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Sep 10th 2018
This article is from last December, but it's worth remembering. GOPers knew the #TaxScam would cause enormous deficits. They planned (and still plan) to dismantle Social Security and Medicare to pay for it. Problem is, SocSec and Medicare HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DEFICIT.

Both Social Security and Medicare are funded through dedicated taxes (your payroll taxes, otherwise known as FICA), and are NOT part of the general fund.

The only way to use SocSec and Medicare to pay for the #TaxScam is to STEAL *YOUR* HEALTHCARE AND RETIREMENT MONEY.

You have been paying into these special funds--which are NOT part of the general treasury, and contribute NOTHING to the deficit--you have been paying into these earmarked funds all your working life, under the promise that YOUR money would be there for you when you need it,

Read 5 tweets
Aug 28th 2018
1/ If anything “good“ came out of the 2016 election (besides the wonderful emergence of black, WOC, women lead political & activist groups) it’s that we no longer have to be forced to buy the lies coming from decades of Republican leadership:
2/For example, Lie #1: “That cutting taxes benefits everyone.” We know that the tax cuts don’t benefit everyone! The data has shown that the republicans #TaxScam is just that. We know that it only truly benefits the very rich.…
3/We know that those who do benefit from the tax cuts, the very wealthy, do not reinvest in their workers; they re-invest in stocks and bonuses for themselves.…
Read 13 tweets
Aug 23rd 2018
Yesterday, you took @BlueWaveCS #COTD @ACampaNajjar from 12.8 to 14.6 followers. 🤯

#ThursdayThoughts #COTD is @Shapiro4FL16 in #FL16 w/4.4.

His opponent @VernBuchanan bought a $5M yacht THE SAME DAY he voted for the #TaxScam giving himself a $2.1 million windfall.
(No, I'm not kidding. This really happened.)
Vern Buchanan bought yacht after voting for House version of GOP tax bill - Florida Politics
Still not convinced that our #COTD, @Shapiro4FL16, is running against a bad guy?

That yacht Buchanan bought after passing the #taxscam?

A foreign bank floated him those funds.
As it was actively lobbying FOR the #TaxScam bill.

Read 3 tweets
Jul 11th 2018
1. This idea that some #GOP have that the DT’s risky behavior is worth the risk because of the potential gains needs some tempering. In fact, the idea that DT would bring some flair for fortune-building from his business acumen was always dangerous.
2. For starters, there are few similarities between running a country and running a business and even fewer similarities between ‘business deals’ and global relations, foreign trade and the balance of power. And the latter issues, our POTUS barely comprehends.
3. #GOP leaders know this, but they’re still clinging to this monster of their own making. Let’s face it, 2 #SCOTUS seats, Ryan’s coveted #taxscam and busting up the #ACA is almost worth the destruction of the global economy, peaceful alliances, even their party, worth it.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 25th 2018
THREAD: The new tax law is a raw deal for the middle class. 83% of the benefits go to the 1%, and it blows a $1.5 trillion hole in the deficit. But don't just take my word for it, here's 42 examples of how the #TaxScam hurts working families as well as a vision for #ABetterDeal:
A plurality—42%–think the tax cuts favor the wealthy most of all. Only 29.6% say they favor the working and middle class.…
The Great Snake Oil Slump…
Read 53 tweets
Feb 18th 2018
THREAD: Why Mueller Already Matters, and Everything Helps. :
Mueller has put the @NRA on notice they are investigating Russian money laundering through them. So:

Russia ==> @NRA ==> @GOP ==> Trump, Inc.

The @NRA traitors have no plausible deniability
What does this mean? It means the funding sources the @GOP has used to prop up rancid puppets like Roy Moore and hoped to use for Arpaio is gone. It also means that the @GOP is no longer going to be able to keep their reverse laundromat:
@GOP ==> Trump, Inc ==> ??
Trump, Inc. has been absolutely voracious in getting money. From inappropriate spending at T properties (100% of it) to hats to overcharging the @GOP for basic services, stealing the money from the inauguration, plus the phony Innaug contributors.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 4th 2018
THREAD: I've seen this picture often. It lists 66 programs that Trump has/may cut in order to fund the #TaxScam. I was thinking 66 programs - but what ARE those programs. I intend to go through each one and see just how we ALL (that means Trump's base) are effected.
1. McGovern-Dole Food for Education Program.

