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(1) Midterms are around the corner... Gotta say, the waters are changing. Reaction of today’s news is mostly POSITIVE. Even under liberal twitter feeds. They’re losing. Big time.
(2) Liberal celebrities, CNN pundits, Etc... are being chastised in the comments for expressing their views. The people are waking up and realizing they DON’T MATTER. We matter.
(3) the people who break their backs every day, the underdog, the average American. They feel good. I’m watching even hardcore liberal friends and dems, #walkaway. Those who call that a conspiracy theory, are mistaken.
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1) #America Was Founded As A #Christian Nation:
“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”
2) The Constitution honors the Christian Sabbath. This is found in Article 1, Section 7, & Clause 2 which in part follows: “If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law,”
3) When the Constitution was completed on September 17, 1787, it was signed by the delegates then to be ratified by the states. The delegates signed the Constitution in the “Year of our Lord.” This is a direct reference to Christianity. This is found in Article 7
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How Europe Raped Africa

The Berlin conference of 1884 is where European colonising nations basically carved up Africa. Historians refer to it as “the scramble for Africa”.

#Africa #Europe #WhiteSupremacy
The countries represented at the time included Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, #France, #Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, #Russia, #Spain, Sweden-Norway (unified from 1814-1905), #Turkey, and the United States of #America.
The Conference of 1884–85, also known as the Congo Conference, regulated European colonization and trade in #Africa during the New Imperialism period and coincided with Germany's sudden emergence as an imperial power.
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1/ Let us know when you realize that #TheStorm and is about to take place here on #America soil & the political landscape will be forever changed by @realDonaldTrump

#TheStormIsHere #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #MAGA #Trump #DrainTheSwamp

2/ Let us know when you realize that the #USMilitary asked @realDonaldTrump to run for #President in 2014 to protect your country & your #Freedoms.

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #MAGA #Trump #DrainTheSwamp…
3/ Let us know when you realize that #DonaldTrump is playing #4DChess to eradicate the #DeepState & their co-conspirators. #TheStorm, #QAnon & #TheGreatAwakening will become known as the greatest military op of all time.

#Trump #DrainTheSwamp - #MAGA

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This is a group that has:

- Consistently identified as #FSA
- Spent 2-3 yrs working w. #America
- Has engaged in yrs of international diplomacy & negotiations
- Led the fight against #ISIS
- Always opposed Al-Qaeda’s assertion of influence in #Aleppo
- Runs multiple CVE programs
Niet Buitenlandse Zaken maar het OM blunderde inzake al-Jabha al-Shaamiya - @RenaNetjes

- "Te suggereren dat al-Jabha al-Shaamiya hetzelfde is als AQ of IS is volslagen belachelijk. Wie tot die conclusie kwam, lijkt helaas niets te weten over de groep”
@RenaNetjes Amid controversy in the Netherlands’ over the nature of #FSA umbrella group al-Jabhat al-Shamiya, its former Special Envoy, @nikolaosvandam insists on the record he never met with the group.

I know for a fact that’s not true - I was in the same room, on multiple occasions.
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1. The weaponization of our society seems to cover just about every facet of #American lifestyle. From life's necessities to technology, to media, even our governing agencies. We have to ask: #WhereDoesItAllEnd?.. in #MartialLaw?

2. Let's first define what it means to '#Weaponize'. It's the opposite of what something is supposed to do:

A. Make drinking water unsafe
B. Make food poisonous instead of nutritious
C. Allow @TheJusticeDept to let crime flourish
D. Turn our news into lies: #FakeNews
3. Clearly, the single greatest threat to our society and our entire earth is #GeoEngineering - the spraying of our skies by both military & commercial aircraft.

Just #Lookup!.. it's not hard to spot But what are the motives? We've heard it all. #Chemtrails #OpChemtrails #HAARP
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At dinner, I learned more about corruption + racism built into society by our masters. A book we discussed (Zinn) was used as part of this "Left" resource's bibliography. I had to share. [A thread]

@BlackSocialists - thoughts on this resource?
It very simply lays out the case that we are all being controlled. It covers hidden history of the United States including their (and, due to the systems created by our masters, our) racism. 

