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Thread: just a snapshot of the increasing polarisation of the US Twittersphere ahead of the midterms.

Polarised communities proved to be an easy target for influence operations in 2014-18.…
Scanned three sets of paired election-related hashtags: #VoteRed / #VoteBlue, #RedWave2018 / #BlueWave2018, #FlipItRed / #FlipItBlue.

First scan covered 48 hours. Overall, pro-Democratic hashtags got significantly higher traffic (79k posts compared with 47k posts).
On this scan, users of pro-Democratic hashtags were roughly double the number of users on pro-Republican hashtags (40k users compared with 21k users).
Read 6 tweets
Just in case the GOP Sens like Ted Cruz and McConnell are telling the truth @ the GOP being 'fired up', donate to @JackyRosenNev who's win will help us get the Senate back. Donate…
2/"The Washington Post calls the Nevada Senate race Democrats’ “best pickup opportunity” in 2018, and POLITICO says we have “almost no shot” at taking back the Senate without it. But with a recent poll showing this race is a dead heat, the GOP is going ALL IN to protect this seat
3/"Mitch McConnell-linked groups are dumping MILLIONS into Nevada, and Donald Trump is actively campaigning for our extremist GOP opponent. That’s why a generous group of donors has offered to DOUBLE every dollar to flip this seat blue and take back the Senate for Democrats.
Read 4 tweets
This is weird beyond words..I wonder if Trump'll dish her, boy do I ever hope so-it'd help the #BlueWave quite a bit! #MondayMotivation #VoteBlue…
2/"Taylor Swift’s declaration that she plans to vote for Democrats next month fell like a hammer across the Trump-worshiping subforums of the far-right Internet, where people had convinced themselves, for reasons it will take some time to explain, that the world-famous pop star
3/"was a secret #MAGA fan. The news caught 4chan and Reddit trolls mid-post. On the pro-Trump r/The_Donald board, someone had just written out a sexual fantasy in which Swift and Kanye West hooked up because “Trump being the best president is actually something they both agree on
Read 24 tweets
What do Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah & Washington have in common?

#VoterRegistration deadlines on 10/8 & 10/9 🚨
Your ABSOLUTE DEADLINE to register to vote in the #2018Midterms is Tuesday, October 9th! 🚨

You can't vote if you're not registered! If you are registered, check for purges. They happen.
#RegisterNow #BlueWave…

Your ABSOLUTE DEADLINE to register to vote in the #2018Midterms is Tuesday, October 9th! 🚨

You can't vote if you're not registered! If you are registered, check for purges. They happen.

#VoteBlue #IPledgeToVote
Read 20 tweets
1/ " In a DEMOCRATIC society, majority rule must be coupled with guarantees of individual human rights that, in turn, serve to protect the rights of minorities--whether ethnic, religious, or political, or simply the losers in the debate over a piece of controversial legislation.
2/ "The rights of minorities do not depend upon the goodwill of the majority and cannot be eliminated by majority vote. The rights of minorities are protected because democratic laws and institutions protect the rights of all citizens."
3/ ""When a representative democracy operates in accordance with a constitution that limits the powers of the government and guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens, this form of government is a constitutional democracy. In such a society, the majority rules, and the rights
Read 9 tweets
🌪Wierdness Incoming🌪

Prepare for things to get really weird.

Trump Tower/Alfa Bank story is incoming

With regard to Kavanaugh, rumor has it he will be “The first Supreme Court Justice to go to prison. Another historic first on the way for Team Treason.”
#Kasowitz 💰#SIGINT

The former dean of Yale LS is shocked by Kav’s raw & savage partisan turn.

DC Circuit sent complaints abt Kav’s testimony to CJ Roberts

At issue Kav’s answers about his work in the Bush adm, & his lack of judicial temperament re his partisan comments about DEMs

Under scrutiny are Kav’s involvement in Memogate, GWB adm post the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01; USA Patriot Act inclusive of various domestic surveillance programs, airport screening programs & other privacy-related subjects.

