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1/5 Who was at the 2017 Munich Security Conference? Kansas called out specifically two people in attendance working against 🇺🇸 @JusticeOIG @intheMatrixxx @TheLastRefuge2…
2/5 Some new faces from the 2016 Halifax Security Forum came along to Munich 2017...wait til you look at 2018 Munich Security Conference

Is that #Deripaska? Yep

2016 Munich…

2016 Halifax…

2017 Munich…
Read 29 tweets
THREAD! 1-A number of experts are saying the recent @nytimes @ScottShaneNYT @MarkMazzettiNYT BIG #Trump-#Russia piece is one of the best pieces of journalism in recent years, and IT SURE IS. I had three levels of reaction to this as someone who has closely analyzed this topic.
2-1st, I was OVERJOYED that 1 of the best newspapers FINALLY gave 2 of their best journalists go-ahead & space to cover the #Trump-#Russia the only way it can be properly understood: a deep-dive detailed look at big, overall picture over time. Our society is better off for it!
3-2nd, I was SUPER frustrated generally cuz, 2+ years after topic should've obvi been covered this way only @NYTimes among biggest outlets has done this. W/ smaller respected outlets. Even 1 year into it only @aminterest/@submergingmkt, @newrepublic/@craigunger had. Circa 0 since
Read 20 tweets
#CampaignFinance records from the 1990 effort showed that
#Pence then 31, had been using political DONATIONS to pay the MORTGAGE on his house, his personal CREDIT CARD bill, groceries, GOLF tournament
for his wife.
#Resistance #Resist…
#Pence's older brothers, Ed Pence, is an executive at Cummins Inc., a company that manufactures engines for the #Russian military and has also used LOBBYING firms connected with #PaulManafort, indicating that Pence may have ties to #Russia.
#Pence gives #Putin brophile a new meaning and takes Russiaphilia to a whole new level. It gives Pence MOTIVE for IGNORING U.S. Congressman Cummings’ warning, last November, re #FLYNN.
Cummins is deeply involved in #Russia through sales and joint ventures.…
Read 4 tweets
Bijan Kian was head of Ex-Im Bank when Aliyev got the loan guarantees! 👀 Trump is close to Aliyev (thru Emin), Aliyev close to Putin: #TrumpTowerBaku #Flynn Airline Once Linked to Azerbaijan’s Ruling Family Got US Loan Guarantees, Mil Contracts, Planes…
Boeing and Aliyev. Boeing and Firtash. Anyone at Boeing gonna go down for these deals @Centrist? 🤔
Recall, Trump was mad at McCain b/c McCain blocked Trump from getting similar federal loan guarantees 🔥
Read 3 tweets
Was there a third important court event, on top of #Manafort and #Cohen verdicts? Prosecutors and Flynn lawyers agreed to postpone #Flynn’s sentencing; sentencing is the usual day of reckoning for cooperation.
It is not unheard-of for a “substantial assistance” motion to be filed after sentencing, but it’s rare. The #Flynn plea is in; the sentencing memos are presumably complete; the question of “substantial assistance” — cooperation — is the logical reason for postponement.
I may be reading too much into this terse and nondescript document, but very big things moving sometimes leave only small surface ripples.
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(1) Normalement, je ne tweete que sur le #climat et ses ramifications. Mais là, l'occasion était trop belle avec la saga #Trump relatée pour vous, chers français et lecteurs de ce pauvre @Le_Figaro par l'impayable @geliefig.…
@Le_Figaro @geliefig (2) Comme la presse libérale américaine, la presse européenne et française est atteinte par le désormais célèbre "Trump Derangement Syndrome", et cela remonte même avant son élection.
@Le_Figaro @geliefig (3) Il faut dire que les prédictions de la presse libérale et les MSM (main Stream Media) quant à l'issue d'élection américaine se sont révélées bien comiques.
Read 49 tweets
😡😬On November 6, 2016, in desperation and trying to stop the inevitable insanity, I explained how #MichaelFlynn , #PaulManafort, #CarterPage, #FellixSater and #DonaldTrump are connected with #Russia and work for the #Kremlin.…
As of August 21, 2018: 1. #Flynn: About to be sentenced but is still waiting as Mueller’s team "could believe Flynn has more information that is useful to the…
#Manafort: "found guilty on eight counts of fraud. Jury said it could not reach consensus on the other 10 charges against him. The charges carry a maximum sentence of decades in prison"…
Read 9 tweets
Trump revealed himself today. Bigly.
This piece from @adamdavidson in @NewYorker is all you need to know about Trump and the #TrumpTower meeting.
The facts could not be more clear.
We're just waiting for #Mueller, now.…
This is the tweet from Trump that says "I didn't know but who cares if I did."
It violates campaign finance LAW to conspire with a foreign gov't in an election.
It is the reason Mike #Flynn, Trump's former #NSA, has been indicted.
This is NOT #FakeNews.
The trajectory of events:
#TrumpTower meeting: 6/9
#Manafort--who was already advising Trump--takes over as campaign manager: 6/21
THAT SAME DAY: Guccifer 2.0 leaks #DNC docs
Manafort changes GOP platform: 7/11
During DNC, Trump calls on Russia to "find" Hillary's emails: 7/27
Read 7 tweets
1. #QAnon's been silent as we often see in prep and during @POTUS oversees travel, but h/o to @prayingmedic who's done a masterful review in the wake, or midst, of Page/#Strzok testimony for which the FBI lawyers have been attempting to restrict. #Q
2. #QAnon'd pointed a role of #PeterStrozk in how far back this'd gone. Although the Obama's FBI only opened up it's investigation into Trump campaign 7/31/16 when #Strzok met with London’s Australian embassy, we know it statrted way before July 16. #Q…
3. #QAnon We know that it was March 2016 when Brennan secretly visited Moscow, Mifsud first starts setting up Pap (3/14/16) to suggest arranging meetings w campaign & "#Russians", Carter Page joins (3/21), & WaPo reports Pap at “LCILP” as if unaware only been a matter of weeks #Q
Read 26 tweets
😁It's about to get fun!!
Flynn Judge Fumes at Mueller, Demands Flynn be in Court Within Days for Likely Showdown; Could Flynn Walk?…
#Flynn #QAnon #WWG1WGA #MAGA
Proof you can never satisfy the left, so why bother.🧐👇👇
Left’s Spite Against Kennedy Should Warn Anyone Trying To Please Them…
WOW!! 🧐
5,295 more sealed indictments it brings total=40,483