#racism #systemicracism #history
If you haven't been in school for a while (or are in a terrible school), some of the words might trip you up. and are two good resources to help you.
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The Money is BIG @bonifacemwangi BIG. Land issues of #Samburu #Maa, #Rendille #Pokot is Politicians + #NIRT with #GoK behind them - and behind the land sales - they also use @NPSOfficial_KE, @AP's to evict pastoralists.
@ckfoot @gathara @alaminkimathi
Because it seems that this line of #CONservation has gotten international attention and more people are decrying the evictions of land from the indigenous community - the conservationists have taken an ugly turn - Sell wildlife....
Yet this is just as disastrous as evicting indigenous pastoralists.
• WILD LIFE belongs to #KENYANS as a whole, it cannot belong to eg, #NRT because it happens to be within those fences - fences which we agree, were put up illegally.
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Politicians used to avoid creating power because once created, it can be used by their opponents. First clue something is super wrong: They suddenly don't care. Every #POTUS from now on will have #SpecialCouncel. Goal: Destruction of public confidence in elected governance.
That's crushed tight in a single Tweet, so let's dig in a little. First consider deeply:
One of the biggest caps on the expansion of power in our history has been the goose/gander problem of politics. "If I grant myself this power, the other side will also have this power." Trying to create one-sided political power could be considered the holy grail of US politics.
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Learn something today about your government!

Article explains the difference of Democracy v. Republic but the picture is more succinct.…

Hint: We are a Constitutional Republic much to the Democrats’ chagrin. #History #America #USA
Often Democrats mislabel our governance and that’s not by accident. As you can see, Democracy in its purest form is not what most would want. Our constructional republic is a much better way to govern bc ppl have the power not government. The inalienable rights are irrevocable!
With all this talk these days about the First & Second Amendment, Democrats want you to forget those inalienable rights are irrevocable so they can impose requirements making it impossible to enjoy . This is a detriment to society. Ex. Chicago 2A & Social Media censorship 1A!
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This entire story deserves to be threaded & tagged. In posting, my focus is not to dwell on the past but look at #Today with critical #EyesOpen. It’s a reminder to #Vote and act for the #betterfuture of our country.

Here it is:…
1/ Former Republican @MaxBoot spent eight years trying to stop Obama as an aide to both @SenJohnMcCain McCain and @MittRomney and as a longtime conservative columnist.

Boot, who is now a columnist for the @washingtonpost was never a Trump fan
2/ but he did write a column the day after the election in which he argued that a @realDonaldTrump presidency “might not be so bad” and encouraged optimism.

Now, in a new piece for the Post, Boot is prepared to say that, actually, it is that bad.
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What is happening to some parts of #America? I mean seriously…

An online conspiracy theory known as “QAnon”, which is pushing dangerous disinformation on internet messaging boards, is gripping #Trump supporters.

These people are worse than clueless.…
#pt: Read this explainer on the @washingtonpost - it’s truly bizarre.

And people are believing this -- swallowing it hook, line & sinker.
@washingtonpost #QAnon followers think there are Illuminati around the world seeking to assassinate the President & that [for example] a paraglider who died near #Trump’s golf course in #Scotland was in fact an undercover Secret Service officer “shot” with “a heart attack gun.”

No kidding.
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1) #Patriots who love #America and support @realDonaldTrump, let's talk about burying the term #TrumpDerangedSyndrome - that's a bullsh*t caption for people who choose hatred, strife, division, lies, on and on. Key word "CHOOSE"!
2) Words are important. Ask any lawyer or judge. So what is the correct word... WAIT FOR IT..... it's simple, WICKED! Let's define that word correctly. First and foremost, it means evil and morally wrong.
3) Straight from the dictionary, here's more synonyms: evil · sinful · immoral · wrong · morally wrong · wrongful · bad · intended to or capable of harming someone or something. Extremely unpleasant.
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I saw George Takei speak last night about his life and career.
A life that has seen Japanese internment camps, the violence that accompanied the civil rights era, the struggle for LGBT recognition and basic dignities.
And a career that saw him offered roles as humiliating stereotypes and having to keep his most important relationships a secret to protect it.
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#GOPComplicit incumbents represent their donors over constituents.

🇺🇸All states have a moment
🔴All #GOPTraitors have a thread
💵Top donors tagged to rep(s)
📰Negative news in each thread

🔎from:batmanresist ST## / STSEN

Hold them accountable for their actions.
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On the one and 1/2 year anniversary of @realDonaldTrump being inaugurated as president, where exactly does #America stand? The Democrats and Leftists would lead you to believe that we are in chaos. I believe otherwise. 1/18
What has happened in those 1 1/2 years? Taxes have been lowered. The Democrats want to repeal that, and actually raise your taxes.

