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Jul 18th 2018
THREAD: How would the Age of Reputation affect discourse in Social Media? (1/31)
(2/31) In the early days of the World Wide Web, there were few ways to validate that the person on the other end of a connection was actually that person. Becoming anonymous was easy, which was both powerful and frightening at the same time.
(3/31) A clever comic from the July 5, 1993 issue of The New Yorker proclaimed, "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog."…
Read 32 tweets
Jan 26th 2018
President Trump is PLAYING the democrats, Jack. He knows they will reject this deal that is MORE than generous to their interests, and show us again how irrelevant they are. Then R's will pass a more conservative #DACA bill with no dem support, claim ALL credit, and WIN!!! #MAGA
When Congress passed Tax Reform last month, @realDonaldTrump got every single democrat to vote AGAINST the American people. Democrats CAN'T do a deal with the President because they are so captive to their radical #Resist base. They lose every time!!! #MAGA
As the #SchumerShutdown demonstrated last weekend, @realDonaldTrump set up the democrats, pulled their pants down and showed us their ugly wrinkled butts. They are once again being played by an apex predator and a master negotiator. #MAGA
Read 11 tweets
Jan 24th 2018
1) #Qanon has a burning question for America.
This thread covers posts by Q from January 21 - 24, 2018.

First, I'd like to point out that Q moved to a different page due to malicious activity on #GreatAwakening

Currently, Q is posting here:
2) This post was sent the evening of the 21st, while I was recording a broadcast covering posts from that day.

It's a screenshot of an email from Todd Macklerr to Donna Brazille and John Podesta informing them of his current work on voting machines.
3) One of the anons points out that it seems to be a deleted email, possibly from Wikileaks.

#QAnon corrects him. It's not from Wikileaks. It's from the NSA database.
(Nothing is ever truly deleted.)
Read 88 tweets
Jan 24th 2018
1. Chucky has again over played his hand on DACA and Dreamers. How? Simple. He wanted an up and down vote on a fix for DACA and Dreamers from @GOP and @SenateMajLdr. Chucky thinks it is good and will force @GOP to do or he will have justification for #SchumerShutdown number 2.
2. However, what Chucky doesn't understand is that the up and down vote is a two edged sword. By trying to commit @GOP and @SenateMajLdr to this, it also binds Dems to allow the up and down vote to proceed. This means if a bill is proposed, NO FILIBUSTER will take place.
3. Dems thus have to allow vote on a bill or they will have violated the agreement and the justification for #SchumerShutdown number 2 is gone and optics even worse than last shutdown.
Read 11 tweets
Jan 23rd 2018
Chuck Schumer thought this was going to play out very differently for him. Now, #SchumerSellout & #SchumerSurrender are trending, following several days of #SchumerShutdown. What made it different this time?

Simple --> @realDonaldTrump?
2. Didn't take long for the GOP to put this together. Come on. Everyone has to admit it. This is funny. These are #SchumerSellout & #SchumerSurrender quotes from leftists. They just aggregated them.
3. And just for the record, they didn't get "less than nothing" from the #SchumerShutdown turned #SchumerSurrender. They got the @GOP within the margin of error on the generic ballot. Lol. Losing doesn't inspire enthusiasm. Good news for him, there's still plenty of time.
Read 3 tweets
Jan 22nd 2018
"#ChuckAndNancy" #LimousineLiberals #Politics -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Genevieve Wood: Schumer Shutdown Makes Clear Democrats’ Real Priorities…

#SchumerShutdown | #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #Soros #SJW #Antifa #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Antifa Member in Custody After Hospitalizing 56 Year Old Outside ‘Night For Freedom’ Event…
| #tcot #PJNET
Read 107 tweets
Jan 22nd 2018
1) Time for another #QAnon update.
This thread covers Q posts on January 21, 2018
Link to #Qanon8chan page:…
2) This is the first post by #QAnon today.
The image is incomplete.
(If you go to Q's page, you need to click the link at the bottom of the post to expand.)
3) This is the full image posted by #Qanon
As you can see, there's a lot of information.
We're going to break it down into sections.
(Where you decide to end one section and begin another is critical.)
Read 47 tweets
Jan 22nd 2018
Twitter messed with @Imperator_Rex3 tweetstorm on Iran/Obama
and broke his 38x up at the 24-mark
so we'll be meme-ing it

50%- #SchumerShutdown
50%- Related Articles

Rex says Obama did Treason
I'm not 100% sure
maybe I'm wrong
let's find out
Twitter messed with @Imperator_Rex3 38x tweetstorm on Iran/Obama
and broke it up at 24-mark
so we'll be meme-ing it

50%- #SchumerShutdown
50%- Related Articles

Rex says Obama did Treason
I'm not 100% sure
maybe I'm wrong
let's find out
Hezbollah & the Iran deal:
is Trump lining Obama up for charges of treason?
Don't rule it out.
Some thoughts.