It's sounds like Huber and those 470 are very busy.😁
What a luxury, for persecutors quietly doing your work.
Sessions is doing more than you can imagine!!

#QAnon #WWG1WGA #MAGA #Sessions #Huber #SealedIndictments
Read 18 tweets

Outs Cohen as mtg w/ Qatari Ahmed Al-Rumaihi (AAR) on 12/12/18 at TT.

AAR accused of bribery re case filed by Ice Cube & bragged he bribed Flynn in stmt.

AAR runs Qatar’s SW fund, which is the biggest SH in ROSNEF🔥

Trump = 19% share in sale of R if 🚫sanctions
💣B O O M! 💣



Qatari Investor Ahmed Al-Rumaihi Accused in BriberyPlot Appears With Michael Cohen in Picture Posted by Stormy Daniel’s Lawyer…
Read 27 tweets

This thread relates to recent #Q posts and gives a big-picture explanation of the massive #Treason that #POTUS and #WhiteHats have been fighting. This almost led to a military #Coup against #Traitor44's regime.

Graphic below acts as a map to clarify key elements.
Many of the crucial components of the #Treason are contained w/in the "Shell Game" report compiled by #Patriot #ScottBennett. This was recently publicized on the internet, explained in this thread:
Ever wonder why #DEM AND #GOP leadership opposed #Trump w/such animus? #Flynn and #Trump knew about the level of #Corruption/#Treason involving the elite, on BOTH sides of the aisle. Trump would discover, reveal, and punish their crimes (#DrainTheSwamp).
Read 17 tweets
"House report backs claim that FBI agents did not think Flynn lied, despite guilty plea." May 1st - LAW DAY, is the deadline for the joint status report on Fynn's sentencing. Coincidence?

