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Oct 7th 2018
This November 6th, I am calling on Republicans, Independents & #WalkAway Democrats to turn out in support of @POTUS and #VoteRed. Let's help @realDonaldTrump continue his agenda to #MAGA. We ALL win when we MAGA. We ALL benefit from jobs, record low unemployment & tax cuts.
Come Nov 6th, we need to finish reclaiming our country by showing up in record numbers to #VoteRed. Let's send our biggest msg yet to Dems, Liberal Media & the World, that we support @POTUS & we want to continue to #MAGA. Let's give @realDonaldTrump the tools he needs to do it.
Dedicate yourselves to helping get the word out every day between now and Nov 6th. Encourage your friends, family, co-workers & neighbors to #VoteRed. Don't forget the store clerk, or whomever else you encounter. Take Nov 6th off to volunteer at the polls or drive voters to vote.
Read 24 tweets
Sep 25th 2018
"Wait a second, if @realDonaldTrump meets with RR this Thursday because of previous Declas of FISA does that mean RR will be gone by resigning and POTUS appoints an AAG @TGowdySC until position can be filled at a later time??🍿? "
- Anon
#Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA #KAG
Read 5 tweets
Aug 26th 2018
1) Please bear with me my #Qanon and #TrumpTrain friends. I have some questions about #McCain and other subjects regarding unindicted, high profile, politician and non-politician criminals. No one can actually know the truth accept those behind the scenes, but . . . @LisaMei62
2) I'm curious about the theories I’m hearing and why you think this way. I’m hearing three theories about McCain, all of which presume he didn’t have cancer at all. a) He was tried by a military tribunal and put to death for treason . . . #Qanon @punkassaudrey
3) b) He committed suicide because he feared option A. c) He’s not actually dead but this has been scripted because he’s either cooperating or he’s in hiding. Here are my questions . . . #Qanon #TrumpTrain
Read 5 tweets
Aug 12th 2018
(1) Pedophilia in Hollywood is not new.

In an amazing book, "Selected by Extraterrestrials," by the late Bill Thompkins, shared a story of pedophilia happening in Hollywood in the 1950s.

High school-aged kids were having sex with 1st graders, and older.

Teacher's assistants...
(2)... were also having sex with kids of all school grades.

Teachers, too.

Pedophilia in Hollywood is multi-generational.

Grown ups abused, in turn, abused.

Father ~ son ~ grandson, etc.

Some of today's Hollywood kids are 4th generation in the Hollywood Pedo Culture ("HPC").
(3) The HPC was encouraged by, supported by and cultivated by the culture of #Democrats, #Marxists, #Progressives, #Socialists, #Globalists, etc.

They did unthinkable crimes with #children.

REALLY UNTHINKABLE, but if we are to #STOP this problem you HAVE to think about this.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 6th 2018
[Incoming Tweet Storm]
1. We are now just 91 days from the most important midterm election of our lifetime.

Leftists have brazenly exposed the anti-American sentiment that lies at their core.

From the hateful racism of #SarahJeong to the fascistic rants of #MaxineWaters.

2. More than 500 supporters of President Trump have been assaulted since he declared.

We saw the lawless Hillary-campaign-coordinated Chicago riot.

We saw the coordinated assaults on Trump supporters in San Jose.

We saw the bigotry of #KinoJimenez attacking a young teen.
3. The #FakeNewsMedia has largely ignored these attacks, including the explosive truths uncovered by @JamesOKeefeIII and @Project_Veritas in their #AmericanPravda series of reports.

The bias of the #MSM is now incontrovertible to fair-minded people, their cover is blown.

Read 18 tweets
Jul 30th 2018
#Qanon #Qanonpatriots #Qarmy #SuperElites #MAGA #KAG @Potus @realDonaldTrump "Something BIG about to drop" TONIGHT
#NXIVM & #ArizonaMafia whistleblower @realJeffreyP has come forward & has gone public.
His life is in danger
He lives the #GreatAwakening - Ultimate #WalkAway 🙏
When your best friend threatens to kill you and your whole family if you talk. Then you go public and #MakeItRain #Qanon
#NXIVM whistleblower @realJeffreyP has had enough!
Says he is going to drop something IMPORTANT @ 6pm pst! RT
Read 5 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
1) Political analysis of #DeepState strength as we head into August:

