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Most recents (22)

Oct 1st 2018
Hey Montreal: This happened in your city.
•Two women deface a Muslim political candidate’s ad.
•Who are these vandals?
•If you know them, report them to police as an official complaint had been filed

POC & White Allies: Record Everything

Schrödinger's Islamophobe: [noun]

Definition: A bigot who simultaneously believes Muslim women are oppressed, voiceless, & in need of liberation, while also demanding Muslim women courageously running for public office should stay home, oppressed & voiceless.😑
This is awesome.

Hey Montreal, this is your city fighting back against bigotry.

In response to the two women defacing a Muslim politician candidates ads, these men are cleaning it up. Bravo!
Read 3 tweets
Sep 15th 2018

This is #TooGoodNotToShare..

We spend the best years of our lives waiting for a #Miracle when the miracle is #Life itself

We wait for approval,we wait for promotion,we wait for the bonus,we wait for freedom,we wait for a revelation AND in all this,we forget to live
Today, I make this promise to myself. No more waiting. I will live each day like it was the last day of my life. And I will live each day like it is the first day of the rest of my life with no regrets of the day that was..
I will be #Courageous.
Not courageous like a #Soldier under fire, but courageous enough to not wait. Courageous enough to #Live every moment to the hilt.

#Courageous enough to know that the only losses I should fear are the loss of #Love and #Respect, for myself & for those around me.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Un petit thread explicatif sur le fait que l'on peut être noir, combattre le racisme (toutes formes de racisme) être policier, être français et ne pas avoir un complexe d'infériorité envers qui que ce soit.

Tout d'abords suite à des échanges de tweets sur un sujet d'actualité.1/
Mon interlocuteur me dit que je suis un noir policier à la botte des blancs et que vue ma mentalité mes enfants devraient s'appeler Kévin.
Et je vous épargne les autres obscénités. Alors pour moi si j'ai choisi cette fonction c'est que je crois au service que l'on peut rendre 2/
Aux citoyens afin de les protégés tout en leur faisant respecter les lois faites par la représentation nationale pour qui ils ont voté. Que l'on soit d'accord où pas ces lois elles existent et nous sommes là pour les appliquées. Les valeurs françaises j'y crois et j'y croirais tj
Read 10 tweets
Aug 16th 2018
Aretha Franklin was welcomed by every President for decades. Could not find a photo of her with Pres John F. Kennedy or Pres Nixon.

But here is Franklin with a representative sample of every Presidential photo I could find, including the current President

Aretha Franklin, far left, performs at Jimmy Carter's Presidential Inaugural Gala on January 20, 1977.

Did not find a photo of the two of them together.
And of course Aretha Franklin will always be remembered as moving us to tears of joy during the Administration of President Barack Obama
Read 5 tweets
Aug 16th 2018
What an icon. Aretha Franklin “Queen of Soul” moved us in every sense of the word. She brought Americans together, lifted our spirits and voices and feet. We’re better for her extraordinary gifts. #RESPECT #RIP
#ArethaFranklin—“Musical Genius, Truth Teller, Freedom Fighter.” Great tribute from @FJasmineG… h/t @Sifill_LDF @johnlegend
"Aretha helped define the American experience. In her voice, we could feel our history, all of it and in every shade—our power and our pain, our darkness and our light, our quest for redemption and our hard-won respect."—@BarackObama & @MichelleObama on #ArethaFranklin's passing.
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Aug 10th 2018
I’ve simply not read an engagement like this on political twitter all year and I’m pleasantly and delightfully stunned at this lady’s ‘innocence’ and brutal logic in which she doesn’t even spare herself yet managed not to concede much ground - and all so effortlessly.

Haven’t said this in many years but @ilynem kindly follow back pls.

You are a breath of fresh air on political twitter 👏🏽👏🏽
I like her openness to being convinced, the easy way she comes to admit that Buhari is a terrible option - the willingness to engage and the easy manner in which she disarms combative tweets.

Asset right there...
Read 4 tweets
Aug 7th 2018
Seven years ago today, 20 Americans warriors aboard extortion 17 perished in the single largest loss of life in Navy Seal history - among them was Aaron Vaughn, a Seal Team six hero & beloved husband, father, son & brother.

Please pray for his family & all those who love him
Never Forget NAVY SEAL Aaron Vaughn!

Aaron gave his life to protect our freedoms & liberties

Aaron sacrificed his life for YOU.
Aaron's wife sacrificed her husband for YOU.
Aaron's parents Billy & Karen sacrificed their son for YOU.

We ALL must fight to preserve our FREEDOMS!
seI never met Navy Seal, Aaron Vaughn, but he has changed my life. Aaron's courage and sacrifices motivate me every day to keep fighting to expose the truth about those trying to harm America.