The McGovern–Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program helps support education, child development and food security in low-income, food-deficit countries around the globe. The program provides for the
donation of U.S. agricultural commodities, as well as financial and technical assistance, to support school feeding and maternal and child nutrition projects.
Read 41 tweets
Dec 19th 2017
THREAD: I'm a small-business owner. A job creator. Met with my CPA; learned that @SenateGOP @HouseGOP #TaxScamBill #TaxScam will result in a massive net tax increase to my business & me, constraining employee wages, benefits, & our ability to hire.

@GOP will pay at ballot box.
2/ Talk to your accountant. If you run a small business or are an upper-middle-class professional, you are about to get hammered thanks to the @GOP, @SenBobCorker, @SenatorCollins, etc. You may think you're rich in their eyes—statistically you're right. But no.
3/ The @SenateGOP @HouseGOP @GOP is taking money from you—YOU, the real job creators—and giving $1.5 trillion to massive C-corporations. Country club Republican doctors, lawyers, accountants, small-business people who needed relief to expand? It's your pocket being picked.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 18th 2017
1. #TAXscam explained by a nerd -
Imagine a video game 500 yrs ago. Even though everyone had to play every day, only Christian white males were allowed to earn points from everyone's work. Everyone could pass their points down to their children, but only white males had points.
2. It's 2017 & rich white males have more experience points than everyone else. Not only do they have more experience points than everyone else, but they also have more health, property, and education points. They even stole points from others.
3. They look at their points and they decide (as the super players) they want more points from the total points available. So, they get together to change the rules. Through rules, they take away the ability of other players to earn more health, property, and education points.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 15th 2017
THREAD: Do you feel it? Something shifting? Accelerating? This week I keep hearing @TimothyDSnyder in my head. #Tyranny is on the move.
1. This week, the FCC voted to end #NetNeutrality despite its popularity. This give away to ISP's is more concerning than the normal kleptocratic giveaways of this regime because it directly affects media and public discourse.
2. Of course, we all knew it was coming. I didn't even wait for the news yesterday because I knew. I knew from Pai's appointment and the sham call for comments that they hid & then hijacked. I knew when they dumped the news the wed. before thanksgiving. Yesterday was confirmation
Read 24 tweets
Dec 10th 2017
THREAD: Architects & Engineers: I’ve been sitting on an airplane flying over the greatest nation on the planet and I have a few thoughts I’d like to share.
2/ I’m listening to my Spotify playlist and a song came on called You Were Born (link below.) It begins, “You were born into a strange world. Like a candle you were meant to share the fire. I don’t know where we come from. I don’t know where we go.”
3/ My great-grandparents were first-year immigrants. They came from Poland looking for a better life. They didn’t speak English. In fact their accents were so poor that the translation by immigration officers at Ellis Island actually altered our family name.
Read 41 tweets
Dec 8th 2017
This is such a powerful conversation. 11 minutes between swing #TaxScam vote @jeffflake and @AdyBarkan, a 33 year old dad with ALS. I hope @SenatorCollins will watch & consider the human impact of this vote. #FlakesOnAPlane
Read 11 tweets
Dec 7th 2017
THREAD: Here’s how @SenFranken should start his remarks tomorrow: My name is Al Franken and here is why I’m not resigning from the senate.
Our country is being hijacked by very bad people. Rapists and pedophiles and Nazis and Racists and Treasonists and Crooks and Liars and Thieves. I have behaved badly. I have mistreated women for many years. I have acted irresponsibly. And I am ashamed. And embarrassed.
I have apologized. And I will continue to apologize. And I will earn back the trust of the women of MN and the nation. But there is far to much at stake for me to resign this office. These are hard dark times. The soul of our nation is weakening by the day.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 4th 2017
Remember that fascism--in its original iteration--was a union between the corporate and the governing bodies.

