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Oct 4th 2018
Poised for MoD/Dutch ministry of defence presser in The Hague. Will try to live tweet. #Russia #GRU
Ambassador @PeterWilson speaking on behalf of @AlanDuncanMP whose flight was cancelled due to bad weather
Expecting details of joint intelligence operation relating to #Russia #GRU
Read 42 tweets
Sep 20th 2018
Herzl's heritage of #Zionism still triggers conflicts. @F_Zatari…
Currently, Zionism is the cause and culprit of the conflict in Palestine as this conflict never existed before the establishment of the Zionist movement in 1897.
More specifically, the establishment of the Zionist movement in the West and the consequences of its paramilitary activities in Palestine is the core cause for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 17th 2018
#MH17 JIT statement on the @mod_russia presser:
"In May 2018 the JIT specifically requested information concerning numbers found on several recovered missile parts." but Russia left them unanswered, I guess they prefer to communicate via press conference…
#MH17 JIT - "The JIT will meticulously study the materials presented today as soon as the Russian Federation makes the relevant documents available to the JIT as requested in May 2018 and required by UNSC resolution 2166."
Here the #MH17 JIT effectively calls the Russian Ministry of Defence out as liars:
Read 3 tweets
Aug 15th 2018
Let’s try.
Five likes - one simple fact about #MH17
1. Boeing 777 flight #MH17 belonged to MAS with 283 passengers and 15 crew onboard was shot down over Ukraine at July 17, 2014
2. Flight #MH17 was on its routine flight plan L980 flight corridor to point TAMAK at the border between Ukraine and RF:
Read 30 tweets
Jul 30th 2018
Malaysia = 1MDB = connected to the #WorldMobCoup. Keep that in mind as you read about #MH370 today.
And remember that Malaysia Airlines flight 17, #MH17 was shot down over Ukraine by a RUSSIAN MISSILE (per Netherlands & Australian gov’ts) in July 2014.…
1MDB is connected to Elliot Broidy of TrumpWorld
Read 3 tweets
Jul 16th 2018
4 years ago tomorrow (July 17, 2014), Malaysia Airlines Flight #MH17 was shot down by the Russian 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, killing all 298 men, women and children aboard. #TreasonSummit #HelsinkiSummit
Not an auspicious beginning.
• Kremlin describes very different agenda than Trump
• Trump makes no mention of election interference in his opening remarks
• congratulates Russia on the World Cup – but not the winner, France

No puppet. #TreasonSummit
Russia seconds #Trump’s tweet blaming U.S. for bad relations…

#BlameAmericaFirst (h/t @McFaul)

No puppet. #TreasonSummit
Read 33 tweets
Jul 8th 2018
Could all players and fans at the @FIFAWorldCup please remember that Russia is currently invading Ukraine and therefore it isn't polite to express support for Ukraine. It hurts Russians' feelings.
Take some basic etiquette lessons. In Russian if you say "в Украину" to mean "to Ukraine" it hurts their feelings because they don't consider Ukraine to be a country. Say "на Украину" to indicate that you think Ukraine is just a territory on the edge of Russia.
In Russia, don't say that Russia invaded Ukraine. Say that volunteers from Russia have gone to Ukraine to save the Russian-speaking population from a fascist genocide.
Read 7 tweets
May 26th 2018
Fairly predictable reaction from Kremlin / pro-Kremlin voices to the latest #MH17 findings: dismiss, distort and distract. But not, so far, dismay.…
Dismiss, such as the Russian MFA calling the investigation "openly biased and lopsided."

And both MFA and MoD complaining it "completely ignored" evidence.
Not to mention RT and Sputnik using language which, let's say, doesn't seem to be straining too hard for impartiality.

"Infamous," for example.

(Note that's not marked as a direct quote, so editorially, it belongs to RT.)
Read 6 tweets
May 26th 2018
This has been the French stance since 2014. Robust measures against Russian breaches of international law, conciliatory language in the Gaullist tradition of "Lisbon to Vladivostok" to give Putin and successors an off ramp and position France well if there is a shift to detente
So the balance Macron worked through was in a continuity with signals sent by France and the EU since 2014. If Russia opts to de-escalate in Donbas and back off Ukraine, Crimea will be isolated through sanctions that don't affect the rest of Russia
The outcome for Ukraine the EU has clearly signalled it can live with is a Cyprus scenario. Where the aggressor keeps some gains that are isolated by sanctions but backs off the rest of Ukraine. Once de-escalation happens back to business as usual
Read 6 tweets
May 25th 2018
Thread: Interesting to look at online traffic on #MH17 over the past day and a half.

Hamilton68 shows that it's the top theme being discussed in the Kremlin, pro-Kremlin and fellow-traveller spheres.

But it doesn't look like the message is getting through...
This is a @sysomos scan of traffic on MH17 since yesterday morning.

Almost 150,000 tweets.

First spike: JIT naming the 53rd Brigade as the source of the missile.

Second spike: NL and Aus holding Russia responsible.
These are the ten most-retweeted tweets.

