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Sep 5th 2018
So, let's dive in again. Shall we?
I'm going to thread a bit on Alex Shnaider, Trump's partner in Trump Toronto.
For those of you that are new followers, first let me give a quick review of those funny-looking graphs you see me post from the offshore leaks database. /1
2/ Graphs like this one show a number of things.
A. By being in the database, we know that this account/company is offshore. The core reasons for having offshore LLCs is to negate taxation &/or hide ownership. The latter allows 4 blood money (profits from criminal endeavors)...
3/ to be laundered. Blood profits are made by these entities (or dumped into them), then placed in real estate, hedge funds, luxury goods, etc... So that it can enter our markets. Once that's done, the money is clean. It can move from there w/o the scrutiny of law enforcement.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 27th 2018
Quick thread to recap some of longtime Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen & his own attorneys' ties to foreign interests—including Qatar, Ukrainian oligarchs, and Russian president Vladimir Putin—in light of recent reporting:
$4 million Michael Cohen failed to pay taxes on includes $100,000 real-estate brokerage fee from representing company owned by a Qatar royal family member—according to the #PanamaPapers—who also owns Trump Park Ave condo bought directly from POTUS in 2005
FARA filings show Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen’s attorney Stephen Ryan registered in 2017 as foreign agent for the Qatari govt & its ambassador—who was at the 2016 Trump Tower meeting the same month Cohen allegedly asked Qatar for $1M+ in exchange for Trump admin access.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 15th 2018
[1] Much of #KetronIsland is owned by a real estate holding company run by a #GaryLundgren : Ketron Island Enterprises, Inc.

[2] Starting the very day after @realDonaldTrump won the election in 2016, speculation began about #GaryLundgren - "WILL GARY LUNDGREN NOW BE EXTRADITED FROM PANAMA, TO FACE JUSTICE IN THE UNITED STATES ?"

[3] .. because #GaryLundgren is a US fugitive, living in Panama

Even in 2015, he supposedly pissed off so many, that he was fearing assassination

"[He] has openly bragged that he was a partner in the insider trading scandal that was Financial Pacific"…
Read 7 tweets
Jun 6th 2018
So how does a population where family protection been made illegal arm themselves? A: Improvise

You see the predators do so already. They use molotov cocktails, sling acid, run down folks with vehicles, gen up pressure cooker bombs, ignite forests, make shivs, & even sling shit.
Small town in Mexico caught a paedo...
- and exercised deterrence
When arms were banned -- martial arts developed.
Read 25 tweets
May 28th 2018
The Top Donor to #PrioritiesUSA in 2016 was Paloma Partners, at the tune of $21 MILLION.…
Paloma Partners lead is Donald Sussman. According to information leaked to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Donald Sussman is a director of Simply Radiant Ltd., a company based in the British Virgin Islands.
Sussman’s firm, Paloma Partners, is a Simply Radiant shareholder, as are Paloma subsidiaries Golden Mountain Partners and Sunrise Partners, ICIJ data show.

Paul Wolansky, a former managing director at the Paloma Partners, is listed as a Simply Radiant director.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 6th 2018
Anyone seeing a pattern? 🧐


#QAnon #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp @POTUS #WWGOWGA

1) Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye sentenced to 24 years for Corruption…
Read 11 tweets
Feb 15th 2018
#NiravModi is just tip of the iceberg. It is a well-known fact that diamond trade is used for money-laundering & that this channels are used to finance terror activities around the globe including in India. Just check the #BlackMoney list from #Belgium?…
So now that media is waking upto #NiravModi's #Belgium connections important question that should be asked is who are these diamond merchants & how many of them are in the #BlackMoney list? Dont be amazed if you find barons on the list financing bollywood.
#NiravModi was setup by London auction houses of Christie & Sotheby involved in auctioning of ancient Indian idols & manuscripts stolen by East India Company spies & hoarded in the storeroom warehouses of British Empire's officers. This goes on even now & is a $5B black market.
Read 17 tweets
Feb 14th 2018
The Intercept has obtained DMs from a private Twitter group with @WikiLeaks and its most loyal supporters. It includes:

- A desire for GOP to win the 2016 election
- Trolling
- Anti-semitism
- Rampant misogyny, sexist attacks on feminists
- Transphobia…
One of the members of the group, Hazelpress, archived it to leak to the media after news broke that WikiLeaks was secretly talking to @DonaldJTrumpJr, urging Trump to reject election results as rigged if he lost, asking Trump to get Assange an Australian Ambassadorship
The archive spans May 2015 to Nov 2017, includes over 11k DMs, over 10% written by @WikiLeaks. We've published excerpts.…

We confirmed that the data is authentic by logging into Hazelpress's account (he provided his password) and checking his DMs.
Read 41 tweets
Jan 19th 2018
While everyone was understandably focused on #AwanGate, #OIG, #FISAgate, #UraniumOne, and more, President Trump has unshackled the FBI and is hot on the trail of the Clintons' #ChinaGate scandal from 1996. Let's examine...
A #ChinaGate primer. Summary: pay-to-play bribes funneled from China to Bill Clinton's re-election campaign. Key players: Johnny Chung and Ng Lap Seng. But in the years since, it has morphed into something much larger.…
In 2016, the #PanamaPapers exposed offshore shell games of the world's most notorious financial crooks. "Among them ... Chinese billionaire Ng Lap Seng, who was at the center of a Democratic fund-raising scandal when Bill Clinton was president."…
Read 21 tweets
Jan 9th 2018
In case you missed it when it was happening, would you like to hear a story about that time @WikiLeaks attacked brave investigative journalists for exposing Vladimir Putin's corruption?

Follow along. 1/x
In 2015 an anonymous source leaked a massive trove of tax haven data to the German newspaper @SZ. This was #PanamaPapers. It was an ABSURD amount of data. So SZ enlisted help from an international network of investigative journalists @ICIJ, who shared it further
In all, reporters working at over 100 media organizations, in 25 languages, collaborated on #PanamaPapers, and reported on dozens of huge scandals around the world. One of these partner organizations is @OCCRP, and does reporting on organized crime
Read 13 tweets
Dec 15th 2017
.@UofDallas researcher Ruth May is an expert in all things corporate in Russia and has worked to make connections in the trail of money flowing from Russian oligarchs to the GOP. This thread is her latest 👇 1/12…
According to May, digging through campaign finance reports available to the public shows troubling connections between Russian donors, Trump and a number of GOP leaders 2/12
The trail traces through Vladimir Putin, state-owned banks and state-affiliated companies, oligarchs and subsequently GOP leaders 3/12
Read 12 tweets
Nov 9th 2017
I don't study economics, but I do study terrorism, and 'demonetization will end terrorism finance' was one of the most ridiculous bogeys of the entire exercise. #DemonetisationAnniversary
The whole idea of fighting terror finance has been an abject failure in global discourse, not just in India's case. A shift to hawala movements have worked for global terror groups.
Terror finance moved away from intl financial systems long ago. Currency does not matter that much. Terror attacks are not 'expensive', not anymore anyway.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 5th 2017
#PanamaPapers was so 2016. @ICIJ, @OCCRP, @SZ, and so many other partners have got a new leak for you. Here are the #ParadisePapers. /1
In the 21st century, money crosses borders more easily, and with less oversight, than people. Read these stories to learn how this works. /2
The leak consists of millions of documents from two offshore law firms. /3…
Read 12 tweets
Nov 5th 2017
18 mois après #PanamaPapers, @lemondefr et + de 100 rédacs font une nouvelle série de révélations sur la finance offshore. RV ce soir 19h.
H- 20mn...
C'est parti : Voici les #ParadisePapers, une nouvelle plongée dans la finance offshore…
Read 50 tweets
Sep 18th 2017
1 Y tú dirás: ¿y a mí qué carajo me importa #Guatemala? Y yo te digo: #hilo
#En50Tweets #En7minutos
2 ¿Sabías que Guatemala es un frente clave en la batalla anticorrupción en Latam? Tanto (o +) que #LavaJato en Brasil o #PanamaPapers. ¿Por?
3 Pues por este señor...
Read 50 tweets

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