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I don't know if people truly understand the depths of my despair.

My insurance company said I reached their yearly cap in June. I am now responsible for 100% of all my cancer treatments, prescriptions, dr/hospital visits out of pocket myself until January 2019 when cap resets.
I have no way to pay for any of it.

Why is that important? Because my cancer will continue spreading to more and more organs while I wait for January to roll around.

I need to stop it from spreading NOW.
The longer I delay my cancer treatments - the farther it spreads.

The farther it spreads the higher my chances are of dying.

All of this is going on because we don't have #MedicareForAll.
Read 6 tweets
Still can't get over how @AHIPCoverage describes being a slave to your boss for health care as a happy "accident of history," like the discovery of beer.

What a pathetic organization.

How do you guys feel about the private health insurance lobby saying that it would be better to get a slightly nicer private health insurance plan than an actual raise? How fucked up is it that this is even a trade-off?
In other words, @AHIPCoverage likes #CoverageAtWork (i.e. job lock) because health insurance paid for by employers with pre-tax dollars is a gigantic subsidy to their parasitic and inefficient industry!
Read 8 tweets
There seems to be some confusion about #MedicareForAll. And while we're not sure the questions posed by @politico are being asked in good faith, we're going to answer them anyway.
Q: What does it even mean?

A: Improved #MedicareForAll describes a publicly funded #SinglePayer national health program that provides comprehensive coverage to all Americans.
Q. How would we pay for it?

A: We would combine existing sources of public funding (Medicare & Medicaid taxes, public employee coverage, tax deductions for employer-sponsored plans) with new progressive taxes that would replace our current premiums and deductibles.
Read 7 tweets
You've paid those expensive healthcare premiums for years, always on time, then one day, I diagnose you with a costly condition. You're covered, or so you think. Insurance companies have investigators who find ways to invalidate your policy, and they are great at their jobs.
You see, that coverage of yours has all sorts of stipulations, all crafted just in case you become a costly nuisance. They'll scour your medical records, finding something you might not have disclosed, not intentionally, but because that's the grift of it.
You'll fight it, going through a process designed to beat you down, all the while dealing with a health problem you can't afford. Now, you've got a pre-existing condition, and you might find an insurance company willing to cover you, but it'll cost you dearly.
Read 6 tweets
It seems that #SinglePayer opponents are gaining traction with the argument that improved #MedicareForAll would require painful sacrifices from doctors. This is false. In fact, the opposite is true. Let's nip this in the bud, shall we?
For starters, PNHP represents over 20,000 American doctors. Our members are passionate about practicing medicine, but they are not interested in taking a substantial pay cut. Under a well-designed #SinglePayer program, they won't have to.
Think about how doctors are paid in our current system. Today, Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance pay mostly on a fee-for-service basis. Private insurance usually pays the most, Medicaid usually pays the least, and Medicare usually pays in the middle.
Read 18 tweets
Today is my 32nd birthday, and my only wish is that my 71-year old father, who is suffering through Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) could live in a country that has a #MedicareForAll healthcare system, instead of a for-profit system that lets him suffer longer than he already has.
My dad was born in Iran, living there until he escaped during the 1979 revolution. For 35 years, he worked tirelessly to provide for my mother and I, but now, he has to go through this debilitating disease. Meanwhile, our government will do nothing to help him live a normal life.
I never knew how it felt to feel the impact of possibly losing a loved one, because of our atrocious healthcare system, but the more I think about what my own father is going through, it only makes me angrier, and now I'm realizing what millions of others have been going through.
Read 4 tweets
1/I've said many times that I am poor because I am unemployed (except for my writing) and I am unemployed because I am disabled.

I am now officially rejecting that shit.

I am still disabled. I still am not employed.

#Disability #ChronicIllness #poverty
2/But the reason I am unemployed is because society has deemed me disposable. This isn't on me.

#disabled #DisabledPeopleMatter #PplWDisabilitiesMATTER
3/It's because society has decided the WANTS of the abled (specifically in my case, to use fragrance and decorate with balloons) are more important than my survival. This isn't on me.