#QAnon #MAGA #Trump #POTUS
@realDonaldTrump #WWG1WGA

Read 17 tweets
1. 30 days ago #QAnon responded to an anon's exhortation to "Free Flynn". #Q responded that the "House Cleaning" process would be "done in 30" days. Today is the 30th day. Today, the House report backs up what the FBI agents said: Flynn didn't lie.… #Q
2. Hooray! #QAnon drops that "Flynn is safe." #Q asks us to consider, "Why would Flynn plead guilty to something untrue? Define testimony. Define ‘on record’. Who knows where the bodies are buried? Expand your thinking." #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakeningWorldwide
3. A #DeepStateInPanic'ed #Clown John #Brennan fires back at the report #QAnon mentions, the one #Q promised to us on the day, 30 days ago "Done in 30" by Q.
Read 33 tweets
#QAlert 4/27/18 This will me my THREAD for all of #Q's posts for Friday April 27, 2018. Flynn did NOT lie edition. Let's Go!

@POTUS #FreeFlynn #QArmy #QAnon #MAGA #TheRainMakers
#QAlert 4/27/18 Post 1280
“Done in 30.”
Why would Flynn plead guilty to something untrue?
Define testimony.
Define ‘on record’.
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
Flynn is safe.
Expand your thinking.
@POTUS #FreeFlynn #QArmy #QAnon #MAGA #KAG
#QAlert 4/27/18 Post 1281

What was completed and released today?
Re: Flynn?
“Done in 30.”

@POTUS #FreeFlynn #QArmy #QAnon #MAGA #KAG
Read 29 tweets
1. #QAnon has dropped intel on the 2-pronged strategy to defeat our #GreatAwakening: 1.) Sow fear and repression of the anon community (where #Q posts) with a distributed denial of service attack against the chans, &, 2.) Promise jobs & money to all.
2. #QAnon points to the story of the mentally ill Toronto van attacker being active on the chans. Anons note #Q's intel on #Clown ctrl of Armenia going down. Anon: attacker was an Armenian who'd been in the Canadian army for 2 months, and attacked right after the Armenian coup.
3. #QAnon links a ridiculous NBC story implying that Toronto van attacker's spawned a following of sexually frustrated men who could take to murderous reprisal against women by pumping it up on the chans (where #Q posts). One anon memes a book cover.…
Read 11 tweets
1 NEW Q on Monday🇺🇸
#Grassley/#PlannedParenthood 💥
Apr 23 2018 21:56:53 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: ac300a 1164847 NEW……
Coming soon.

#MAGA #QAnon #QanonPosts #Qanon4chan #WeHaveEverything #TrustThePlan #Qanon8chan #GreatAwakening
2 NEW Q on Monday🇺🇸
#Grassley/#PlannedParenthood #RedCross💥

Future Proves Past 🧐
Where Does All The Money Go??🤔
500 million=6 houses??🙄

#MAGA #QAnon #QanonPosts #Qanon4chan #WeHaveEverything #TrustThePlan #Qanon8chan #GreatAwakening #Haiti
3 NEW Q Early Tuesday🇺🇸
Hey @NBCNews @CBSNews @abcnews 🤡what gives???

#MSM refuses to report, anyone surprised??🙄 #Soon

#MAGA #QAnon #QanonPosts #Qanon4chan #WeHaveEverything #TrustThePlan #Qanon8chan #GreatAwakening #AdamSchiff #MockingbirdMedia #FakeNews
Read 174 tweets
#QAlert 4/22/18 This will be my THREAD for all #QanonPosts for Sunday, April 22, 2018. Civilization Jihadist, Salon article Michelle Bachmann "Witch Hunt", MB Connections and More! Check back for updates! Let's Go!
@POTUS #MAGA #QAnon #KAG #WitchHunt #Treason #WWG1WGA #redpilled
#QAlert 4/22/18 Post 1235…
Good article.
Don’t forget about Huma.
America for sale.
No name.
Inside out destruction.
HUMA & Hussein.
Who paid?
SA [vital].
#QAlert 4/22/18 Post 1236…
OHHHHH!! This is one of the reasons why POTUS keeps bringing up witch hunt! Link to 16 page letter by Bachman regarding the infiltration of MB in US GOV…
@POTUS #MAGA #QAnon #KAG #WitchHunt #Treason #WWG1WGA
Read 25 tweets
COMEY MEMOS: (THREAD) Working my way through the 15 pages of #ComeyMemos. Here are the most important and/or shocking revelations: 1/
During #Comey's 1/6/17 at Trump Tower, @Comey told Trump that the Russians allegedly had tapes involving Trump & prostitutes at a Moscow hotel in 2013. Could these be the infamous #PeeTapes? #ComeyMemos 2/
Trump also praised #Comey on 1/6/17 for his handling of the #ClintonEmails investigation. @realDonaldTrump lavished praise on @Comey, indicating that Comey had conducted himself "honorably" and had a great reputation. #ComeyMemos 3/
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1/ #QAnon

