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Jan 19th 2018
1. Time to logically interact (a) Obama and Hillary using fake intel to get Silicon Valley (SV) to suppress their political enemies, and (b) the increasingly obvious divergence between the #VeryFakeNews media and #RedPillReality, because it leads to a critical idea: #FakeFuture
2. I would like to thank a variety of dead and imaginary teachers, from Pythagoras to Hugh Everett to Robert Langdon (*WINK*), for their persistent needling about this topic.
3. Let's begin by asking ourselves what it means that #Hollywood, the #FakeNewsMedia, and #SiliconValley all seem to be talking to themselves and not us.
Read 17 tweets
Jan 8th 2018
Higher consciousness has been known since at least the Greeks, but numbers possessing it were always small.


The physical world demanded different behavior.

Technology, for all its faults, offers us the chance to move beyond this collectively.

This is the paradox of tech.

Physical needs are met easily, so a basic sense of meaning (through survival against odds) is lost.

But with physical needs met, the opportunity exists for us to find meaning beyond it.

One thing the RP gets absolutely correct is that in attraction biological needs *must* be met, especially in youth (when the impulse is strongest).

Transcendance without experiencing physical satiation, at least at some point, is near impossible - the behavior of saints.

Read 15 tweets
Dec 5th 2017
The only way to change women (and the world) is through yourself.

Why even smart people give useless advice on topics they're not involved in.

Intelligence is the ability to understand and analyze topics. Wisdom is the experience and memory of what a topic is like in practice.

Both are good and amplify each other, but the latter matters more.

Wisdom allows you to understand a topic at a human depth that is lacking from those on the sidelines.

Fat intellectuals may know Clauswitz by memory but they'll never know the smell and feel of combat.

This matters.

Read 9 tweets
Nov 24th 2017
In the beginning there were only 5 of us. Want to say a word about each and why they matter #Upstream #UpstreamTwitter #Thankful

Is one of the funniest guys I follow. The quintessential instigator, he's pissed off pretty much everyone at some point - myself included - for his own amusement.

Few realize tho he was responsible for organizing #Upstream. He put our thought into action.

Before @FeministAllyGuy there was no #Upstream. He alone pushed for us to think of a name and for us to take our idle conversations seriously. Thank you Hutt - without you this wouldn't have happened.

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