Read 78 tweets
Jan 21st 2018
[1] #AboutTheOpioidEpidemic : There was a 300% rise in annual #opioid overdose fatalities in the past 10 years, mostly correlated with the #Obama presidency (Here are numbers for #Mass) :
[2] #AboutTheOpioidEpidemic : What most have not noticed, the OD RATES are highest in battleground electoral states. Not blue, not red - Battleground. Very high correlation .
[3] #AboutTheOpioidEpidemic : Nearly 200,000 American lives have been lost in the #opioidEpidemic . Possibly even 300,000 . While the media howls about #Charlottesville which was tragic, the #opioidepidemic is still rarely mentioned.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 21st 2018
1. New drop from Q with LOTS of info!!

Shutdown Primary Reasons.
Weaken military assets.
Inc illegal votes.
Black voters abandoning.
"Keep them starved"
"Keep them blind"
"Keep them stupid"
HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].

#ReleaseTheMemo @SchumerShutdown #QAnon
2. Message from Q to @Jack, MSM and other...


#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening @SchumerShutdown #ReleaseTheMemo
3. Q says this will be A WEEK TO REMEMBER!

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening @SchumerShutdown #ReleaseTheMemo
Read 11 tweets
Jan 21st 2018
A year in review on the WALL strategy. More detail
1. Trump runs and wins in Nov 8th,2016. His campaign promised among other agenda items a big beautiful Wall.

2. Nov 9th, 2016 the Dems and many gope promise there will be no Wall
3. Between Nov 9th, 2016 and Jan 20th, 2017 a very public and massive camapign was launched to push the concept that the Wall was not popular. Fake polls were employed, narratives were pushed that it wouldn't work, waste of money etc. All to get Trump to soften his stance.
4. Jan 20th, 2017 Trump takes oath of office. Promises strong protected borders. Jan 25th Trump signs EO to begin Wall

5. Jan 20th to May 2017. Wall funding is sought in the supplemental budget. The Senate obstructs. Gives money for border repair, prototypes but no Wall
Read 13 tweets
Jan 21st 2018
Dems have really put themselves in a tough spot with this shutdown. The overwhelming majority in the country do not want to see a government shutdown for resolving DACA....
... but the Dem base has been so radicalized that inevitable Dem backtracking will result in tantrums among the base, which is pretty weak in terms of anything binding it together beyond "resist".....
... if the roles were magically switched and I were an immoral Dem I would love to see the "opposition" squirm with a shutdown that went on for a week or two, but that would be if it were purely about politics, and not other things, incl. military....
Read 22 tweets
Jan 20th 2018
Do Democrat politicians prefer illegal aliens to Americans?

1) To understand the #SchumerShutdown, one need only look at Chicago
2) Chicago is known for its high crime…
3) Chicago has gun control. Since criminals don’t obey laws, gun control only disarms law-abiding citizens, stripping them of the right to defend themselves…
Read 13 tweets
Jan 20th 2018
Normally, I avoid politics, but as a military spouse, here are my thoughts on the #governmentshutdown2018 A THREAD.
2. My wife and I are discussing what we plan to do in the event the shutdown isn't solved by the next pay check. We have savings, but they are for my sons' tuition fund for college. We only have $3,000. Why are we debating between their futures and buying food?
3. My parents have said if the worst happens, they'll help us, but a) we are in another country and b) why are my 60 year old parents supporting us still when we are 30?
Read 12 tweets
Jan 19th 2018
months ago
Brian Cates wrote some fascinating threads on how

#1-Sessions are doing absolutely Nothing
#2- Who the F*ck is Mike Horowitz

bc JS/MH pulled off
one of the greatest LE deceptions ever

months ago
Brian Cates wrote some fascinating threads on how

#1-Sessions are doing absolutely Nothing
#2- Who the F*ck is Mike Horowitz

bc JS/MH pulled off
one of the greatest LE deceptions ever

All of these tweets, ideas, are @drawandstrike 's
I'm just to going to have some with them

1-I think a MOAB is about to drop on the Democrats
2- I want to taunt them
3- want to review the past

👇dec 30…
Read 129 tweets

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