Follow-up re: meaning of "witness" in this post:

Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?
Flynn is safe.
Define 'witness'.
Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?…
2/ Earlier in the post, #Q had called out both #Manafort and #CarterPage as plants, something I had long suspected this based on their previous connections (#Podesta, #Russia, #DeepState). It was more obvious with Page since he had been an identified #FBI informant.
3/ #Q is basically implying in this post that, as hard as it may seem, #Mueller has been doing a quiet counter-coup investigation this whole time (going after inside plants)...which is WHY it was not YET supposed to be revealed that #Trump is not the criminal target.
Read 9 tweets
"Keeping Security Clearances after leaving Office requires a host of signatures on NDA’s. (Widely know Info) Here is what I find interesting. […]" @JennaNeen…
While My #Dad has #Alzheimer’s It Doesn’t have him, yet! He, often said...”the squeaky wheel squeaks for a reason.” In fact, he still says it♥️ #LoveyouDad As Someone Who #loves asking questions and digging for answers, Why all the squawk? #why #SaturdayMorning #Flynn 🤷🏼‍♀️
Read 5 tweets
The multipolar spin: how fascists operationalize left-wing resentment. Read what the @splcenter & @MaxBlumenthal don't want you to read here:…
And download it here:
"​During his recent tour of Europe, disgraced former Trump strategist Steve Bannon declared “Italy is in the lead.” /1 #antifa #Fascism
Amid the historic resurgence of the Italian far right that returned right-wing populist Silvio Berlusconi to prominence, Bannon fantasized about “the ultimate dream” of unifying the anti-establishment Five Star Movement with the far-right League (formerly the Northern League)- /2
Read 92 tweets
Yet again, msm is wasting time with a standard framework to analyze a #PutinPuppet development. So, #WhatWouldPutinDo? Well, if you saw the @RichardEngel special last Friday, then you know that Putin gave Kim the ICBMs he's been testing; well, Kim's fresh out...
1/, time to do something else, particularly because it's Putin's threat of #sanctions that matters. See, there's a fleet of freighters regularly sailing from #Vladivostok to nowhere specific - just out to sea... Where they turn off their transponder... Which is what the...
...Kim regime has been surviving on. So, why would Kim suddenly offer a weapons freeze for talks? Because Putin wants his puppet to survive the midterms (remember: flip Congress = impeachment). To get him votes, what could be better than the #KabukiTheatre of DT *saving*...
Read 4 tweets
Thank you! A must read! #CaterPage is the #TrumpRussiaCollusion That’s the reason why @SpeakerRyan & @DevinNunes decided to make up the #MemoDay to discredit the @FBI #faisa @SpeakerRyan has the nerve to lie, saying that it has nothing to do w/ @FBI or the #RussiaInvestigation ?
himself introduced #CaterPage ‘s name as a member of his campaign, the @FBI was listening & knew that #CarterPage had ties to #Russia ! That’s their job, it had nothing to do with being biased. #CaterPage is a #traitor working w/ #Russia & w/ a #US candidate!???
Connected to #Russia somehow: #Manafort #Flynn #Papadopoulos #CaterPage #TrumpTowerMeeting #Wikileaks tweets #JaredKushner #DonaldTrumpJr #Sessions Let alone @GOP #RussianRepublicans who actually got money💰from #RussianDonors Sorry, this is not a #Dem conspiracy is a REALITY!
Read 7 tweets

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