Kav Is Sworn In post Confirmation Vote
Read 75 tweets
Trump says Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski ‘will never recover’ for voting no on Kavanaugh…
2/"“I think she will never recover from this,” Trump said. “I think the people from Alaska will never forgive her for what she did.” Evidently, Trump is paying so LITTLE attention to anything other than Kavanaugh's writings on the indictment of sitting Presidents, that he's
3/ COMPLETELY unaware that Kavanaugh also wrote that Indigenous people shouldn't receive public assistance..yea, he did that. And that, because of those writings, Murkowski's constituency were vehemently opposed to his confirmation. Jerk. #SundayMotivation #VoteBlue
Read 3 tweets
Did you guys see this? Have you seen what we did here? Surpassing 3 MIL in donations, we crashed the site right after Collins' speech yesterday. Very cool thing! #SaturdayMorning #VoteBlue…
2/"A crowdfunding site where activists have been raising money to defeat Sen. Susan Collins in 2020 was inundated with pledges Friday afternoon, after the Maine Republican announced she would support Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. By 3:55 p.m., the
3/"site had crashed, apparently overwhelmed.
“Senator Susan Collins has people more motivated than we’ve ever seen before,” Crowdpac tweeted. “Hold tight, we’ll be back shortly.” The site was back online a little less than two hours later. By Saturday morning, the campaign that
Read 19 tweets
He thinks that the fight he fueled will allow him to keep his job as Sen Majority Ldr, but Mitch, hell hath NO fury like the anger voting you're about to witness from Dems, so I wouldn't be so sure. @SaturdayThoughts #VoteBlue…
2/"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he never considered urging the White House to withdraw Brett M. Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court and called opposition to the judge a “great political gift” for Republicans ahead of next month’s midterm elections. In an
3/"interview with The Washington Post hours before Kavanaugh’s near-certain confirmation on Saturday afternoon, the Kentucky Republican again underscored his confidence in Kavanaugh’s denials of allegations of sexual misconduct decades ago while decrying the protesters who have
Read 21 tweets
Analysis | Here’s why the protests against Kavanaugh (and the Trump administration) won’t go away
#SaturdayMorning #VoteBlue #NoKavanaugh…
2/"Now that the highly contentious confirmation process for Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh is winding down, will the resolution dampen the fervor of recent activism? In the past two weeks, protesters have interrupted Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, blocked the
3/"streets around the Capitol, sung on the steps of the Supreme Court, occupied a Senate building, and much more — including calling for a national day of action today. In fact, survivors who confronted Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) in a Senate elevator live on CNN may have pushed
Read 14 tweets
If this 85 year old man is still alive when he's up for reelection in 2022, he won't run. But we have him for another FOUR years?! We need to win back the Senate, kids. Desperately. #SaturdayMorning #VoteBlue…
2/"Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) told reporters that the Senate Judiciary Committee’s inability to attract Republican women might be caused by its heavy workload, a remark the panel’s chairman tried to retract a few minutes later. “It’s a lot of work — maybe they don’t want
3/"to do it,” Grassley told the Wall Street Journal, NBC News and other outlets, as he headed toward the Senate floor for a speech by Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine). The committee, which has turned into a partisan hotbed in the past five years, has never had a Republican woman
Read 11 tweets
I called this.
More of these #NeverTrump 'allies' will defect to Trump.
Rick Wilson, Molly Mckew, Liz Mair, Louise Mensch, Erick Erickson, Tom Nichols are not liberal allies. They are working to keep GOP in power & therefore Trump. They share same ideological goals. #VoteBlue
For all you people that keep posting @ me that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." This is why I say No. #NeverTrump republicans are extreme conservatives with extreme goals. They believe Trump is an "anti abortion liberal masquerading as a conservative." He's proved them wrong
#NeverTrump republicans like Rick Wilson believe that Rand Paul is a "strong voice for limited gov't & criminal justice reform." Rand Paul is against the Civil Rights act of 1964 barring discrimination. This is what Rick thinks gives him a strong voice for justice reform. #Bigots
Read 3 tweets
Analysis | If Kavanaugh is confirmed, impeachment could follow. Here’s how. #CancelKavanaugh #ThursdayThoughts #VoteBlue…
2/"The countdown to the Senate vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh is underway. A limited FBI investigation into sexual assault claims against the federal judge is done. The agency’s report was sent to the White House on Wednesday, and lawmakers began reviewing it
3/"Thursday morning. With some swing-vote senators expressing satisfaction after their initial reads of the report, the odds appear to be increasing for Kavanaugh’s confirmation to a lifetime appointment to the nation’s highest court. So what comes next? In early September, even
Read 35 tweets
In Post-Trump's alternate universe, people evidently can't wrap their minds around doing something purely on principle. We have to fix this, kids! #CancelKavanaugh #VoteBlue #ImpeachTrump…
2/"North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D), in a tough reelection race in her deep-red state, announced today that she would vote against Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. She told local TV station WDAY that “the process was bad” and she’d be voting no.
3/"In a written statement, she explained, “In addition to the concerns about his past conduct, last Thursday’s hearing called into question Judge Kavanaugh’s current temperament, honesty, and impartiality. These are critical traits for any nominee to serve on the highest court in
Read 17 tweets
Perspective | Dishing up lies while proclaiming the love of facts, Trump and Sarah Sanders gaslight America #CancelKavanaugh #ThursdayThoughts #VoteBlue…
2/"President Trump’s assault on truth — and would-be truthtellers — has hit a new low. It may not seem possible, considering that this is a president who has misled or lied to the public thousands of times. But consider what happened in a White House news briefing Wednesday
3/"afternoon. Then consider this week’s rushed and restricted FBI investigation of Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh. And, finally, consider the administration’s response to the New York Times’s groundbreaking investigation of Trump family finances that was published this
Read 21 tweets
Longggg Thread?

Random word fun while comfortably numb

All the things you denied w All the things you denied were ever happening
are now falling at your feet in piles and heaps
You said it wasn’t & isn’t true
what was being pushed from the wave to the left of you,
Everyday you exclaimed fake news fake news!
But now whatever shall you say?
Children ripped from mothers arms because of the color of their skin & land of origin...
taken in their sleep to bathe in gas like the boy in striped pajamas again

You justified it...

