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More than meets the eye. By removing itself from World Medical Assoc (@medwma), Canadian Medical Assoc (@CMA_Docs) appears to be attempting to remove itself &🇨🇦’s MDs from International Code of #MedicalEthics. Why?…

#ethics #cdnpoli #onpoli
Some MDs in international medical community stating that it was @medwma’s criticism of CMA re below & #CMA not accepting its International Code of #MedicalEthics that led to CMA resignation


#hippocraticoath #consciencerights #ethics #cdnpoli #cdnhealth
World Medical Association @medwma developed modernized #HippocraticOath w/ #DeclarationOfGeneva in 1948 after WW2 atrocities & has had highest standard of International Code of #MedicalEthics for ~10M MDs globally... EXCEPT for 🇨🇦’s MDs since @CMA_Docs’ exit
#cdnpoli #cdnhealth🆘
Read 11 tweets
Here's a thread about the Rempel & Scheer Cons using a heinous crime to drive off a cliff to "own the libs". I REALLY want to say this is rock bottom for #cdnpoli but then I look south & remember we have room left to fall.…
FIRST OFF, I can't imagine what the Stafford family is going through. Do not mistake this thread as a defense of the prison transfer decision or being flippant to their loss. This thread is simply an examination of shrewd politics and false advocacy for political points.
Let's start with the basics. if you're for democracy and especially if you're against "Big Government" you really can't have the govt telling our law enforcement how to imprison specific people. That's sort of civics 101. Which is why we have procedure. But the Cons know this.
Read 14 tweets
Tori Stafford's Dad on tv. His pain is palpable. I feel so much for him and his family. And yet... The CPC have exploited this family's grief for partisan gain. Like many Canadians, he doesn't understand how our system works. #cdnpoli #ToriStafford 1/25
We do not have a system where the injured party can get "5 minutes alone" with the perpetrator. We do not have a system where politicians can hand-pick cases for special treatment or special punishment. 2/25
We have a rule of law, based on laws that have been developed and evolved over time, according to social mores and values, as these evolve over time. We used to have capital punishment. We used to hang people. And then, we were no longer comfortable with that solution. 3/25
Read 25 tweets
Anyone who thinks the PM of Canada should be in charge of where each prisoner resides should get their head examined or move to a country like Russia where the head of state personally jails people. Our corrections system is separate from political system for a reason. #cdnpoli
It’s a horrific crime Terri-Lynne McClintic did, however every person is in prison for a reason but it was the Harper government that agreed healing lodges were appropriate in rehabilitation. Every prisoner in those healing lodges has done something illegal. Not just her.
Trial by media is an incredible thing when you use an emotional story like the rape and murder of an 8 year old, but this was a decision by corrections Canada and the government has decided to review it (which is appropriate) but not interfere — which is their duty.
Read 5 tweets
Justin Trudeau's politics in a nutshell: Make grand, sweeping pronouncements and reap the precious political capital; then actively work against the commitment you ostensibly made… #cdnpoli
This has been a consistent feature of Trudeau's government and the way it conducts itself generally. Consider Carolyn Bennett going before the UN in the summer of 2016 to adopt UNDRIP and compare to the posture the government assumed mere months later:
Or consider the way the government has tended to posture around the issue of economic inequality on the world stage: in Europe, Trudeau sounds the alarm about rising inequality and in Canada he opposes universal programs and cuts taxes for people making 200K a year
Read 7 tweets
Ok, I’ve been avoiding doing a thread on #LNGCanada but I feel that it’s my duty as a climate hawk to try to address some unfounded concerns /1 #bcpoli #cdnpoli
I’ll start with a hot take. #LNGCanada is not only consistent with our carbon mitigation goals, it is *needed* if we are area to reduce GHG emissions to minimize a global temperature increase of 2 degrees /2
To understand this point, we first need step outside of our provincial mindsets: the most critical immediate global action to lower warming is substituting coal consumption in emerging economies /3
Read 26 tweets
Thread) I worked for an organization in my 20s that ran two Indigenous healing centres. One for men and one for women.The work they did and do with inmates is amazing.
The purpose of these centres in part is preparing people to be released #CdnPoli @CPC_HQ @liberal_party
The recidivism rate for those at these centres was incredibly low in part because of the intensive Indigenous focused programming to work thru the trauma that had led these men and women to commit crime. It’s hard work and they had to want to do the work to heal
Some centres allow the female inmates to have their children with them. This is designed to give these children the opportunity to bond with their parent in infanthood and again prepare the inmate for parenting thru courses and support.
Read 10 tweets
I just watched Katie Hopkins' new documentary about "genocide" of white people in South Africa, produced by Ezra Levant's Rebel Media. As far as delusional racist agitprop goes, it was completely unwatchable. A couple of thoughts... #plaasmoorde #cdnpoli
We've been waiting 8 months for this film's release. Since it is basically a mashup of her previously released videos, this delay makes absolutely no sense. What has she been doing??

