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Sep 6th 2018
@ericgarland @20committee @JamesFourM @Medium @FBI @NSAGov @DHSgov @GCHQ @LincolnsBible @USTreasury @BarackObama @NATO @DARPA @JohnBrennan @GenMhayden @CIA @TheJusticeDept @gametheorytoday @DEAHQ So, to list of other things .@FBI .@NSAGov .@DHSgov .@GCHQ .@USTreasury could use in a #BigData search to pull any remaining deep-cover spies:

Yes, as I've noted before, you can pull all the "re-issued" credentials, then check for any preceding ID.

But that's just a start.
@ericgarland @20committee @JamesFourM @Medium @FBI @NSAGov @DHSgov @GCHQ @LincolnsBible @USTreasury @BarackObama @NATO @DARPA @JohnBrennan @GenMhayden @CIA @TheJusticeDept @gametheorytoday @DEAHQ That's an obvious thing .@FBI .@NSAGov .@DHSgov .@GCHQ .@USTreasury could do, given the supposed tendency of deep-cover operatives to request "re-issuing" of a "lost" ID that never existed in the first place.
Read 173 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
@ericgarland @20committee @JamesFourM @Medium @FBI @NSAGov @DHSgov @GCHQ @LincolnsBible @USTreasury @BarackObama @NATO @DARPA Again, there was a warning about more evidence being released in tandem with egregious attacks on Kremlin's critics.

Given the targeting of Brennan, we’ve hit another tipping point.
.@FBI .@NSAGov .@DHSgov .@GCHQ .@USTreasury
@ericgarland @20committee @JamesFourM @Medium @FBI @NSAGov @DHSgov @GCHQ @LincolnsBible @USTreasury @BarackObama @NATO @DARPA I was planning to drop more evidence sources, but I don't think everyone yet realizes the security-clearance fiasco is a giant evidence-reaping machine *in* *itself.*
@JohnBrennan @GenMhayden
.@FBI .@NSAGov .@DHSgov .@GCHQ .@USTreasury
@ericgarland @20committee @JamesFourM @Medium @FBI @NSAGov @DHSgov @GCHQ @LincolnsBible @USTreasury @BarackObama @NATO @DARPA @JohnBrennan @GenMhayden As discussed previously in this thread, we have no shortage of people who direly need to proffer *something,* in the face of an investigation that needs neither their testimony nor their evidence.
.@FBI .@NSAGov .@DHSgov .@GCHQ .@USTreasury
Read 227 tweets
Aug 4th 2018
@ericgarland @20committee So, .@ericgarland gets a new kind of botnet targeting, & .@JamesFourM runs into issues w/his article on @Medium?

There was a warning about harassment & the countering release of evidence on the conspiracy.
.@FBI .@NSAGov .@DHSgov .@GCHQ
@ericgarland @20committee @JamesFourM @Medium @FBI @NSAGov @DHSgov @GCHQ The warning: Any egregious harassment of Kremlin critics could release or expedite yet *another* major evidence source against the conspiracy.

While unpleasant, I think these two each warrant something modest… yet formidable.

& apropos.
.@FBI .@NSAGov .@DHSgov .@GCHQ
@ericgarland @20committee @JamesFourM @Medium @FBI @NSAGov @DHSgov @GCHQ So, Eric you brought up the agencies rating investments recently, as well as AIG, stock markets, etc.

What, you might ask, is so deadly about global finance & the conspiracy? Beyond the obvious flows of money & influence?
.@FBI .@NSAGov .@DHSgov .@GCHQ
Read 322 tweets
Jul 28th 2018
@TheRickWilson @LouiseMensch Oops.

For everyone seeking a deal w/law enforcement, there is one *small* detail we may have glossed over for all parties.

Asset forfeiture. To the government, and... to civil suits.
cc: @thespybrief @ericgarland @TrueFactsStated
@TheRickWilson @LouiseMensch @thespybrief @ericgarland @TrueFactsStated And if you're thinking you'll fight - *great!*

A #RICO conviction proving guilt up front?

Involving treason, organized crime, media collusion, child trafficking, etc?