After the #taxscam, it pays to review the historical definition of fascism to understand where we are now.
This is one description of the original Italian Fascism:
This was the rule under Fascism:
Read 51 tweets
Nov 30th 2017
This tax bill, this GOP, and this president are all directly related to Russia. You see, it's all tied together
2. As the Soviet Union fell, a group of right wingers hellbent on a conservative utopia formed the Krieble Institute #TrumpRussia…
3. They trained young Russians on conservative economic policy - and eventually backed Yeltsin financially and by helping him campaign.
Read 26 tweets
Nov 30th 2017
1/ On mental health and #Resistance (a personal story) THREAD: I was, for a while, trying to do an essay or “tweet...
2/ For context, I own my own business and that takes easily 60 hours a week of my time. And since that business is a mental health therapy practice, I can’t just emotionally “check out” and go to work anyhow. I have to be fully “present”, to the best of my ability, when I work.
3/ On top of that, my husband has severe chronic pain issues and I have the majority of all the home tasks, in addition to helping him with his ADLs (activities of daily living) to allow him to keep working because we can’t afford for him to quit.
Read 36 tweets
Nov 28th 2017
1. Thread: a bunch of links to resources to help you take action to stop the #GOPTaxBill...
Are you calling Congress all the time? WHY NOT? Use call tools and tweetable Senator-specific graphics at @CAPaction’s microsite:
Are you in DC? Protest at the Capitol tomorrow! Learn more—plus a nat'l day of action Wed, march on Wall St Dec 2, & another Capitol Hill action Dec 5, at this coalition site:
Read 17 tweets
Nov 20th 2017

We have only days to kill the #GOPTaxScam

We must call, fax write & show up to our Senators & House Representatives. Relentlessly. 🔥

Here's a script and why. 1/x
#TheResistance #TaxScam
We know the House has passed their version of the #GOPTaxPlan. We have no time to lose. We are in a race to defeat this. The Senate will be trying to pass their version next, but we can’t just wait on that. We need to full on hit the House & Senate to defeat this NOW. 2/x
The ordinary process (rule of order) for a tax plan is:
1. House and Senate pass their separate versions.
2 .There is a "conference" on a compromise.
3. The final compromise through BOTH Senate and House again.
4. The President signs it into law. 3/x #GOPTaxScam
Read 12 tweets
Nov 19th 2017
Considering the current GOP #TaxScam echoes many of the same elements as Kansas’ 2012 tax cut experiment, we should talk about the disaster that unfolded there. Thread/
In 2012, Governor Brownback (R) had a legislature full of Tea Party Republicans and passed a big tax cut bill.
He reduced the tax rates for most individuals and eliminated taxes on pass-through businesses. Pass-throughs are the small businesses like sole proprietorships, partnerships and S corporations.
Read 28 tweets
Nov 18th 2017
Yesterday, I spoke on the phone with a top elected official in Congress.

We talked strategy for stopping the #GOPTaxScam bill. This bill is moving fast. Here is what the person said. 1/x

#NotOnePenny #TrumpTaxScam
(I repped for @MoveOn. Was joined on the call with leaders from allied orgs. Here's what the elected official shared (with their permission)): 2/x
Now that the House has passed their #taxscam bill, we have no time to lose.

Senate is next, but we need to go all out on both Senate and House, can't pick one first. No time. 3/x
Read 26 tweets
Nov 18th 2017
The House passed their #TaxScam bill. Now it's all about the Senate. Here's the thing: By my count, we have 10 GOP Senators that could cause real problems for McConnell. We have to inundate them with calls/emails. Here they are:
Ron Johnson R-WI
He's said he'll vote no because he doesn't like the way the bill treats small businesses. Wisconsin - stay on him. Don't let him change his mind.
Senator Collins R-ME
She's one of the three that voted down Trumpcare & isn't happy with the ACA mandate repeal. Also, she's the author of the tax credit for teachers which got slashed in the House bill. Maine - stay on her!!
Read 14 tweets
Nov 2nd 2017
House Republicans are hoping to race massive changes into law before the American people see/1 #NotOnePenny #TaxScam’s just another GOP multi-trillion dollar giveaway to the wealthiest at the expense of the middle class and working Americans/2
And while Republicans have been desperately hiding the details about their bill, we already know this much is true: /3
Read 12 tweets

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