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Dear @resistbot developers

STOP asking for DOB which you are linking to first and last names and phone over insecure SMS.

I’m stunned. This is the sort of info we opposed Trump’s gathering en masse last year.

#justSayNo to today’s ask about being registered to vote.
Reminder that @resistbot org fails basic transparency test on “about” page.

Nothing about how they manage your data, protect your #privacy , who is advisory board, who makes decisions, etc. #Opaque.
You can find two names buried near the bottom of long, densely-packed about page. No details/links.
Via Google search:
ED is Jason @Putorti
Tool built by @EricRies (per @Mlsif)
Read 10 tweets
Plan in place in S Africa and UK by a CANADIAN company. John Hancock is not US-owned.

Welcome to global rule by capitalists.

Example of news-release-“reporting” or zero curiosity on the part of the writer.
#privacy #elitism #dataBreachRisk…
Do you want ANY corporation monitoring your whereabouts and behavior 24x7? Hell no.

And a reminder that “insurance” wasn’t created to help the most secure/fit. Franklin’s vision: to spread risk throughout a community.

h/t @MrAlanCooper
Insurance as envisioned by Benjamin Franklin was the opposite of individualism (an American myth with long legs).
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Morning campers! I’ll be live-tweeting from the European Court of Justice today about @Google’s “Right to be Forgotten” hearing.

What’s the main point? Should Europe (or France’s #privacy regulator) be able to apply its rules over the internet worldwide.

A recap:
La Vanguardia, a Spanish newspaper, published records in the late 1990s detailing the debt delinquencies of Mario Costeja.

About a decade later, Costeja sued, saying that the publication breached his right to privacy.
After a lengthy legal dispute, the case was referred to the ECJ which, in 2014, ruled that individuals had the right to ask that search engines like @Google remove links (but not the underlying webpages) from search results
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Thanks @Buttarelli_G for this Op-Ed: "Big tech is still violating your #privacy" The "take-it-or-leave it" 'consent' approach shows how strongly network effects lock-in people…
to the incumbent platforms. It's a paradox that the Founding Fathers in the US were fearful of accumulation of power in government but that recent successive governments have let the accumulation of power in Big Tech unchecked supposedly on the belief that competition would keep
actors in check. When #data is increasingly perceived as being an essential facility for a at least number of sectors and its dominant players, it is consequently challenging to build a service which provides the choices that competitive markets are meant to provide when
Read 7 tweets
The @FTC is accepting public comments on topics for the Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century through 8/20/18. Submit your comments today:…
Topics available for public comment include:

The state of #antitrust and consumer protection law and enforcement, and their development, since the Pitofsky hearings:…
#Competition and consumer protection issues in communication, information, and media technology networks:…
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This thread explores #consumerprotection aspects in the new broadcasting licensing regime. When in full force it will have hallmarks of what is happening else where in the region. Currently, all broadcasting are in advanced stages of signing agreements
There are three fundamental reasons why we regulate:
1. For effective and robust competition (avoid market failure)
2. Protect #consumers (ensure #consumer interests are protected)
3. Ensure widespread access to networks and services (preventing anti-competitive practices
#Consumerprotection in the new PUBLIC SERVICE PROVIDER LICENCE has a pricing condition requiring the Licensee (broadcaster) to within fourteen (14) days after signing the Licence Agreement, to provide @UCC_Official with a copy of its charges for all licensed services.
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Thanks a lot to everyone for all the support, encouragement and love we have received over the order allowing us to file IT-Returns without #Aadhar. I'm really glad we got lucky with a progressive bench that agreed to give relief to everyone instead of making it just about us.
This case has received more than it's share of attention in both print and social media. While I am definitely grateful, I would like to re-iterate that it is a part of a much larger struggle started and sustained by many activists and movements and needs to be seen as such.
The fight against #Aadhar cannot be selectively highlighted when privileged communities are affected (similar attention was received when the #privacy judgment was received and when deadlines for linking PAN, bank account and phone numbers were indefinitely extended)
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The EC website publishes a list of registered voters and their personal details including gender and voter ID, both of which are considered sensitive personal information. How do we balance: Personal #privacy and Public accountability @alokpi @pandayjyoti
The ambiguity extends to other public databases such as land records, list of MGNREGA beneficiaries, First Information Reports, and court records, which are currently not in conformance with the draft #privacy bill by Justice Srikrishna Committee
Political data analyst @ShivamShankarS on how electoral roll can be used for micro targeting: “From the electoral roll, demographic #data of the constituencies can be deduced and used for targeted campaigns in elections via social media.”
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Reading the #dataprotection bill from the following point of view
How can the state violate our privacy? Let me count the ways
1. Processing of personal data in the interests of security of the state
(Our current surveillance laws would keep the stasi perfectly happy)
2. For the 'prevention' of offences and contraventions of law.
( Remember sedition is a criminal offence)
#DataProtection #privacy
3. For the 'detection' of an offence
(Same as above but prevention and detection are different so merits its own place on my list)
#DataProtection #Privacy #surveillance
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7 years ago, I wrote "Flushing the Potty Panic" for @transadvocate. I opined the solution to unlawful #discrimination in access to public accommodations in which nudity is unavoidable—toilets, showers, locker/dressing/changing rooms—because "separate but equal" is illegal…
is to ensure via #law that a sufficient number of secure, single user, #disability-accessible, #family-friendly facilities are provided for all people who for any reason desire or require #privacy or assistance, in the manner of the #ADA Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990…
at the same time we ensure by law that all people have the right to be free from unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, sexual or affectional orientation, or gender identity, appearance, expression, or behavior, regardless of sex or gender assigned at birth…
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People interested in #myhealthrecord might also be interested in new legislation being introduced which will over-ride the Privacy Act to allow sharing of your administrative data #Auspol
In case it isn't obvious, gov needs this new Act because the Privacy Act prevents them from joining all your administrative data into one big project using info you provided in the last census.
The reason no one knows about this is because data governance frameworks are apparently a boring topic the media doesn't want to talk about.
Read 22 tweets
Here's someone who's highly engaged in politics, news and society but didn't know about #MyHROptOut until this morning.