Dominated by breaking news and factual reporting, such as @RFERL, @BBCBreaking, @SpectatorIndex.
Read 13 tweets
May 25th 2018
We at @bellingcat have finally published our report revealing the identity of #MH17 person of interest 'Andrei Ivanovich' (Orion) -- it's GRU officer Oleg Ivannikov, who previously served as Minister of Defense of South Ossetia (yes, seriously).…
Ivannikov served as Minister of Defense in South Ossetia from 2006-8 under the pseudonym of 'Andrei Ivanovich Laptev'. In 2012, he headed up a new think tank focusing on the breakaway republics of Georgia before going to Ukraine in 2014.…
We made the discovery by a series of connections from the phone number published in the original intercepted phone conversations related to MH17.
Read 16 tweets
May 25th 2018
When Russia downed MH17 over Ukraine, I thought surely that’s the West’s wake-up call to Putin’s shocking aggression. 4 yrs later, Russia uses the same playbook to avoid culpability—deny, lie & kick up the propaganda machine. Truth’s a great antidote👉NEW JIT investigation video
Netherlands, Australia Hold #Russia Responsible for 2014 Shooting Down of Malaysian Airliner #MH17, Killing All 298 Passengers. Russian response to indisputable evidence identifying 🇷🇺army, 🇷🇺missile & 🇷🇺soldiers? Same old denials & #disinformation.…
Russia masked its invasion of Ukraine w/ propaganda about "separatists" & "civil war." Flight MH17–downed by Russian forces w/ Russian equipment–blew the lid off Russia's lies, I wrote in 2015. It took time, but the Kremlin's finally busted for its terror.…
Read 4 tweets
May 25th 2018

Stone & Stinky (J-Ass) tick tock!

Weinstein indictment imminent.

Clapper: RU not only influenced the 2016 Elex, it DECIDED the OUTCOME of the election.

FBI vault releases a trove of docs re naughty boi Epstein.

Trump haz the sadz his bromance with KJU is over.

DOJ open probe into #BitCoin

Trump rolls back Dodd-Frank.😱

DEMs open probe into who leaked informant’s name. Nunes &. 45?

US takes aim at Russian hackers

Amazon’s Alexa is listening to you.

Sunflower deflects claims Trump is lining pockets re foreign policy🙄

👉🏼AU PM declares RU is a rogue state.

👉🏼AU FM accuses RU of murdering 298 souls.

👉🏼AU reveals a trove of evidence exists RU shot down MH17 killing 37 AUs.

😱Did Manafort, Akhmetov & Kilimnik move the BUK (missile) thru Donetsk? Is Trump involved as well?
Read 57 tweets
May 25th 2018

Stone & Stinky (J-Ass) tick tock!

Weinstein indictment imminent.

Clapper: RU not only influenced the 2016 Elex, it DECIDED the OUTCOME of the election.

FBI vault releases a trove of docs re naughty boi Epstein.

Trump haz the sadz his bromance with KJU is over.

DOJ open probe into #BitCoin

Trump rolls back Dodd-Frank.😱

DEMs open probe into who leaked informant’s name. Nunes &. 45?

US takes aim at Russian hackers

Amazon’s Alexa is listening to you.

Sunflower deflects claims Trump is lining pockets re foreign policy🙄

👉🏼AU PM declares RU is a rogue state.

👉🏼AU FM accuses RU of murdering 298 souls.

👉🏼AU reveals a trove of evidence exists RU shot down MH17 killing 37 AUs.

😱Did Manafort, Akhmetov & Kilimnik move the BUK (missile) thru Donetsk? Is Trump involved as well?
Read 57 tweets
May 24th 2018
Dutch investigators say they have "legal and convincing evidence” showing that Russian army missile system shot down passenger flight #MH17 over Ukraine in 2014.…
Dutch investigators conclude what @bellingcat has been saying all along: A Russian army brigade owned the missile system that shot down a passenger jet in 2014, killing 298 people.…
Australia and Netherlands formally accuse Russia of being responsible for downing a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet in 2014.…
Read 3 tweets
May 24th 2018
The #MH17 investigation is about to hold a press conference. Widely expected to make clear responsibility for the shoot down.
A reminder: Malaysian Airlines MH17 was en route from Amterdamn to Kuala Lumpur when it was shot down over east Ukraine on July 17, 2014. All 298 on board were killed.
Previous conclusion: MH17 was downed by a BUK 9M38 series fired from Russian-backed separatist controlled territory
Read 30 tweets
Mar 16th 2018
"Every dictator, when the economy finally betrays them, must create the image of a besieged fortress." - @Kasparov63 on why dictators create national enemies.

In America, consider how Trump uses this strategy. For Trump, the alleged #FakeNews media is the national enemy.

teaches #PutinCon about the '99 Russian apartment bombings, an episode where Putin's gov't bombed his own people & framed the Chechens.

It was Russia's reichstag event & Russia's autocratic history since can only be viewed with this context.…
Read 33 tweets
Mar 9th 2018
The best way to gauge the Kremlin’s complicity is to consider that its involvement is directly proportionate to the number of conspiracy theories being floated by #Russia’s state media (e.g. #MH17). With respect to #Skripal, numerous “alternative story plots” are already in play.
Russia’s state media #Skripal conspiracy theory No.1:
“Accidental exposure”
Porton Down, where the Brits were experimenting with the same types of nerve agents, is located next door to where Skripal and his daughter were found.
Read 22 tweets
Feb 19th 2018
In combinatie met goed getimede storingen in het donorregister, regelmatige bezoekjes aan vergrijzingstehuizen en hypermoderne mobiele uitbeenklinieken, kan Nederland een bloeiende orgaanindustrie tegemoet zien. #donorwet #sleepwet
Met een goed functionerend #sleepwet|netwerk kunnen geschikte kandidaat-orgaandonoren worden opgespoord en nog dezelfde dag een in vertrouwen overeengekomen vrijwillige bijdrage in natura leveren. #donorwet
#Holleeder wekt een betrouwbaarder indruk dan de gemiddelde politicus afkomstig uit de andere als politieke partijen geregistreerde organisaties, dus dat zal het vertrouwen in de politiek alleen maar goed doen.
Read 11 tweets

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