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For the record, I know nothing about astrology.
I love Astronomy!!!
I was even on the core team during the repair the Hubble Telescope while the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) which was installed during Servicing Mission 4 (STS-125) in May 2009.
Astronomy (from Greek: ἀστρονομία) is a natural science that studies celestial objects & phenomena. It applies mathematics, physics, & chemistry, in an effort to explain the origin of those objects & phenomena & their evolution. I love looking at the stars.
Objects of interest include planets, moons, stars, galaxies, & comets; the phenomena include supernova explosions, gamma ray bursts, & cosmic microwave background radiation. More generally, all phenomena that originate outside Earth's atmosphere are w/in the purview of astronomy.
Read 49 tweets
1/4 One year ago, #HurricaneMaria devastated #PuertoRico. Despite the devastation, the spirit of Puerto Rico is stronger than ever and serves as a reminder to be resilient in our fight for a #JustRecovery.
2/4 MA is home to thousands of Puerto Ricans & loved ones displaced and affected by the disaster and I am committed to supporting those living in the MA-7 CD and advocating for a #JustRecovery process for the island. From Villa Victoria to Washington DC, I stand with #PuertoRico.
3/4 I recently had the honor of meeting with nurses from @nahnnursing. They are making a 2nd trip to bring necessary medical care, food, supplies, & hope to the island. They need volunteers, sponsors, and donations to expand their impact. Get involved:…
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DEAR MEDIA: Every single time you're appalled by something Trump says or does, report on the GOP sycophants who cover for him.

#PuertoRico #HurricaneMaria
More proof the GOP is the real problem:
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#PuertoRico mayor, two others arrested on corruption charges…
Donations sent to Puerto Rico were found rotting in a parking lot…
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Billions are being spent to detain immigrants. What a colossal waste on an immoral, hateful policy.

How many in the path of #Florence could that help?

"Southwest Key has received $1.39 billion..Baptist Child & Family Services has received $942 million.…
How many could it have helped in #PuertoRico?

How many people complaining about jobs and the economy could've had their lives improved?

How many mass shootings could've been stopped?

How many roads and bridges could've been built?

How much could we have improved health care?
How much more secure could we have made our elections?

How many climate disasters could we have ameliorated, if not prevented?

How many people could've been retrained for better paying jobs?

Think elections don't affect you?

They do, whether you know it or not

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#PuertoRico's imprisoned folks have been auctioned off to CoreCivic to be sent to AZ.
This despite opposition fr attys/orgs; concerns re healthcare at the AZ prison to which they'll be sent & CoreCivic's exploitative, dishonest & violent practices, as well as previous uprisings by PR's incarcerated folks who've been sent to mainland "US."…
A reminder that the vast majority of people imprisoned in #PuertoRico, just like everywhere else are Disabled, low/no income, indigenous/negatively radicalized.

This is a #DisabilityJustice+#RacialJustice+#EconomicJustice issue.

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Selected list of #indictments and #sentencings
Week of July 30, 2018
1. Las Cruces Man Pleads Guilty to Federal Child Pornography Charges.

#childpornography #projectsafechildhood #ICAC #NewMexico…
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⚡️Please vote for Bill Nelson @SenBillNelson for U.S. Senate!

🙌He stands up for what is right!

☑️Bill Nelson stood up for the kids after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
👉At the CNN Town Hall, he pointed out that Governor Rick Scott didn’t show up and even defended NRA money recipient Marco Rubio ($3,303,355 received from the NRA) for having the "guts" to show up and take criticism. A lot of it.

☑️Time and time again Bill Nelson stands up for the Environment. After the BP oil spill, Nelson co-sponsored the RESTORE Act, which directed money from BP fines to states affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.…
Read 15 tweets
Selected list of #indictments for June 27, June 28, and June 29, 2018
1. First Nationwide Undercover Operation Targeting Darknet Vendors Results in Arrests of More Than 35 Individuals Selling Illicit Goods and the Seizure of Weapons, Drugs and More Than $23.6 Million

#darknet #drugtrafficking #weaponstrafficking…
2. Multiple convictions in federal sex trafficking cases