*&* you harassed or threatened people's kids? *Not* just the adult ones?
@TheRickWilson @LouiseMensch @thespybrief @ericgarland @TrueFactsStated I'm sure jury pools drawn from DC, New York, London, etc will be sympathetic.

But do remember a couple of *other* trivial details.

One, the Democratic Party already filed such a suit, and named Russian intelligence as a defendant.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 30th 2018
@patribotics @MarinaGipps I keep thinking I should whip up a list of other things .@FBI .@NSAGov .@DHSgov .@GCHQ could use in a #BigData search to pull any remaining deep-cover spies.

Yes, you can pull all the "re-issued" credentials, then check for any preceding ID.
@patribotics @MarinaGipps @FBI @NSAGov @DHSgov @GCHQ That's an obvious thing .@FBI .@NSAGov .@DHSgov .@GCHQ could do, given the supposed tendency of deep-cover operatives to request "re-issuing" of a "lost" ID that never existed in the first place.

Then there are obvious markers, like the pensions @LouiseMensch mentions above.
@patribotics @MarinaGipps @FBI @NSAGov @DHSgov @GCHQ @LouiseMensch Or just anyone caught up in the .@FBI .@NSAGov .@DHSgov .@GCHQ investigation.

Kremlin number trolls based in the West.

Or anyone showing on markers from #cryptocurrencies to @ericgarland's files on media subversion.
Read 17 tweets
Jun 4th 2018
Hmm. *How* easy is it to track #cryptocurrencies?

By definition, a permanent, online, irremovable record of each exchange.

Aka, the #blockchain.

@Bambenek literally set up an automatic tracker of neo-Nazi #bitcoin transactions. @NeonaziWallets.
I go into this rather extensively. In part because of just how *much* has surfaced recently on how vulnerable it is.

For criminals at least.
If your wallet public/private key is out there, people can literally Google it.

But notice just how *many* huge cryptocurrency law-enforcement takedowns have been in the news recently.

Backpage gets taken down for child trafficking & money laundering $1/2 billion... in bitcoin?
Read 16 tweets
May 22nd 2018
1/ Most neo-gold maximalism is also parroting.

The entire debate of SOV ($BTC) vs. utility ($ETH) #cryptocurrencies relies on the assumption that utility coins can't also be SOV/neo-gold.

But of course--they can!
2/ Many coins share the same fundamental properties of neo-gold. Let's call these "FPs". The exact FPs are not universally agreed upon but typically include the following:

- Censorship-resistant
- Secure
- Fixed supply/immutable monetary policy
- Decentralized
- Self-sovereign
3/ Many cryptos share these FPs so belief in coin X becoming neo-gold then is a bet that:

A) it scores best among these FPs
B) it will always score best
C) other properties--such as utility and on-chain scaling--either don't matter or worse detract from these FPs
Read 9 tweets
Apr 30th 2018
Just remember - as I'm sure you do - that Flynn had flipped and was actively cooperating for *months* before it was announced publicly.

That was enough of a warning shot.

The more people secretly cooperating, and legally bound to do their utmost, the better.
So many are waiting for a Great Figure to pronounce Final Judgement upon All the Guilty.

Nation humbling nation, alliance crushing alliance.

What's ironic is the individual workings of real-world justice are more precise and more formidable.
*None* of the conspirators bear each other any real loyalty.

They have been bought or blackmailed to begin with, bound by fear of discovery after that.

But they're self-centered & quite willing to turn on the others.
Read 18 tweets
Apr 11th 2018
1/ There is a socio-financial transition taking place in the world.
2/ The organisation of our world into nation-states no longer ministers to the needs of humanity.
3/ Humanity yearns to be unified; yet our structures continue to divide us.
Read 21 tweets
Mar 12th 2018
The Dutch didn't just get the whole hack on video, they got personal information on 420,000+ Hansa users.

When I say you can track #cryptocurrency - you can *literally* search your evidence for the number string of a #bitcoin wallet.

You can *Google* it.…
Even if you're more cautious now, it's easy to track past transactions.

But even local cops can search a computers files for numerical strings of interest.

