new, but now weaponized against #PresidentTrump & #MAGA voters…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 2nd 2018
Here it is y'all, it is the Trump Train.


Make sure to follow all Patriots from Cars 1 – Caboose, then RT

I do not add anyone to this train without being asked to, or given permission.

Please do not hijack my hard work as your own!! Lot of that happening.
Read 76 tweets

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