#BanBalloonsInstead #fragrance #MCS #MCAS #allergy #asthma
Read 18 tweets
I have a new piece @BostonReview on how the left needs to take global trade seriously, avoiding nationalism and protectionism and embracing global solutions that we can also implement at the national level. I'm going to tweet some points and solutions.ā€¦
First, the global trade system is disastrous for the world's workers, both in the U.S. and overseas. The reason is that capital mobility and international legal regimes and disconnected companies from any responsibility to anywhere or anything but shareholders.
Like the late 19th century, recent changes in capitalism have slapped us in the face and we don't really know how to respond. One of those changes is extreme capital mobility wrapped up in neoliberal trade agreements. How do we respond on the left?
Read 41 tweets
Thread. A dinner conversation over the weekend with some family members who identify as center-left led us to rehash Bernie vs Clinton. A few nuggets seemed worth sharing. Beyond understanding history in order not to repeat it, these reflections suggest paths forward. /1
Some bemoaned the GOP ā€œdiscipline,ā€ noting the partyā€™s unification behind its right wing. They blamed progressives and radicals for failing to support nominally better (if hypocritical) alternatives in moderate corporate @thedemocrats. /2
If there is a lesson to draw from GOP gains, however, itā€™s is that solidarity with a radical wing mobilizes the base. Boldness motivates voters & volunteersā€”even when the vision motivating it is insane, as Trump demonstrates. /3
Read 25 tweets
Tbh my biggest issue with @SenSanders #MedicareForAll idea is that it isn't radical enough, which is probably the result of political considerations. If it were up to me, I'd go much further than the basic "insure everyone" idea. (THREAD)
A lot of people seem to be complaining about how catastrophically expensive and economically unsound the idea is. But the root cause of this problem is the private sector that will likely retain the rights to the technology and medicine the Govt will buy.
So there's actually a very simple idea for reducing the healthcare expenditure on the Govt's part: take a bat to the price-fixing system of patents on drugs and technology that the Big Pharma bastards have been getting away with for so long.
Read 18 tweets
A major difference bt conservatives & the rest of us is that conservatives, for some reason, prioritize hypothetical violence above actual violence.

E.g. A woman MIGHT be assaulted in a bathroom > forcing #trans ppl to use the wrong bathroom actually IS dangerous for trans ppl
Militarized police are justified and necessary, because cops MIGHT get hurt during an occasionally dangerous job they agreed & are paid to do > people of color actually, currently being killed by cops
A not-yet-baby MIGHT experience SOME primal form of pain for a moment > Rates of death during childbirth are higher when women don't have access to legal abortion
Read 21 tweets
Will no one save me from Franken truthers?

Do any of you think about how it feels to victims of sexual assault to have you running around slandering the woman with the most progressive voting record in the Senate in defense of a man accused by nine women of sexual misonduct?
I don't know what is in the water tonight that put this back on Twitter again. Maybe @SenGillibrand leading a protest against #BrettKavanaugh. Maybe @TinaSmithMN being so obviously more engaged in that MN Senate seat than her predecessor.

But why not just stop it?

I liked Al Franken's books. I never was a fan of his jocular sexism.But he didn't bother me in the Senate because he was a back bencher.

Unlike Kirsten Gillibrand, who spent the last decade being the loudest voice for sexual assault victims in Congress. She made it her focus.
Read 17 tweets
In honor of #Medicaid's birthday, I'm going to do a quick thread on why I believe #MedicaidForAll makes a great deal more sense than #MedicareForAll. #Medicaid53
First, most #MedicareForAll proponents describe a health care program that looks a lot closer to Medicaid than it does to Medicare, in terms of benefits & cost-sharing.
This Vox piece from @singlepayertom and @_Middleman says #MedicareForAll should mean zero cost-sharing. Medicare doesn't work that way - Medicaid does.ā€¦
Read 19 tweets
I think the real question is "how do we create the means and foundation for the agenda," not the money to pay for it.

We always get money by taxing working class and middle class people.
That's how we pay for the two wars we've been in for over 15yrs.
The #healthcare industry employs millions of Americans.
In the only vision Bernie Sanders has ever presented, that somehow disappears and is replaced by something completely magic. He has never had a plan for it or "breaking up the banks."ā€¦
The most workable--and quick--plan we could get (if people vote in November and the Democrats regain the House)--is the #MedicareExtraForAll plan.

Getting people to give up their employer-paid insurance will be hard, but this could convince everyone.ā€¦
Read 9 tweets
Third Way, a group of self-described "moderate Democrats," is stoking fears that the progressive movement will hurt our chances at winning the mid-term and presidential elections. (1/4)ā€¦
Third Way, which consists of many Wall Street bankers and real estate developers, accuses progressives of wanting to end capitalism, while the "moderate Dems" merely want to mend it. This is a gross mischaracterization of the progressive movement. (2/4)
It's the corporate & financial interests who don't want change, while progressives are talking about what Millennials and Working Families want (i.e., #MedicareforAll, #CollegeforAll, #JobGuarantee, #UBI, 100% #RenewableEnergy)...(3/4)
Read 5 tweets
Let's have a conversation about #healthcare that's larger than who pays for it shall we? For this thread I'm going to assume we can pass #MedicareForAll and insurance is no longer an issue. Now let's talk about what problems would still exist for women's healthcare /1
In this scenario #Medicare4All has been passed with the repeal of #Hyde so we don't have a problem funding abortions for anyone! But wait...does that overturn #TRAP laws? Waiting periods? Personhood bills? Heartbeat bills? 20 week bans? Specifically fund Planned Parenthood /2
Unfortunately #MedicareForAll wouldn't overturn all those pesky anti abortion laws meaning abortion would be insured if (and that's a big if) you have access to it. The reason you need Planned Parenthood still is because not all doctors choose to perform abortion /3
Read 7 tweets
Today is the day! We're launching our #MedicareForAll Caucus in the House. Health care cannot be a luxury that's only available for the wealthy and well-connectedā€”it is a human right.