I've already dealt with most of its themes for @africasacountry:…
#Plaasmoorde is completely unwatchable. It's basically a stream-of-consciousness veering between highly exploitative accounts of violent crime, dubious witnesses speculating about conspiracy theories. It's even worse than #Farmlands!
Read 19 tweets
Wendy Mesley questioned Maxime Bernier about his connections to the Koch brothers through the Montreal Economic Institute, which is supported by the Atlas Network.

She’s stumbled onto a big story that our team's been covering for a while… #cdnpoli /t
The Atlas Network, funded by the Kochs and other billionaire rightwing Republicans, are involved in Canadian political groups and supposedly non-partisan think-tanks:…

According to their website, they supported the following Canadian groups as of 2016: /2
Atlantic Insitute for Market Studies
Canadian Constitution Foundation
Canadian Taxpayers Federation
The Fraser Institute
Frontier Centre for Public Policy
Institute for Liberal Studies
Justice Centre for Constitution Freedoms
Ludwig Von Mises Institute of Canada
(cont) /3
Read 22 tweets
I’ve compiled a timeline detailing @jkenney’s 30 year fight against women’s reproductive rights. Please think long and hard before you allow this man to make decisions about women’s health care, contraceptives, sex education and abortion. (1/43) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
February 1990: Jason Kenney attempts to silence pro-choice activists at the University of San Francisco. (2/43) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
May 1998: Jason Kenney attends an anti-abortion rally in Ottawa. Kenney appears in his capacity as co-chair of the Pro-Life Caucus (PPLC). (3/43) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
Read 43 tweets
1/Have Albertans figured out the Scheer and Kenney trips to India?

Many must wonder why these lacklustre Opposition leaders with no mandate are suddenly jetting off to pretend they are doing real work in India. Why is India receiving them?

My hunch is...

#cdnpoli #abpoli
2/ based on some knowledge and some extrapolation.

BJP, the party of India's PM Modi, is a member party of the International Democratic Union - the right wing international group now led by Stephen Harper.

The IDU's purpose is to get Conservative governments elected around the
3/ world. So that foreign influence the Harper and Scheer party objects to when it comes to environmentalism doesn't apply to their party.

These trips are a breach of protocol. Opposition members do not have a mandate to conduct affairs of the government unless invited by the
Read 11 tweets
1/ So @jkenney, who has zero mandate to make deals on behalf of AB with foreign interests, is in India.

He talks to the infrastructure minister about leveraging the private sector re highways. Kenney, who couldn't understand the Carillion bankruptcy proceedings.

#ableg #ABpoli
2/ And he seems to have misrepresented himself as a minister. But, hey, we all pretend to be something we're not, right? Normal for a party leader to embarrass themselves like that, isn't it?

@UCPCaucus seems to think so. Doesn't seem to understand the ethics issue.
3/ So Kenney moves on to talk AB oil and gas with India's oil execs. We are told in his tweets about how great this market is as target for export.

JK still doesn't understand that we have no trouble finding markets; we can't get our product to them. So what assurances is he
Read 8 tweets
As many have probably guessed, my DNA does not allow any allegiance to conservative philosophy. There is a time to save & a time to spend and our greatest responsibility is to those among us who have the least. But, I seem to recall a time when the conservatives... 1/10 #cdnpoli
Were not wholly evil. When they seemed to have some vague concern for widows and orphans and those who were struggling. When they wanted good for Canadians and were just a bit off on how to get there... 2/10
I remember when Sterling Lyon was elected and my Dad said, "Just watch now. Manitoba is going to be punished for keeping him out of government for so long." And, sure enough, first thing he did was cancel Mincome. Just like Ford. 3/10
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Mr. Poilievre, how can it have escaped your notice that there has been a structural change in the oil industry that began with the mid-2014 (pre-Trudeau) plummet in oil prices. The cause of that decline was a global and North American supply glut. /2 #cdnpoli
2/ That glut was caused by the oil industry. It developed the technologies needed to tap tight (shale) oil, thus giving the Americans their shale oil boom and declining interest in Canadian oil. Low prices were particularly challenging for oil sands producers' higher costs. /3
3/ Oil sands producers set about successfully reducing their costs via consolidation, job-cuts, automation, etc. We are unlikely to return to the good ol' streets-paved-with-gold oil days. Pipeline companies are somewhat less enthused than they once were. /4
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Debate on Bill 31 (which overrides the charter and downsizes Toronto city council) is now underway, starting with Municipal Affairs Minister @SteveClarkPC. There are more government MPPS here than opposition MPPs #onpoli #topoli
@SteveClarkPC Clark says things like Toronto council's 15 hour debate on the city's budget are reasons why Toronto needs a smaller council. #onpoli #topoli
@SteveClarkPC Clark notes that the Ford government got support for triggering the notwithstanding clause from former premiers @christyclarkbc, @BradWall306 and Jean Charest #topoli #cdnpoli #onpoli
Read 64 tweets
#MarissaShen an innocent, beautiful life lost due to negligence & progressive left fantasy

Courage Canada.

