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Oct 1st 2018
American Citizen and Harvard University Professor Gita Gopinath who was until few days ago Economic advisor to Communist govt of #Kerala is now appointed as Economic Counsellor and Director of the IMF’s Research Department (or as media calls it - Chief Economist of IMF)
Gita Gopinath's family are relatives of Indian Communist leader AK Gopalan who during the 1962 Sino-India War supported China against India

Gita Gopinath is married to Iqbal Singh Dhaliwal who is former IAS officer & deputy director of Wahhabi funded & MIT based @JPAL_Global
Gita Gopinath will be second Indian born and Amreekan educated person to work as Economic Counsellor of the International Monetary Fund IMF after Raghuram Rajan


Both Gita Gopinath & Raghuram Rajan are protégé of Sonia backed and Rothschild son-in-law Amartya Sen
Read 5 tweets
Sep 20th 2018
I am starting a thread on Mappila Riots which resulted in massacre of Hindu men, mass rape of women and destruction of Hindu temples in North #Kerala
These events have been erased from History by the Left.
MKGandhi :“My heart bleeds to think that Moplah brethren have gone mad, That they have looted Hindu homes leaving hundreds of men and women homeless. That they have forcibly converted Hindus to Islam and by all these acts they have done an injury.“-Sep 19, 1921 at Trichanapoly
MK Gandhi : “Hindus, instead of running away would have been truly non violent and added luster to their faith and won the friendship of their Mussalman assailants if they had stood bare breast with smiles on their lips and died at their post.”
-‘Young India’ May 29 , 1924
Read 17 tweets
Aug 27th 2018
Do I have followers in #Kerala? I was shown so much hospitality when I was there. So many people opened their homes to me, shared meals with me. I'd like to contribute to the flood relief efforts.
But I'm not sure which organization is doing the best job of matching contributions to those most in need. Has anyone in Kerala seen, for example, one of these flood relief kits? Are they useful?… Is there a local organization you'd recommend more?
Perhaps you could recommend the best way, @TheKeralaPolice?
Read 3 tweets
Aug 26th 2018
Thread: Some #Kerala stats. Just a glimpse of where it stands in rel to the rest, for those who are riling against its "netas". Kerala does not have the kind of indignity and poverty that mark several Indian states. Instead, it is often compared with developed countries. Why?
Bcoz Kerala is characterised by high literacy, incomes and expanded individual choices.

Its literacy rate is 93.91%, among the highest rates in India. Average schooling in Kerala is eight to nine years, against four in the rest of India.
In the realm of demographic transition, it will take the rest of India at least 30 years to catch up with its average demographic statistics.
Read 20 tweets
Aug 22nd 2018
#KeralaFloods #KeralaFloodRelief
#Kerala #RebuildKerala #rebuildingkerala

Fighting the flood

A handy list from Society for Emergency Medicine - India

Prepared by Dr. Danish

Your house isn't your home anymore...

But let us help each other to rebuild...
1. Enter your hiuse at moening itseld when there is daylight.
2. Do not take children and elderly when you enter your house for the first time.

3. While entering make sure to wear thick boots or shoes as most common injury is trauma from sharp objects.
Read 31 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
Damn Dams!!

They created all hell in Kerala......

How many dams are there in Achecoil, Manimala & Meenachil which created havoc in Central Kerala?


How much yield of Pamba River is impounded in the dams there?

JUST 10.4%

Blame it on dams!!
Come to the Northern Kerala.....

There you have the Great Chaliyar River, which flows through Kozhikode and Malappuram Districts.

How many dams are there is this Chaliyar River basin other than some small weirs?

Blame it on dams..
Why ur doing annual maintenance of Idukki machines whn the Monsoon is active?

Smart QN.

But understand that Idukki is meeting Kerala's peak energy demand, its annual maintenance are done during monsoon and its all machine are needed in summer whn demand high, not in monsoon
Read 27 tweets
Aug 20th 2018
Hello people, can you kindly collect all the filthy tweets of sanghis cursing #Kerala
Let us create a gallery of #ShittySanghiKeralaTweets here for @narendramodi to see.
Please keep attaching these tweets in a thread below this tweet.
Also RT this to get maximum results.
Someone sent me this also:
Read 8 tweets
Aug 19th 2018
#KeralaFloods might hv an astral connection, as it is believed #Kerala d land of #vamana celebrates every yr #Onam around this time, Onam falls on d birth #constellation of vamana i.e #Shravana nakshtra in which we had d longest total lunar eclipse of this century on 27/28 July
Like at a personal level for one who is born or associated with shravana constellation or Nakshtra d #Eclipse affects individually similarly it affects a region in this case #kerala at a mundane level astrally on human affairs that runs across d southern belt of #westernghats
Also #Kerala is a land blessed by d #serpents & d reason for its fertility is directly related to d blessings bestowed by #Nagas on #Parasurama in a barren land infested with sea salt, hence not respecting d blessings by cutting down forests on large scale in d name of developmnt
Read 7 tweets
Aug 5th 2018
1. സെൻട്രൽ റോഡ് ഫണ്ട് #CRF
കഴിഞ്ഞ വർഷങ്ങളിൽ ഇന്ത്യയിലെ റോഡുകളുടെ വികസനം അതിവേഗം ആണ് പുരോഗമിക്കുന്നത്, സെൻട്രൽ റോഡ് ഫണ്ട് #CRF ആയിരുന്നു പുരോഗതിയുടെ ഉറവിടം. ദേശീയ ഹൈവേ വികസന പദ്ധതികളും പ്രധാനമന്ത്രി ഗ്രാമ സഡക് യോജനയും സമാപന ഘട്ടത്തിലേക്ക് വരുന്നു #TransformingIndia @nitin_gadkari
2. പെട്രോളിയം ഉത്പന്നങ്ങളുടെ അഡീഷണൽ എക്സൈസ് ഡ്യൂട്ടിയാണ് ഇതിനായി ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നത് #Petrol #Kerala @dpradhanbjp