#childsextrafficking #indianapolis #indiana…
Read 40 tweets
Marches don't do shit to solve the problems we face as a nation. Due to gerrymandering, Citizens United, NRA and cheating (Scotus, stolen election) we have no opportunity to hold our representatives accountable $ is their only constituent. #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch
#Resisters stop hoping that either #Mueller or #midterm2018 will right the wrongs of this regime. Realize we must be prepared to simultaneously attack and employ different tactics to win. We have to think out-of-the-box and #justdoit as 1st #womensmarch #msdstrong @MomsDemand
It's time to take a cue from our global trading partners and those who boycotted NC due to HB2 (Bathroom Bill). I propose a nation-wide boycott of GOP states and/or districts until families reunited, #puertorico #flint #BLM #DACA, #ACA #SCOTUS…
Read 12 tweets
Too little has been done to help the thousands still suffering in Puerto Rico from the effects of Hurricane Maria. With 6,000 Puerto Ricans resettling in our state we must do more....…
...In 2005 and 2012, the Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP) was activated to help pay for emergency housing, utilities, and relocation of victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. As your Congresswoman, I would seek to pass legislation mandating the activation of DHAP...
...for those affected by Hurricane Maria, and ensure that humanitarian disasters like the one in post-storm Puerto Rico are not repeated with future storms. We have a duty to help secure a stable future for our fellow Americans...
Read 4 tweets
1/ From amazing Twitter sleuth @ThomasS4217 #GeoGroup
Article from Nov 15, 2016:
"Bracewell & Giuliani represented Cornell Companies, a private prison operator that later merged with GEO Group. Giuliani never personally registered as a lobbyist." (con't)
2/ "Giuliani Security & Safety provided security advice to a Singapore gambling project on behalf of a partnership that included a tycoon close to the North Korean regime who is considered an organized crime figure by the U.S."
(More in next tweet from source article...)
3/ Nov 21, 2007:
In Sep 2006 "Giuliani appeared in Singapore🇸🇬 to help a Las Vegas developer make a pitch for a $3.5 billion casino resort." Giuliani Security & Safety had a 10-year agreement to provide security for the resort. (con't)…
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Hey @PressSec Sanders, You asked "Where are the apologies to Trump?" America wants to know; where are the apologies 👉🏽FROM👈🏽 Trump to NFL players for calling them unpatriotic & sons of bitches; to Gold-Star parents, Khizr & Ghazala Khan for implying that Mrs. Khan was not- 1/
allowed to speak because of their religion, that Mr. Khan's speech was written by someone else, & even worse, that Trump's "sacrifices" of "hard work" was somehow comparable to their son's death; to the leaders & citizens of African nations after he called them "shithole... 2/
countries"; to Mexicans, for implying all are "bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists."; to Haitians, for implying they all "have Aids"; to Latinos for calling them "animals"; to the women of America after he was recorded joking about he enjoyed committing... 3/
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1. I've tweeted a lot about this story so here's some more cohesive thoughts. Without emotion (god it's getting harder), and beyond the obvious notion that the government has a duty to have accurate numbers, this new numbers also matters because there will be more hurricanes.
2. In disaster management, there are five stages to a crisis: prevention, protection, response, recovery and resiliency. The "boom" (event) occurs between protection and response. It is why people like me talk in terms of left and right of boom.…
3. Each of these stages has its own focus, policies, etc. But I want to focus on resiliency, the last. Resiliency is more than a mood; it's actually a series of investments that make a system better than before. Because, there will be more hurricanes (& terror attacks, etc.)
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Para los que muestran preocupación, confusión y algún tipo de ansiedad con respecto a la visita del Republicano BOB CORKER en #Miraflores les daremos algunos tips que son necesarios sean conocidos por ustedes.
Para empezar este senador es uno del grupo GOP más recalcitrante y crítico de la administración Trump, es de #Chatanooga, senador por #Tennesse y con grandes intereses en la industria automotriz, a pesar de estos números NO QUIERE A TRUMP
El desamor (para hablar en los términos más llanos y entendibles posibles) vino cuando el Pdte. le metió la lupa a los tratados comerciales bajo el marco de NAFTA, que afectan principalmente a la industria automotriz asentada en #Tennesse
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Do I feel a thread coming on, like the flu? Possible.
This Gaza situation. I don't know if people (by people, I mean "people who can't find Gaza on a map, or don't know it's Occupied by Israel, or how close it is to Europe, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt...etc.) understand how dire it is.
When I was in Gaza 20 years ago, it was dire.
Read 96 tweets
TRUMP CHANGED HIS HEADER PHOTO… again. It may sound silly to mention it, but it IS important. Here’s why… (Thread)