"They shouldn't be crossing the border if we don't know who they are"

"This has nothing to do with race"

"This is about our land being safe"

#cdnpoli #NationalSecurity
Anti national security lone wolf.

#MarissaShen #cdnpoli #NationalSecurity #culture
Misguided globalist progressives & heavy denial. Even the tragic rumoured sexual assault & murder 1 charge of a precious child isn't enough to pierce through the fantasies.

The innocent pay the price every time.

#MarissaShen #NationalSecurity #cdnpoli

Read 4 tweets
Ibrahim Ali, accused in Marrisa Shen killing, makes 1st court appearance Friday

Several protesters outside the courthouse to support Shen's loved ones.

Court appearance delayed because Ali needed an interpreter.

Court Date for Syrian Refugee Charged With the First-Degree Murder of Marrisa Shen Delayed Until October 12th

"After two hours of delay and mounting protests outside, the court was adjourned after only minutes of proceedings."

Read 3 tweets
The leader of the newly-created People’s Party of Canada (PPC) @MaximeBernier #cdnpoli
Bernier says he came up with that name “because it’s time that the government put the Canadian people first when they make decisions and policies” #cdnpoli
According to @MaximeBernier - his new party (PPC) has already raised $140k despite being unable to issue tax receipts #cdnpoli
Read 14 tweets
.@cafreeland arrives to say a lot of work was done today, she had two meetings w PM and also a phone call with US Trade Rep Lighthizer. Canadian Amb to US and top Canadian negotiator are both returning to Washington tonight #cdnpoli
Freeland will not be returning to Washington at this point says she will keep in touch w negotiators and they are in a “continuous” negotiation at this point #cdnpoli
Asked if why she isn’t going to DC is because talks are at a stale mate, Freeland says “absolutely not” saying currently negotiators need to tackle some technical issues #cdnpoli
Read 9 tweets
So #Trudeau is spending #Canada into oblivion. Investment money is leaving or already left. #Canadamilitary lacks equipment and funding, with no long term strategy for procurement of military equipment. Rising interest rates (4th time since last summer) will eventually lead to-
hyper-inflation, absolutely devaluing investments such as Homes and Businesses of the average citizen. No Trade deal is even close to being signed. Massive new Taxes, waves of people entering the country illegally. A Prime minister who was found guilty of 4 felonies committed-
in the course of his duties as Prime Minister. Magically timed shootings coincide with gun control measures, at locations which would be celebrating holidays or having events where large numbers of people would be attending. #cdnpoli
Read 11 tweets
The @ONgov’s swift passing of #Bill5, cutting the size of Toronto’s city council, surprised many across Canada. Discover how this controversial bill broke the mould on #DemocraticProcess. #Thread below. [1/10] #OnPoli #CdnPoli @IRPP
When #Toronto City Council reviewed its own ward boundaries starting in 2014, there were 24 public meetings, 100+ in-person meetings, surveys and online engagement. 2/11
The previous #Ontario government created an expert panel which held 20+ public meetings before it added two new ridings. 3/10
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Today the First Nations challenge to #SiteC in BC Supreme Court resumes, asking for an injunction to stop work on the dam until the rest of the Treaty 8 infringement case is decided in court. A critical case for BC. Follow the #SiteC & #SiteCInjunction hashtags this week! #bcpoli
Heading over to 800 Smithe now for 9:45 entry. All are welcome to be in the courtroom - please join us. Latecomers not admitted; proceedings start 10 am sharp. #bcpoli
This final week of the #SiteCinjunction hearing involves lawyers from the Province of BC (we have already heard from @sage_legal on behalf of West Moberly & Prophet River FNs, and BC Hydro's lawyers. #bcpoli #SiteC
Read 238 tweets
[THREAD] Regarding the appeal court’s decision today to quash construction approvals for the #TransMountain pipeline expansion; a 2016 gov’t review process actually flagged the issues identified by the court today. #cdnpoli 1/12
In May 2016, the federal government announced a ministerial panel to review the #TransMountain expansion project. This panel was intended to assess the NEB’s review process and it took place after the NEB had completed its review of TM. #cdnpoli 2/12
On Nov. 1, 2016, this ministerial review panel submitted its report to government on the #TransMountain pipeline expansion. Two areas are of significance to today’s court ruling. #cdnpoli 3/12
Read 12 tweets

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