2013-14 19263 കോടി

2014-15 26108 കോടി

2015-16 69809 കോടി

2016-17 80800 കോടി

2017-18 85600 കോടി
3. 2000-ലെ CRF ആക്ട് അനുസരിച്ചുള്ള പദ്ധിതികൾക്കാണ് ഫണ്ട് വിനയോഗിക്കുന്നതു. ദേശീയപാതകളുടെ വികസനത്തിനും പരിപാലനത്തിനും ആണ് മുൻഗണന

സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങളിലെ പ്രധാന റോഡുകൾക്കും, അന്തർ സംസ്ഥാന റോഡുകൾക്കും #ISC, വാണിജ്യ പ്രാധാന്യമുള്ള റോഡുകൾക്കും #EI സെൻട്രൽ റോഡ് ഫണ്ട് അനുവദിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 25th 2018
#LoveJihad Hindu girl deceived by Muslim youth pretending to be hindu.Girl raped and blackmailed using MMS. Now youth wants girl to convert to Islam and eat beef for him to marry her. He's threatening her and her 1 year old child.
#Bareilly #UttarPradesh
Hindu girl kidnapped by Parvez and accomplice. Heavy police deployment in area.
#Muzaffarnagar #UttarPradesh…
Girl ran away from girl. She met woman who promised her job and invited her to Gorakhpur medical college. There Afroz tried raped her, girl had to run naked to save herself. Afroz escaped.
#Gorakhpur #UttarPradesh…
Read 171 tweets
May 17th 2018
Class 8 student minor girl raped by Enamul Ali. He recorded the rape. Video went viral later. Accused absconding.
#LoveJihad 20 year old Samiksha Jain from #MadhyaPradesh converts to Islam to become Aaliya Beghum to marry 22 year old Mohammad Adil. Conversion and Nikah took place in #Hyderabad #Telangana
Read 184 tweets
Feb 17th 2018
#Kerala architects stood out in their mastery over wood sculpting. If you ask, why most of the temples in Kerala are not so architecturally minute in their making, the answer is: wood. Cheras largely worked with wood. This is the koothambalam of #haripad Subramanian temple.
Because the entire structure was made of wood most of the grand temples succumbed to fire accidents. It was easy for invaders to raze it too. But remnants of it exist only in a handful of temples. See this video. #haripadsubramanian temple.
The ceiling of the koothambalam ( theatre) at #haripadsubramanian temple.
Read 16 tweets
Jan 14th 2018
In a special gesture for a special friend, PM @narendramodi personally receives PM Benjamin Netanyahu on his State Visit to India.
Here's a look at the broad spectrum of bilateral relations b/w #IndiaIsrael
In memoriam.
The Teen Murti memorial salutes Indian heroes who fought in World War I to liberate Haifa in 1918 as a call of duty.
Remembering our heroes.
@adgpi celebrates ‘Haifa Day’ every year on 23rd September to commemorate the war dead during World War I at the Battle of Haifa
Read 28 tweets
Oct 9th 2017
1/ Migrant labourers are leaving Kerala due to sanghis' fake WhatsApp propaganda abt "north Indians being murdered"…
2/ Fake WhatsApp msgs including gory pics of cowbelt lynchings are being dressed up as incidents in Kerala.
3/ It's high time @Kummanam & @BJP4Keralam are held accountable for their cognisance or even tacit support to this evil plan against Kerala
Read 7 tweets
Oct 3rd 2017
1/ Highlights from #Kodiyeri 's presser on #AlavalathiReturns
2/ BJP-RSS is trying to destabilise LDF govt in #Kerala through their fake propaganda of "left terror" & "jihadi terror"
3/ Sanghparivar is utilising national visual media to spread this baseless allegation. Challenging RSS to prove this.
Read 14 tweets

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