We must all live a life worthy of the sacrifices Aaron & his family have made for us!
Read 7 tweets
Jul 28th 2018
While I acknowledge there are willful bad actors out there posing as victims to try & confuse/disrupt the truth, it remains that "attack the source" and "appeal to authority" are logical fallacies that have no bearing on the truth. Consider the testimony & move on. #Nonjudgement
Realize what famous people like @Corey_Feldman @therealroseanne & @rosemcgowan are up against - in the belly of beast (LA) - surrounded by motivated serial killers. USE LOGIC. Every survivor will have their own set of needs/concerns in order to come forward. Respect their choices
My situation is extremely unique, which is why I can afford to #SayBraveThings. @IsaacKappy has decided to risk everything & go out on a limb so you, the public, can know more. @therealroseanne lost EVERYTHING she was working toward because she stood up for this truth. #QAnon
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Jul 20th 2018
Wanted to rush to the clinic so stopped 1 auto n guy said that can't come towards Malad cz going to Malvani to have lunch. Told him that pls come cz the kid is not well. He agreed.
We got off at the clinic n aunt told me that she forgot her purse in the auto. 1/n
The doc said that I will take care and you go ahead n look for the forgotten purse.
Started calling on her mobile number n let ringing but no one picking up. Finally after 15 mins he picked up and said :
Signal par kisine bola pichhe purse pada huaa hain. 2/n
Maine dekha phone baj rahaa hain isiliye utthane main der ho gayi. Ab main signal me aage aa chuka hoon toh ab wapas mat bulana.
I told him : aap khana khane ke baad as jaao .
He replied :
Abhi aa jaata hoon .. shaayad naseeb main hi khana der se likha hain. 3/n
Read 5 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
Have you heard of Rani Chennamma! This story is about her. Read.
In order to preach eternal principles of Dharma & righteousness there have been numerous women saints, scholars, rulers, freedom fighters who have shone as a beacon of courage under great odds.
It's important to remember women of the past and keep their spirits alive within our hearts! Rani Chennamma was our 1st woman Independence activist. She was born in the small village of Kakati in Belgaum, Karnataka in 1778.
From a very young age she received training in sword fighting, archery and horse riding and got private lessons at home. King Mallasarja of Kittur was moving around trying to find support from neighbouring kingdoms to fight Tipu Sultan and approached Dhulappa Desai.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 10th 2018
If you want to find out how science works, you have to watch scientists doing it. (Not make plausible stuff up and rationalizing it.)

Learning an embodied know-how skill: getting the right amount of alcohol on the Q-tip used to clean a microscopy sample.…
You can also go into the lab and try doing science yourself. It’s not as easy as it looks!

When I developed robotics and analysis software for chemists and biologists, I insisted on doing some wet experiments myself, to get a *felt sense* of what their needs were.
Statistician @betanalpha, consulting for malaria vaccine development project, dissected salivary glands of mosquitos under a microscope and counted the parasites, to make sure he understood what the data he was analyzing meant. #respect

h/t Matt Simpson…
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Jul 8th 2018
If you believe children shouldn't be separated from their families
If you believe women should have control over THEIR OWN bodies
If you believe that our planet is worth protecting
If you believe that racism should be fought every step of the way

Then you better make some noise
If you believe that men, even 'stars', are NOT entitled to sexually assault women

If you believe that bullying, domination, exploitation and violence will not bring us a better world

Then you'd better make some noise

Join us
Because, friends, we intend to be heard.

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Jul 2nd 2018
Thread 1/
Look @DavidLeyonhjelm sure this is only twitter but most people see through that media release of yours
I disagree with many Greens politics's & even @sarahinthesen8
I support her in this 100%
much #auspol #VAW #respect I #vote #La7L4t
@DavidLeyonhjelm doesn't want to take responsibility cos he thinks he is admitting guilt and he justifies it by saying
What’s the big deal?” he thinks it is showing vulnerability or weakness.
#auspol #VAW #RespectWomen
Apologies are hard for guys like @DavidLeyonhjelm
He doesn't see most men as equals why would he see women as co-equals. Especially a woman who annoy him.

#auspol #VAW #Respect
Read 8 tweets
Jun 12th 2018
1) Hard times are often blessings in disguise. Let go and let life strengthen you. No matter how much it hurts, hold your head up and keep going. This is an important lesson to remember when you’re having a rough day, a bad month, or a crappy year. Truth be told,
2) sometimes the hardest lessons to learn are the ones your spirit needs most. Your past was never a mistake if you learned from it. So take all the crazy experiences and lessons and place them in a box labeled “Thank You.''

#ThoughtLeader #Influencer #DailyInspiration
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Jun 12th 2018
Wishing a Happy 85th birthday to the Metro Man E.Sreedharan, the man behind two of the greatest engineering projects in modern India- Konkan Railway and Delhi Metro, pulled off under the most challenging circumstances.
While Sreedharan is widely acclaimed for the Delhi Metro, for me the Konkan Railway was a far bigger achievement. One of the most challenging project, considering the terrain involved, to me wud be Sreedharan's greatest achievement.