Beautiful brown skin harassed & murdered by all the angry white skin
for simply being
Read 19 tweets

Sexual assault is about power as all thinking peoples know.

Kavanaugh has power.

Dr. Ford does not.

Here you see the primary problem in our system.

A power structure that is abhorrently skewed to the already powerful.

Stay with me here, this one's a doozy.
I want you to think of a case about five years ago. In Florida a kid got drunk, slaughtered some folks on the side of the road and got slap on the wrist.

He claimed "afluenza," sayin' he was too RICH to understand what he'd done.

And it WORKED.

He had rich parents, who on the state level had plenty of political influence. They had some real power. His parents hired expensive attorneys and experts, spent a bunch of money, and I assume favors, and he got off.

Read 16 tweets
1. #NeverTrumper Rick Wilson likes to use the expression "I like the cut of your jib..." The term was being used figuratively used to express like or dislike for someone like... Pompeo in 2015.... or
2. #NeverTrumper Rick Wilson 'liked the cut of Rep Ron Desantis' jib" Ron spoke at an event hosted by a White Race Theorist and was administrator on a racist Facebook page.... or..
3. #NeverTrumper Rick Wilson likes the cut of Tom Marino's jib. Marino's career is clouded with corruption charges. He gave an earlier endorsement to Trump and denied Trump was racist. Marino himself is a nativist and opposes a pathway for citizenship for illegal immigrants.. or
Read 5 tweets
"You deploy because your nation sends you to these places. And then one day you come home and you realize it was all a lie."

"Our town is dying. One out of every four homes is an abandoned dilapidated structure, and you get told; keep picking up trash and let leaders do what leaders do."

"Elected leaders in our towns, our states, in our COUNTRY are absolutely are self serving."

Read 9 tweets
🔥Most effective line of attack Dems have against GOP candidates for governor/House/Senate in the 20 states below?🔥

...they're all part of a lawsuit that allows insurance companies to STOP covering constituents w/preexisting medical conditions.

To them, GOP says "DIE mad."
States SPECIFICALLY ASKED Judge Reed O’Connor to strike down parts of the law that prohibit health insurance companies from refusing to cover people w/ pre-existing health conditions.

GOP voters must be made to understand that their leaders (including GOP candidates) are so determined to dismantle Obamacare they are perfectly willing to WATCH THEIR VOTERS DIE and/or lose every single penny the voters worked so hard for.
Read 8 tweets
Sickened tonight, listening to the stories of the many people living in this state, who refuse to evacuate areas threatened by Hurricane Florence; not because they don't believe there is a danger or because they aren't terrified—
—but because they fear entering a public shelter makes them vulnerable to ICE.

This is where we are now: people would rather face the fury of a natural disaster than the cruelty of our Government, and I don't blame them.
The transfer of ten million dollars from FEMA to ICE, crystalizes this Administration's commitment to cause trauma, not help people in it—and it's a flat-out human rights disgrace.
Read 6 tweets
HEY #Oklahoma #OK
Here’s a THREAD of ALL your Democratic Candidates with Twitter & Website Links.
Plus VOTER INFO links!
#VoteBlueOK #Midterms2018
#OK01 #OK02 #OK03 #OK04 #OK05

Application Form…
Check Registration & Find your Polling Place…
NOTE: DEMOCRATIC Party is allowing Independent (no party) voters to vote in its Primary elections in 2018.
#OK01 #OK02 #OK03 #OK04 #OK05
Democratic Candidate #OK01 #Oklahoma
Tim Gilpin

vs GOP Kevin Hern

Apply for Absentee Ballot by October 31st
Read 16 tweets
Here’s a THREAD all your Democratic Candidates #Midterms2018!
with photos, Twitter & Websites
& VOTER INFO links to Registration, Absentee, ID, Poll Worker
Register by October 13
Voter Registration #DELAWARE
Register & Check Registration Online here:
•By mail…
Check Registration
#Midterms NOVEMBER 6
Register by October 13

No Early Voting, but you can apply for in-person absentee voting.
Apply for Absentee Ballot here:
OR Print form…
And send to your Election Office
Read 8 tweets
Democrats need 2 seats to flip the senate

They need 1 of the following scenarios to come true:

•Democrats need to win Republican held seats in Arizona & Nevada

•They need to hold on to all 26 of their currently held seats, including Indiana & Missouri…
If Democrats lose 1 of their seats, they need to take Arizona, Nevada & Tennessee.

Democrats could sub in Texas for 1 of these 3 seats or carry all 4 & afford to lose 2 of their seats.

They can't afford to lose in West Virginia, where tRump won by more than 40 points in 2016.
Manchin has retained high single digit polling lead in Mountaineer St
It isn't difficult seeing his lead falling given tRump is well liked there

Good news for Dems is: results across these races are correlated
Winning 1 of these tight races means they're likely to win most of em
Read 4 tweets

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