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Oct 1st 2018
1/ The following is my second analysis of a portion of Brett Kavanaugh's testimony during his hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on 27 September 2018.
2/ JOHN KENNEDY (beginning at 3:45:39): "I’m — I’m sorry, judge, for what you and your family have been through. And I’m sorry - for what Dr. Ford and her family have been through. It could have been avoided [long pause] Do you believe in God?"
Read 59 tweets
Sep 27th 2018
Quick analysis of smear campaign against #JudgeKavanaugh:
1. #Ford's accusation is LITTERED w/contradictions and lacks a SINGLE PIECE of corroboration. See:
2. #DeborahRamirez' claims were so unsubstantiated, w/o credibility or corroboration, that the #NYT REFUSED to publish an article about them. Ramirez admitted she only recalled that "Kavanaugh had exposed himself" after SIX DAYS of consulting her attorney.…
3. Accuser # 3, #JulieSwetnick, incredibly waited until YESTERDAY to release her outrageous claim that Kavanaugh was somehow a ring leader for a HS gang-rape circuit. Her claims were so incredulous and unsupported that the NYT again passed on writing an article about this.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 27th 2018
1. Woke up 3hrs too early, queasy and stressed. 2mins from now, we will likely be witness to a national misogynistic sham so deep and so blatant as to prove once and for all that the powerbrokers of US government do not believe women are human. #Kavanaugh #BelieveSurvivors #RAGE
2. I'll prob livetweet #Kavanaugh hearing, but I feel physically ill over how they've stacked the deck against #ChristinaBlaseyFord, ignored #JulieSwetnick's gang rape allegations, demonized #DeborahRamirez. How many more rapes will happen bec Trump &GOP brand claim women liars.
3. 0 reason other than corruption, misogyny, and partisanship for having no witnesses, no FBI investigation. Yet hypocrite Grassley, opens saying he wants a "Safe, comfortable, and dignified" hearing and a "show of civility"--then immediately misrepresents the issues. #Kavanaugh
Read 50 tweets
Sep 23rd 2018
This should NOT be framed as a He Said, She Said
Whys the @GOP rushing to dismiss what SHE SAID. Fords allegations are supported by the fact that Kavanaugh,in his & Judges own words,seemed to have an alcohol & party culture. Its disturbing to look at ALL we already know..THREAD👇
👉Kavanaugh says 'What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep'
👉The potential witness during the attempted rape refuses to testify & wrote a Memoir called 'Wasted'
👉Why are the GOP hiding 90% of Kavanaughs documents
👉It appears he already Perjured himself
👉Kavanaughs email after a "boys boat trip" mentions 'blacking out' & cautioned confidentiality-WHY?
👉Judges memoir is corroborated by Brett Kavanaughs own disturbing Yearbook entries
👉GOP indicate that even if Brett DID attempt to rape Dr Ford he should still be confirmed
Read 14 tweets
Sep 22nd 2018
This was one of the most shameful segments to run on @CNN. A hit job on #ProfessorFord with no counterbalance to reflect public opinion.
Has @CNN responded to the information in this thread?
So will @CNN cobble together another panel of Trump voters and GOP operatives to smear #DeborahRamirez?
Read 4 tweets

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