Now ask yourself what the @FBI & @NSAGov can do.…
When @NeonaziWallets can run an automated feed showing the daily bitcoin activities of white supremacists, imagine what the Federal law enforcement & counterintelligence who have known about this for at least almost 6 months could do with their data.
Read 71 tweets
Mar 10th 2018
The Dutch Hansa takeover.
"They obtained at least some data on 420,000 users, including at least 10,000 home addresses, which they've turned over to Europol to be distributed to other police agencies..."

#Cryptocurrency map.

@ericgarland @patribotics
"We want people to be aware," says Ras. "We have the data. It's here, and it's not going away."…
"Researchers have used the blockchain to tie years-old Silk Road bitcoin transactions to current, public accounts."…
Read 50 tweets
Feb 9th 2018
#Cryptocurrency is readily admissible evidence re: a host of felonies. But no one may have stated how much more it can do or how easily. Until now.

.@ericgarland .@counterchekist .@911CORLEBRA777 @20committee @thespybrief @patribotics @gametheorytoday .@FBI .@NSAGov @GCHQ
1st, some basics. #Cryptocurrencies create a permanent, online record of each transaction, arguably the most easily tracked exchanges on Earth. But law enforcement shut down multiple #Darknet auction sites even before that was common knowledge. .@FBI .@NSAGov
Those sites had tens of thousands of users. And money launderers, Russian intelligence, terrorists & ordinary criminals have moved into it en masse. The world’s worst method for making nefarious transactions. .@FBI .@NSAGov
Read 69 tweets
Feb 8th 2018
Some great questions from @tpflug on #cryptocurrency that I thought others might also be asking... And, in this thread, I'm going to try to answer them...
Why care about crypto?
What can we do with them?
So much fraud & wasted energy: what am I missing?
Why care about #cryptocurrency?
Crypto-currency is to banking, payments and (soonish with Atomic Swaps) currency exchange – as the internet was to high-street retail, music buying, movie rental and more. It's going to change these industries. It's already beginning to change them
We have to treat cryptocurrency now as we did the internet in the 1990s to early 2000s – a new technology, a new paradigm, a game changer but we're still exploring. Like when the dot-com bubble burst, the entities that survive will be the ones that matter. The ones people trust.
Read 25 tweets
Jan 27th 2018
So Dutch intelligence recorded the entire Russian hack of the US election, & has the hackers & their visitors *on* *video.*

Things just got exciting.
In other words, it’s even more beyond question that Russia hacked the election – we literally have them on camera doing it. We have their faces, & the faces of those directly overseeing them.…
.@ABC has done a piece on this revelation, but I thought I’d bring it to the attention of .@CNN .@CBS .@NBCNews .@MSNBC. And I wanted to sum up the other devastating revelations tearing this would-be coup, & its perpetrators, apart.…
Read 48 tweets
Dec 27th 2017
*This* is the kind of data analysis this subversion investigation demands - particularly with regards to the media. I'm hoping FinCEN, IRS, #cryptocurrencies & the FBI uncover enough obvious treason to unravel the rest, but showing these correlations should be devastating.
Because the media element can operate more independently of a clear command structure than paid assets, paid trolls, campaign/Administration figures, botnets, etc, there's a risk of letting a deadly threat remain active.
Desperate, minimally competent people can be mobilized for peanuts. Hopefully the publications paying for these articles have revealing bank transfers, #cryptocurrency deposits or what have you, but this is one industry where unwritten favors can serve as payment.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 30th 2017
.@CNBC But why, you might ask, are #Cryptocurrencies not only of intense interest to the US .@FBI .@NSAGov .@IRSnews, but countries from .@Ukraine to .@Japan to .@Israel? Russia & so many others use it to move illicit money & it’s the most trackable exchange on Earth.
.@CNBC For those just catching up, *Every* #Cryptocurrency maintains a *public* log of all transactions in one form or another. Even if you’re a criminal who didn't use them, how many of the people are you tied to who did? Now combine w/a global FinCEN investigation.
.@CNBC #Cryptocurrencies were already a ludicrous way to do illegal transactions. I've kept silent for 1/2 decade+ of metastasizing – Letting everyone who wanted to expose themselves do so. But it’s still astounding how many made that self-evident error.
Read 24 tweets

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