We focus on his tweets – which is reasonable, considering how they could affect the entire frig'n planet – but when it comes to his header photos, we should 1/16
remember the old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Trump spends an inordinate amount of time obsessing over his header photo. He’s like an adolescent teen, sometimes changing it twice in a week. His choices are telling. Let’s start at the beginning, for his first 2/16
header photo, Trump chose one of his inauguration… except that it was wasn’t his. The photo was taken during OBAMA'S inauguration. Trump changed it to a flag an hour later after being called out, & again after that, to one of himself gazing out the window, probably wishing 3/16
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Now that the #NunesMemo has its own Twitter mockery hashtag, #YoMemoJokes, that's trending higher than the Memo's own hashtag, it's time to get back to the business of #TrumpRussia.
To recap:
Trump is buddies with Avfek Agalarov, a Putin ally.
The June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Kushner, DJT Jr and Manafort included 5 Russians:
-Rinat Akhmetshin, a Russian-American lobbyist & an ex-Soviet counter-intelligence officer
-Rob Goldstone (the Agalarovs' rep)
(June 6, 2017 Trump Tower meeting, cont.)
-Ike Kaveladze (Agalarov rep)
-Natalia Veselnitskaya (lawyer who lobbied against the Russian sanctions' Magnitsky Act, with Akhmetshin)
-Anatoli Samochornov (translator).
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It seems @realDonaldTrump is having trouble coming up with his “Fake News Awards.” Instead we can honor the watchdogs holding him accountable and bringing about change in America.

By no means exhaustive, here are some of the fantastic people you submitted. #TruthHasAVoice
From Trump’s bogus voter fraud claims to disbandment of the voter fraud commission, @ProPublica’s @JessicaHuseman has been diligently covering everything in between.
University of California at Irvine student/up and coming investigative journalist @ScottMStedman has been doing tremendous reporting unearthing new details about the #TrumpRussia scandal.
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Some thoughts on the debate between Coates and Cornel West, as someone who had the privilege to study with the latter.
I think a lot of folks misunderstand Dr. West’s position because they don’t put themselves in his way of seeing the world. Because for years Dr. West has been very consistent with his critiques of #Obama, #neoliberalism, and #internationalism
West sees the world through an #internationalist matrix of power. That means that, for him, understanding #WhiteSupremacy, for example, isn’t just about understanding individual #racist encounters in the US but understanding *policies* that disenfranchise non-white folk.
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At the risk of being called a party pooper, I'd like to remind #TheResistance that: 1. #TaxScamBill if anything GOP may now try to shove faster now, suppository style; 2. #NetNeutrality & #NationalMonuments are still in danger; 3. #infrastructure spending & many state services
have been cut to the bone; 4.#CorruptionMustDie & so does #nepotism, but both alive & well; 5. #NazisInAmerica & other hate group rampant, & there is no #GunControlNow or even serious discussion of it; 6. #StateDepartment is being decimated & deserted by many career ppl & that is
one of USA ramparts against isolation & a means to avoid wars; 7. worldwide US credibility, relevance & trustworthiness, even by staunch traditional allies, is at an all time low; 8. ppl whose only credentials are closeness to 45 are still in key positions & some have made wrong
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Here's a woman at an anti-nazi protest in Dallas. Yes, she's holding her relative's prison garb from the #Holocaust. #NoNazis
Here's the permanent marks of an evil bureaucracy.
Here are the shoes of Auschwitz victims.
Read 31 tweets
What #PuertoRico's Department of Public Safety (DPS), Héctor M. Pesquera is saying about @buzzfeednews article on 911 cremations
So a few things to keep in mind about this statement from Pesquera.
1) The PR gov't says that 911 cremations happened from 9/20/17 to 10/18/17. All natural deaths, it claims.
Read 14 tweets

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