If you're in media and wondering if this needs more coverage, here's your answer. #MyHealthRecord #Privacy
Opting out doesn't appear to be going well for people so far. I've seen multiple reports of long wait times on the phone and web server crashes.

I've you're planning to opt out, I'd suggest maybe not doing it today, but definitely not waiting too long.

#MyHealthRecord #Privacy
For the record, I've gone back and forward on opting out myself.

As a journalist with strong interests in tech and privacy, I really want to see the system for myself. Kick its tyres and experience its flaws and limitations personally. But ...

#MyHealthRecord #Privacy
Read 142 tweets
All within the last 30 days in #Bitcoin

• All #Lightning implementations hit Beta! @blockstream @lightning @acinq_co
• lightning.spin gambling #Lapp
• RGB #Lightning + #Bitcoin assets @giacomozucco
#Liquid Sidechain Issued Assets @Blockstream
• AMP #Lightning payment routing research @joostjgr
• Full Privacy Wasabi Wallet @nopara73
#Schnorr Signatures BIP!! @pwuille @Snyke
• BIS chief says "stop trying to create money" 🤣
@coinbase custody open for deposits!
@CasaHODL open for Business!
@CNBCFastMoney -"#Bitcoin is dead" #lmao
• low-tech inbound LN capacity solution @alexbosworth ⚡️
#BetterHash protocol for decentralized mining pools @TheBlueMatt
@TheCryptoconomy releases 100th podcast episode! 😉🤣
• Atomic on-chain #LTC to off-chain #BTC swaps
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Today is the day #CALeg votes to pass the #AB375 bill - otherwise the California Consumer Privacy Act @caprivacyorg ballot initiation moves forward.

Either would mark a huge win for Californian's #privacy rights
The most ironic thing from yesterdays public comments hearing on #AB375/@caprivacyorg:

All the industry lobbyists complaining about this "take it or leave it" #privacy deal that would prevent them from forcing consumers to take the industry's "take it or leave it" #privacy deal
Although it *was* slightly concerning that practically every assemblyman and industry representative made sure to mention that "they're looking forward to the clean-up amendments" if #AB375 does pass -- almost verbatim as if they were orchestrated by Sinclair Media
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“We have this idea that #machines can liberate us from repetitive tasks, but there are different templates to use this #technology...” @PauloBlikstein #AIED2018 @AIEDconf | @uclknowledgelab @EDUCATEldn @AIConf2018 @brussels_ai @digityser @results4dev @CEInnovations @audreywatters
“Another element in this template, is that #learning happens at different paces... it changes from person to person ... but the awareness of the limitations has somehow been lost over the decades” @PauloBlikstein #AIed @AIEDconf #personalizedlearning @uclknowledgelab @EDUCATEldn’s the problem

“There is a big problem with this template that we have been using for decades ... in using this map...” @PauloBlikstein