Join the #M4ACaucus LIVE now:ā€¦
Just days before the 53rd anniversary of @MedicareGov, I'm proud to launch our #MedicareForAll Caucus as a founding co-chair.

We're united today because we know health care must be affordable and accessible to ALL people in the U.S.

Medicare for All is the way forward.
With @keithellison, @RepDebDingell, @repmarkpocan, @NationalNurses, @popdemoc, @SSWorks, @Public_Citizen, activists, advocates and 62 other members of Congress, we are fighting for the conviction that health care is a human right. #MedicareForAll #M4ACaucus
Read 10 tweets
A Threadā¤µļøWaPo's List of Top 15 Dems to Run in 2020 (and my 2 cents on each)ā€¦
15. Oprah - Noprah! We have very little info as to her views on policy and, frankly, I'm not all about the celebrity angle UNLESS they have been strong activists or involved in politics prior to.
14. Mitch Landrieu - OK, this is the one guy on the list I don't know a lot about I'll admit. Donna Brazile loves this guy (so take that how you'd like) and here is an article stating why not to support him.ā€¦
Read 18 tweets
THREAD: Are you excited about @Ocasio2018's overwhelming victory tonight?

Good. You should be.

Now here's what you do next.

The first thing I need you to understand is that @Ocasio2018 didn't win because of a viral campaign ad (though it was a pretty kickass ad). She won because a tiny band of fiercely dedicated people BELIEVED she could win.

That's your first task: #Believe
.@Ocasio2018 also didn't crush Crowley because the establishment media suddenly decided to pay attention 3 weeks ago.

Team Ocasio, along with @BrandNew535 & @justicedems who jointly launched her campaign, have worked around the clock to make this, and other victories possible.
Read 25 tweets
I want to throw out a couple of thoughts I have about the mis-use of the term 'progressive' as a euphemism for 'liberal'. I've addressed this in public talks before but never put them to written media and would like feedback.
During the run up to the Iraq war and later, during #Occupy, I always considered myself a liberal, since that was the derisive term used by Rush, Hannity and others that I fundamentally disagreed with. It was a label I wore with pride.
I'm not sure exactly when "progressive" entered my lexicon - it was probably during the @BernieSanders campaign, and it seemed like every "liberal" politician was using the word to describe their positions.
Read 31 tweets
I'll be trying to avoid @UHC for the rest of my life, or until we get single payer. Here's a brief description of a terrible experience that really isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things.
I was on UHC, had no problems, then got a new job and extended it for one month with COBRA. Hurt my knee (I was on crutches for two months) and paid out of pocket to cover an MRI, bc doc's office didn't have my new card, couldn't run it. I paid knowing I was in-network.
They sent a claim denial to my doctor (not me, as they should have, since I filed the claim). They needed diagnosis codes. I went in person to the doc, got them, and called them in. They refused to accept them from me.
Read 9 tweets
It's #SinglePayerSunday!
Support #MedicareForAll and beware the scams!
May 13, 2018
The US Health Care Crisis:
Corporate Masters Cannot Solve Public Problems
#SinglePayerSunday #Medicare4Allā€¦
Progressives can be left and right at the same timeā€¦ via @TDOnline #SinglePayerSunday #MedicareForAll #Medicare4All
Read 108 tweets
I usually work as a freelance software engineer. Today, Iā€™m a bike messenger. Thanks to a surprise layoff, I have to scramble to pay my rent & bills next month. I need to hit 20 deliveries by 12am to do it. Follow along! (Thread)
1/20. The notification for rush hour went off as I was writing the last tweet. This one took me to a pretty dead part of the city, so I have to schlep back to the Sunset or further to get more orders.
Along the way Iā€™ll be tweeting about labor laws, the welfare system, and San Franciscoā€™s insane economic divide. Letā€™s start with my visit to the SF Human Services building yesterday.
Read 95 tweets

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