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Let's talk about math...specifically Sanders "Medicare for All" plan.

A study by George Mason University estimated that the plan would cost an estimated $32.6 trillion in new federal spending over 10 years.…

How much is that?

#MAGA #tcot

Well, GMU study estimated that DOUBLING all federal individual and corporate income taxes couldn't cover the additional costs.

A 2016 left-wing Urban Institute said about the same thing, estimating it would cost $32 trillion over same time period.…
So far, the left wing response to this has been to shrug and say "we will find the money somewhere." The only specific cuts they've proposed are to ICE, child detention, and the US military.

So let's do some back of envelope math to see if that's possible...

Read 16 tweets
2. Austin's diversity commission suggests that any street or monument that has any connection to slavery be renamed. I have the ultimate solution.
3. Let's just rename the USA 'Country A'.
Read 16 tweets
I know there is alot of frustration out there with the Republican Party. I have heard many say that we need to blow it up and start new. Well I strongly disagree with that line of thinking. What we need to do is remake it and rebrand it.

Thread 👇

#MAGA #PatriotsUnited #Trump
The Thing that all Republicans need to embrace is full throated Patriotism. We must become the Party that puts #AmericaFirst. The Dems have gone full fledged Communist , Globalist, and Anti American. #MAGA #KAG
All Republicans need to run on strong borders. This is one of the main issues that pisses me off most about many Republicans, they are ok with weak immigration. The left is going hard on being an open borders society, we can't have wishy washy Republicans on this anymore.
Read 12 tweets
#Iran has obviously not fully considered #Russia. Russia does not want a war between #Israel and #Iran in #Syria. So the Russians are now trying to mediate between the two nations. Russia has too much at stake in Syria. #SyriaStrikes #middleeast #tcot #ccot
#War between #Iran and #Syria would draw the #UnitedStatesOfAmerica into the fight and that would be a disaster for #Russia. Believe it or not, Russia does not want to tangle militarily with the US or Israel in Syria. #SyriaStrikes #middleeast #tcot #ccot
Scenario 1:
#Iran will launch another strike but it may come from #Hezbollah in #Lebanon or #Hamas in #Gaza. Or it could be another attack from #Syria into #Israel. My guess is that it will be a #terrorattack. #SyriaStrikes #middleeast #tcot #ccot #airstrike
Read 6 tweets
WATCH @HappeningNow with @JonScottFNC on @FoxNews 11:40am EST
The United Nations is urging President Donald J. Trump to not leave the Iran Nuclear…

Is this to preserve peace? Or is Europe trying to protect their economic investments in Iran? #tcot
Many #leftwing pundits mocking @netanyahu presentation as "histrionics", trying to discredit evidence #Israel has produced.

@SenTedCruz tweeted that the knee-jerk reaction against Israel is "a long historical pattern of baseless slander." Could it actually be #antisemetism tho?
Nearly 200 retired General + Flag officers signed a letter in 2015 urging #Congress to reject the #IranDeal. There were countless others who said the same thing, but @BarackObama & @JohnKerry pushed a bad deal through.…
Read 4 tweets

#Obama's Secret Army FOUND! (SES) Senior Executive Service

79 Mins

#SaturdayMorning #U1P #WakeUp #Truth #QAnon #MAGA #TrumpTrain #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #nwo #DeepState #CCOT #TCOT #StayWoke #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #ObamaGate #NotABot
Sorry bout system sounds but Keepvid no longer allows DL of vids. whatever, I wanted u to have a clip of this long vid

#SaturdayMorning #U1P #WakeUp #Truth #QAnon #MAGA #TrumpTrain #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #nwo #DeepState #CCOT #StayWoke #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #ObamaGate
Everything hidden comes to the light of exposure

Rewteet this video please

#SaturdayMorning #U1P #WakeUp #Truth #QAnon #MAGA #TrumpTrain #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #nwo #DeepState #CCOT #StayWoke #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #ObamaGate
Read 11 tweets
I don't support the #MAGA movement anymore As far as I'm concerned #Trump & #Sessions need be tried by the very #MilitaryTribunals it's "alleged" will litigate against the globalist satanic, freemason, luciferian cabal! My life is relective of their complicity based on eveidence!
Read 10 tweets
1-Exclusive: Soros-Linked Organizers of “Women’s March” Selected Anti-Trump Kids to Be Face of Parkland Tragedy – And Excluded Pro-Trump Kids

#tcot #MAGA…
2-This afternoon, the Gateway Pundit received a tip from a father of one of the Parkland school shooter survivors. Concerned and enraged, he confirmed what Gateway Pundit previously reported: these children are being used as political tools by the far left
3- Buzzfeed reported on, but left unexplored, the fact that these students are theater-trained. This explains these students’ comfort on camera
Read 7 tweets
In honor of #BlackHistoryMonth, “When Black Meant Republican”

“It’s easy to forget now, but just a few generations ago African-Americans overwhelmingly identified themselves as Republicans.”