#AIed18 #ISTE18 #EdMedia18 #DISummit @AIEDconf @uclknowledgelab @EDUCATEldn @EdSurge #Edtech @PodcastEdtech @EdtechukHQ
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Today, @NITIAayog released a Discussion Paper titled ‘National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence”. #AIforAll…
We provide our initial thoughts on the paper here. 1/n
We welcome this initiative by @NITIAayog, but a call for comments would have been a welcome addition. The paper takes important steps forward from the #AI Task Force report released earlier this year by the DIPP, Ministry of Commerce and Industry (…). 2/n
This paper attempts a more holistic look at a broader range of issues concerning AI including #regulation, #ethics, #fairness, #transparency and #accountability. However, a number of issues still remain with this paper. 3/n
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Will #eprivacy be the next expansion of #gdpr? MSFT #Skype, #Whatsapp, Facebook #Messenger would have to provide #privacy controls/consents/disclosures for tracking/logging realtime communication and messaging.…
This matters in a few ways. First, live chat and messaging are features of many kinds of products and services. So #ePrivacy jurisdiction may touch nearly every website, service, and gadget.
Second, #ePrivacy demands transparency for the middle part of a call, exactly where companies like @Amazon, @Google, @Skype and @SlackHQ create new value and new partner ecosystems. Translation, bots, commerce to enhance your conversation will need specific disclosures.
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Group chats on IM apps are breeding grounds for #onlineharassment and #privacy violations, as users can be added without permission. We’ve published an open letter urging @WhatsApp @telegram @signalapp & others to make changes, protect users.…
We call upon other organizations and members of civil society around the world to lend their names and support to this letter. To read the letter and add yourself as a signatory, visit…
Alternatively, you can support this petition:…
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Thread: My favorite slides from Kleiner Perkins 2018 Internet Trends:
1. The rise of the messengers
2. The rise of voice
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Now that the lawyers have run their marathon and we wait for the top court to rule, a small personal diary note thread on #Aadhaar & me.

Huge thanks to community of people who have widened my wisdom of how society works. Fellow helpless people helping each other.
It started sometime in 2011, when I knew nothing, enrolled along with family.But our enrollment packets were lost, EID wasnt even searchable. I did write some emails to support, but yielded nothing more than, please enroll again. As the need wasn't real, did not enroll.
Parents gave up at a later date, enrolled, got UID successfully generated. I resisted, mostly because of laziness, but did not have developed trust enough to enroll. On random browsing sessions, have heard Usha Ramanathan on YouTube, but never took deep dive into issues.
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Incoming: Friday afternoon #Facebook / #GDPR tweetstorm, because this week has been pretty deflating for us #privacy wonks.

If you're European, you probably got an email from FB this week, with this subject line:

"X, please accept our updated Terms by May 25 to continue using Facebook."

Now, let's talk about how non-compliant that subject line is. It suggest that failing to accept the new terms will result in account suspension. That's a problem.
#GDPR requires consent to be "freely given" and says that services can't be withheld just because the consumer doesn't consent to ALL THE TRACKING.

The last line of the email is "Please go to Facebook to review and accept the Terms" which reinforces the subject line threat.
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The #AI task force for Economic Transformation in #India (set up by the Government’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry) released its report last month. Some background (B) and key takeaways (T). 1/n
B1. The vision guiding this report is “AI as a socio economic problem solver at large scale rather than only a booster of economic growth”. 2/n
B2. It seeks to address the role of the Government in the field, answer how #AI can improve quality of life, and identify sectors for AI growth. 3/n
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Live tweeting the #ZuckerRoast right now.😎

#Zuckerberg literally looks like he's going to PUKE‼️🤢🤮

GOP Sen Thune is reading a prepared statement👉🏼basically says that #Facebook's proposed changes are TOTAL BUNKUM. They will only serve to INCREASE PROFITS for Facebook.

Says that social media companies CANNOT self-regulate. DUH!🙄
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Facebook has some really creepy plans!
Just check their patents!
Small thread with thanks to @jashkenas 👇

1⃣ Facebook wants to track your eye movements
using special infrared LEDs that shine into your pupil & cornea to determine gaze… #Facebook #privacy
Facebook wants to reads your comments for positive or negative “affinity scores”
to generate sentiments and “trust scores”
and use the resulting data sets from trusted users
to train a machine learning model… | #privacy #facebook
to manipulate people..
3⃣ Facebook wants to “automatically sense, record and identify all types of activities such as walking, running, jogging, cycling, rowing, driving with car, bus, train, walking stairs, jumping, swimming, playing football & skiing”… | #Facebook #privacy
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