The economy is booming. Democrats say that was due to Obama, but if President Trump‘s policies were so bad, the economy would have reversed. 2/18
Jobs are growing and coming back to the country. #MSM doesn’t report this, and actually says there are no new jobs. There are actually more jobs than there are people to fill them. 3/18
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#Russia's Amb. to #US Anatoly Antonov speaking @ValdaiClub says #Moscow is ready to discuss #Putin's visit to #Washington
Antonov adds,another group of #US lawmakers are planning to visit #Russia following a rare trip to #Moscow by Republican members of #Congress this month.The Ambassador noted, however,there was little chance of a trip by Russian lawmakers to #America before congressional elections
Antonov: Politicians in #Washington are very far from the people. What they are doing doesn't meet interests of American people.
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President Obasanjo once called maintaining Nigeria Airways (NAL) irresponsible. Six years later, one of his successors, despite a petition from former NAL employees appealing for ₦45 billion in severance pay, is shopping the world for an investor for a proposed national carrier.
Between a ferocious fight over revenue sharing, and ignoring the obvious on Boko Haram, bad ideas seem to die slowly, such that it has almost obscured the recognition Nigeria’s music industry got from the world’s largest music label.
The latest #BokoHaram attacks don't suggest a resurgence of the group so much as they demonstrate its resilience, capacity for strategic hibernation and stealth.

They also indicate that the financing with which it procures weapons and its recruitment remain largely uninhibited.
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#President @realDonaldTrump's words, whether you accept his apology and his explanation, do not comport with his actions and his foreign policy toward #Russia. He has been one of the hardest presidents on Russia in recent memory.

#Trump #IntelligenceCommunity #Collusion
Where was the outrage when @BarackObama told Medvedev to inform #Putin "After my election I have more flexibility,"? I think much of the outrage being expressed- especially by #Republicans- is politically motivated.

#Trump #IntelligenceCommunity #Collusion #Russia
However, what @realDonaldTrump said was not right. It DID undermine our #IntelligenceCommunity, and it was a mistake. He has since corrected it and walked it back.

#Trump #HelsinkiSummit #Collusion #Russia #Putin
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NEW on coming #Putin @realDonaldTrump summit: (2nd THREAD)
1. In recent days #Moscow passed a two-page document to #Washington that should serve as a basis/draft for a bilateral communique the two Presidents should present after the #Helsinki talks.
2. According to #Rus sources #US accepted the paper but insisted an issue of "#Russia/n interference into American elections in 2016" is mentioned with due guarantees that this doesn't happen again.
3. Other statements on paper allegedly include themes of"sustaining dialogue b/n #Russia/n, #US officials,diplomats,military&security services" as well as development of economic ties,promotion of people-to-people contacts.Bilateral coop called one of factors for global stability
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America today is being governed by the minority because the majority is not consistently and collaboratively speaking up and speaking out. That has to change. Here’s my advice/rant to effect that change…
#resist #democracy #liberty #truth #justice #America #freedom
For all of us who care about our democracy & who cherish the freedom and liberty of being Americans, now is the time. Raise your voices. Contact your elected representatives at every level. Write letters, call in to radio programs, share on social media. VOTE. 2/6
To the Republicans who are concerned about the decline of our democracy: you must join your colleagues Ana Navarro, Steve Schmidt, & yes, George Will & speak out. Contact your party leaders and let them know this is not okay. Stand up for America and for American principles. 3/6
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#BREAKING: #Putin just hosted @AmbJohnBolton. #Russia's Defense Minister Shoigu & FM Lavrov were also both present.Putin said the fact that #US-Rus, "not in ther best form" are "result of acute domestic struggle in #America" & that "Rus never sought confrontation"
.@AmbJohnBolton reportedly said he came to discuss ways of improving bilateral rels: "Even in the past when we had seriius disagreements our leaders held meetings which was important for global stability. Prez #Trump committed to reaching this goal"
As #Putin having talks w/ @AmbJohnBolton this minute here's my earlier story on how #Bolton's appointment was seen in #Russia few months ago…
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