Basically we're headed into mop up operations. DeepState has almost completely lost their access to Military Grade Hardware. General Mattis has about 90% control of the Military/Industrial Complex now.
2) On the Federal Government Employee front, President Trump is reforming the US Personnel Office (OPM) rules to make it much easier to fire ANY employee who does not perform or refuses to comply to the current Administration. Current Fed Employees are getting the message.
3) On the Corporate funding of #DeepState front, @realDonaldTrump & the DOJ (Sessions) have put the fear of God into the Corporate Boards across America that jailtime awaits anybody who funds the DeepState co-conspirators. The cash spigot to DeepState is about 90% shut.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 20th 2018
Dear #MAGA+#TrumpTrain

36,914 American soldiers died fighting communism in Korea

58,220 American soldiers died fighting communism in Vietnam

Putin embraces the totalitarian ways of Russia's past

Trump AND EVERY DAMN ONE OF YOU are insulting and disrespecting both those
lived through hell, and those who died.

You disrespect the families of those whose loved ones served

2.7 million Americans served in Vietnam 10% of a generation

5.7 million Americans served during the Korean War

Over 8 MILLION gave it all to fight communist totalitarianism
But yet you MOCK a real hero like @SenJohnMcCain who served in that fight and follow a joke boy scout like #CadetBoneSpurs

You and your Trump are NOTHING but cowards and traitors following a man committing treason

You are boot lickers to Putin

Putin is NOT our friend!
Read 9 tweets
Jul 16th 2018
Dear people still riding that #TrumpTrain while wearing your #MAGA hats: You are being played. Trump is never going to have any kind of "understanding" with Putin. Putin likes it when people capitulate to him, but he'll never *respect" that. In Putin's eyes, Trump is a traitor.
Look, I don't like stupid caricatures of Russians, and I would very much like it if we had better relations with Russia - IF the Kremlin wasn't busy screwing us, attacking Ukraine, giving carte blanche to Assad, and otherwise acting like a bunch of dicks.
A whole lot of you are in my mentions asking me questions in all caps like, "BUT WHY DON'T YOU WANT TRUMP TO MAKE NICE WITH PUTIN, NAT-NAT? WHAT ARE YOU, SOME WARMONGER?" Precisely because I am *not* a warmonger, I want to give Putin what he needs: Clear red lines.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 10th 2018
(1) Obama tried to GIVE AWAY 10 AIRCRAFT CARRIERS to the UN.

Admiral Mike Rogers told Obama: "GFY."


(2) Admiral Mike Rogers is a major HERO, up there with Trump.

It was Rogers who approached Trump to ask Trump to run for president.

Rogers made it VERY clear to Trump that the military would have Trump's back.

Rogers made it clear that around 6,700 elite Powers that Be...
(3) ...would be quickly killed by the US Special Forces if anything happened to Trump, regardless of who may do it.

I've heard this same number from another source.

I had long given up on the idea of humans saving America and the world.

THANK YOU Rogers, Trump and Deplorables!
Read 3 tweets
Jul 10th 2018
Communist "Code Words" that you should be vigilant:

Minimum Wage
Social Justice

#QAnons #Qanon8chan #QAnon #TheStorm #Censorship #Treason #Propaganda #PsyOps #TrumpTrain #MAGA
I missed a very important code and that is: Free
Like FREE housing FREE internet FREE cars
Nothing is free in this world
When they say Free and promise that the government will pay it because the government has removed your most expensive commodity and that is your
Read 4 tweets
Jun 28th 2018
The Extra Super YUGE #Trumptrain just arrived with new passengers. Followback these patriots and RT the trains. . If you are new, follow the👆👆👆at the end of this train to get back to the beginning of the train. The whole train will be pinned to my profile page.
#RealTCU 🚂🚃
Read 11 tweets
Jun 25th 2018
Let's all of us (#MAGA and #Resistance) compare how many mass murdering terrorists are aligned with the progressive left in terms of feminism, LGBT+ equality, racial equality, religious equality... and how many are aligned with the conservative right in terms of the same:
1) Timothy McVeigh + 2 accomplices (168 deaths + at least 680 injuries in Apr 1995)

What does everybody (#MAGA #Resistance #TrumpTrain #BlueWave #BuildTheWall #ImpeachTrump #RedWave #VetsAgainstTrump) think: Progressives or Conservatives?
2) Eric Rudolph (2 deaths + at least 120 injuries from July 1996 – Jan 1998)

What does everybody (#MAGA #Resistance #TrumpTrain #BlueWave #BuildTheWall #ImpeachTrump #RedWave #VetsAgainstTrump) think: Progressive or Conservative?
Read 21 tweets
Jun 24th 2018
1. QAnon June 21 2018:

Organized riots being planned.
Counter measures in

#QAnon @POTUS #News #Trump #TrumpTrain #Patriots #Pray #Fight #PainComing #EVIL #Immigrants #Children #BewareOfPlannedRiots
2. Rush: Border Separation 'Entirely Manufactured Crisis'.
"This has been going on for years. It happened during the Obama admin. Nobody said a word..…

#QAnon @POTUS #News #Trump #Patriots #Pray #Fight #EVIL #FakeNews #Immigrants #BewareOfPlannedRiots
Read 48 tweets
May 18th 2018
1-Sanate school didn't have the landline/signal 2 call 911
2-NY Times wrote an article about Santafe shooting YESTERDAY
3-Valerie Jarrett as I promised U, started 2 beat the gun ban drum
#IamTheNRA #NRA #2ndAmendment
#HumanTrafficking #SaveTheChildren #NRA #MKULTRA
Read 32 tweets
May 17th 2018
#QAlert 5/17/18 This will be my THREAD for all #Q posts for Thursday May 17, 2018. Gina Haspel, 💯 authentic, Think Pickle Factory and more!

Spread the word! Let’s go!

@POTUS #WeAreQ #MAGA #ThursdayMotivation #QAnon #QArmy #WWG1WGA #IBOR #TheRainMakers #RETWEEET
#QAlert 5/17/18 Post 1391 #Q drops Gina Haspel’s career timeline. I added photo and article for her confirmation by the Senate.

@POTUS #WeAreQ #MAGA #ThursdayMotivation #QAnon #QArmy #WWG1WGA #IBOR #TheRainMakers #RETWEEET
#QAlert 5/17/18 Post 1393 we need a clean Justice system to bring Justice. In this post an Anon theorizes, “Schneiderman gone
Proper judge in place.” #Q responds:

Impressive, Anon.

@POTUS #WeAreQ #MAGA #ThursdayMotivation #QAnon #QArmy #WWG1WGA #IBOR #TheRainMakers #RETWEEET
Read 40 tweets
Apr 23rd 2018
#QAlert 4/23/18 This will be my THREAD for all of #Q's posts for Monday, April 23, 2018. Wake up! Happy Hunting! Armenia, NK freed, Order important, Happening now, World is Awakening Iran next and more! Let's Go!

@POTUS #QAnon #QAnonPosts #GreatAwakening #ItsHappening #MAGA
#QAlert 4/23/18 Post 1241- YUGE post here.
Iran is next.
CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2.
Jan 1.
Jun 1.
No inspection @ GZ NR sites.
No missile tech prevention.
Load carrying.

@POTUS #QAnon #QAnonPosts #GreatAwakening #ItsHappening #MAGA
#QAlert 4/23/18 Post 1242

Do you believe?
The world is awakening.…
@POTUS #QAnon #QAnonPosts #GreatAwakening #ItsHappening #MAGA
Read 34 tweets
Apr 20th 2018
#QAlert 4/20/18 This will be my THREAD for #Q posts for Friday, April 20, 2018. SR June JA, They fall for it every single time, TRUMP card coming, Palm tree and more! Check back for updates. Let's go!
@POTUS #QAnon #MAGA #TrumpCard #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #SethRich #FreeAssange
#QAlert 4/20/18 Post 1199 Looks like we will have answers on Seth Rich in June via Assange. Linked to DNC lawsuit. Insane.

Answer Q re: SR.
SR June JA.
@POTUS #QAnon #MAGA #TrumpCard #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #SethRich #FreeAssange
#QAlert 4/20/18 Post 1200 Anon replys "Bait" Another says, "Amazing. They are literally opening the door for you to drop all the info..."

Q Responds:
They fall for it every single time.
How do you ‘legally’ …….

@POTUS #QAnon #MAGA #TrumpCard #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening
Read 44 tweets
Apr 18th 2018
🚨🚨🚨 It's finally happening!
Congressional leadership issues criminal referrals for Comey, HRC, Lynch, McCabe, Strzok, and Page!
Read 7 tweets
Apr 16th 2018
This is the start of my thread called "In Your Dreams".

It's really about a nightmare. It's about the upcoming midterm elections and about the scary things that might happen.

Popcorn anyone?
1) I had a nightmare last night. The Democrats took control of Congress. I like my other reoccurring nightmare better, the one where a zombie is chasing me but the safety on my 380 is stuck. I have that one over and over. The thought of the Dems taking Congress is scarier.
2) When I woke up I started researching what can happen if the Dems DO take Congress in November. I’d rather have the Zombie dream again. At least then I could keep my purse pistol, it’s a small semi-automatic. I suspect semi’s will be one of the first things they take away.
Read 20 tweets

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