#maga #RepublicanParty
In the fall of 1895 Atlanta put on one in a series of “International Expositions” designed to highlight its progress in recovering from the war. Racial tensions had been growing since southerners, at the end of Reconstruction, began instituting Jim Crow laws.
The organizers of the Exposition invited prominent black leader Booker T. Washington to give a keynote address. The position he took in that speech was a calculated gamble.
Read 17 tweets

[@POTUS] has given a VOICE to those that were IGNORED... They frankly had given up on what was going on in Washington and now we’re EXCITED!

They’re making positive, good changes that we’ve NEEDED for a LONG TIME.

#MAGA #Trump
Thank you #PresidentTrump for ALL you’ve done to #MAGA🇺🇸
Read 6 tweets
"#ChuckAndNancy" #LimousineLiberals #Politics -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Genevieve Wood: Schumer Shutdown Makes Clear Democrats’ Real Priorities…

#SchumerShutdown | #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #Soros #SJW #Antifa #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Antifa Member in Custody After Hospitalizing 56 Year Old Outside ‘Night For Freedom’ Event…
| #tcot #PJNET
Read 107 tweets
Dems have really put themselves in a tough spot with this shutdown. The overwhelming majority in the country do not want to see a government shutdown for resolving DACA....
... but the Dem base has been so radicalized that inevitable Dem backtracking will result in tantrums among the base, which is pretty weak in terms of anything binding it together beyond "resist".....
... if the roles were magically switched and I were an immoral Dem I would love to see the "opposition" squirm with a shutdown that went on for a week or two, but that would be if it were purely about politics, and not other things, incl. military....
Read 22 tweets
You get .5 mBTC Bitcoin for free & if you have an android or PC you can mine more #Bitcoin with free Smart Miner software.

Just register with email address & a password

#SundayMorning #AMJoy #QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #GreatAwakening #TrumpTrain #MAGA
I guess people do not believe something is FREE even tho they are told that it is FREE.

FREE MONEY, yea its only $6.50 in #Bitcoin, but it's free & can grow 4 FREE

See Thread, not a scam!

#SundayMorning #AMJoy #QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #GreatAwakening #TrumpTrain #MAGA #BTC
Read 13 tweets
This ENDS the Russia Narrative, I DECREE it in Jesus' Name! #CrowdStrike #QAnon

please see thread! retweet, share
#CrowdStrike #Qanon

please see thread!
Read 57 tweets

"UNLOCK the next mystery, get ready for the next adventure - you know who you are."


#nwo #TrumpTrain #CCOT #TCOT #DeepState #MAGA #PURGE #Qanon
President #Trump showed us #Qanon followers some love, and I saw one person on #CBTS on #8chan say, "love him"

I was about to cry... we love TRUMP!

#Pray4DJT #MAGA #TrumpTrain
Anonymous 12/13/17 (Wed) 15:30:36 5c0485 No.89759

Damn….I have never felt more Patriotic and Hopeful and Excited to be an American in my life! KNOWING that POTUS loves us and is throwing winks at us…damn I'm warm and fuzzy now!

#QAnon #TrumpTrain #QAnon
Read 6 tweets
Comment Seen on /pol/

Anonymous (ID: 6FoB9kvP) 11/18/17(Sat)06:11:52 No.149924187▶>>149924286 >>149924290

+++ House of Saud
++ Rothschild
+ Soros
Watch. Wait. Pray.
Read 3 tweets
1/ Trump admin is actively working to sentence ~200K innocent Salvadorans now legally in US to death. Let's talk about everything wrong with this rank @ICEgov propaganda from @CBSThisMorning & the complicity of these "journalists" in that plan. #SaveTPS…
2/ Let's start with that headline. Why would a crackdown on gangs be "controversial"? Gangs are bad, and few worse than MS-13. But @CBSThisMorning doesn't address it in the story at all, leaving reasonable people to assume that there is no rational counterpoint. But there is.
3/ If you watch story closely, there are threads that an actual journalist would have not only tugged, but yanked free until something snapped. But as the anchor notes at the end, @margbrennan had "amazing access" to @ICEgov operation. Clearly that access came at a steep price.
Read 24 tweets
Luciferian #Globalists black magic mural by #BOA

Secret footage taken in Beverly Hills in 2012 by a temporary employee working on the floor below

#QAnon #TheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabit #CBTS
#pedogate #pizzagate #Trump #nwo #TrumpTrain #CCOT #TCOT #DeepState #MAGA #PURGE
Ooops! I forgot the link!

People on the message forum, GLP, say that the images on the mural are moving. Look again.
Read 6 tweets
Purple Rain - What it Really Means

7 Mins

#God #Jesus #HolySpirit #Prince #Music #MAGA #CCOT #TCOT #TheResistance
I just reread it and I want to cry. Been listening to it over and over all morning.

Use to download the song.

I use Media Player Classic to play songs on windows

#QAnon followers listen to Purple Rain!

I just reread it and I want to cry. Been listening to it over and over all morning.

Use to download the song.

I use Media Player Classic to play songs on windows


Read 6 tweets

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