And to think that Sreedharan was actually bought out of retirement for Konkan Railway, his tenure had come to an end in June 1990. It was the then Railway Minister George Fernandes who appointed him as CMD of Konkan Railways, and the rest as they say is history.
Read 36 tweets
Jun 3rd 2018
Banyak banget yang nanya, ngerjain startup tu asik ya? Gw share dikit ya ilmu gw di per-startup-an selama 13 tahun terakhir. Bakal panjang ya jadi sabar-sabar ngikutinnya
Gw yakin banyak banget di sini yang ngebayangin jadi kaya Mark Zuckerberg gara-gara nonton the social network. Bikin startup tidak seindah itu, apalagi jaman sekarang, PENUH PENDERITAAN. Iya lo ga salah baca. PENUH PENDERITAAN. Tapi bukan berarti ga asik kok sob nanti lo liat
Pengalaman startup pertama gw dimulai tahun 2005. Startup pertama gw adalah sebuat software house. Jaman itu masih ngenes lah. Kenapa ngenes? Itu jamannya masih kalo lo di bidang IT harus bisa jadi superman yang bisa segala macem dan dibayar serendah mungkin
Read 175 tweets
May 14th 2018
Do not give up on a relationship unless you have exhausted all of your options.**

If you have harmed trust, do the work to rebuild it by sincerely asking the person/hearing how you can rebuild the trust; then do the work they asked of you.
If there is a breach of trust, it is on the person who has breached it to show care & respect in action to repair before their hurts can be addressed - most relationships can be saved.

**excluding domestic violence, sexual abuse, etc. (2/10)
There are many reasons you were attracted to this person, committed to them, (and they to you) honor it. Honor the precious time of your lives you have dedicated to one another. Understand how you experienced yourself with them in the beginning & use that as a source. (3/10)
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May 12th 2018
1) We are each a spark of the Divine. Worthy as ever. And yet, sometimes we lose sight of our inherent value. That inner voice can become muffled by the narratives we play over and over in our mind. What are the messages that wear us down? In this moment, let’s challenge them.
2) What has caused us to forget that we are deserving? In this moment, let’s remind ourselves that our capacity for growth and strength is incredible. How can we reframe our experiences and begin viewing our lives from a more elevated perspective?
3) Are we ready to stop buying into old thoughts patterns and start trusting more empowering ones? Know this – there is so much more in store for you. The more we begin to believe this, with God’s help, the sooner we will receive what we hope, pray, and strive for. #believe
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Apr 29th 2018
**NEW** SUNDAY, 04/29/18 10:11 Q DROP!! BE CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW!! Patriots don’t profit off of Q they make sacrifices and are SELFLESS!! #QAnon #CarefulWhoYouFollow #WWG1WGA #PatriotsSacrifice @realDonaldTrump
**NEW Q** 04/29 10:17 Q gives a personal thanks to BO, Bakers, Autists/Anons who continually dedicate time & energy to the #GreatAwakening & says you are ALL Patriots! ❤️ The hard part is coming to an end! The next phase will bring #JUSTICE
Signed Q+ #QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS
**NEW Q** 10:33 Q says what they said today needed to be said!! Patriots have fearlessly laid down their lives in this battle for US!! They are SELFLESS & fight unconditionally for our FREEDOM because they believe in #FREEDOM We HONOR them & must do more to protect them! Q+
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Apr 10th 2018
#RagalaVenkataRahul with his parents( his mother passed away 2 years back). This is what his father Madhu told him
"I am not interested in money or position.. I only want to see the Indian flag flying, and listen to the Naitonal Anthem", #Respect
"I could not achieve much, due to lack of financial resources. I was determined that my son should not share the same fate as me. I used to take him to sports meets so that he cud understand weightlifting"- Ragala Madhu, father of #RagalaVenkatRahul
"Born in a poor Erukula family, I had to choose between taking care of my family's hunger or pursuing sport. I left the game for the sake of my family. Today my sons have not just made their dreams come true, but even mine"- Madhu, father of #RagalaVenkatRahul
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Feb 4th 2018
#WhyWeResist (THREAD) Renowned spiritual leader John Neuhas once said:
"Genuine #tolerance does not mean ignoring differences as if differences made no difference. Genuine tolerance means engaging differences w/in a bond of #civility & #respect." #CampaignforCivility 1/
Neuhas was not completely right. #Fascists, #WhiteSupremacists, Nazis, bigots, etc. lambast progressives for not tolerating their views. But hateful extremists use #tolerance merely as a tool to gain acceptance & obtain power. #CampaignforCivility #WhyWeResist 2/
Once fascists & bigots are in power, they vilify all who are different, all who dare to disagree. They only care about one thing: consolidating their power. #CampaignforCivility #WhyWeResist 3/
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Nov 9th 2017
España nunca defrauda. Y van a seguir alimentando este renovado fascismo hasta su derrota en las urnas el 21D
En mi opinión, Forcadell es una heroína. No parece que se haya defendido, ha buscado poner en evidencia que es un encarcelamiento político #respect
España va a conseguir escandalizar al mismísimo Erdogan. Una presidenta de un Parlamento, cuya función es fomentar y proteger la inviolable actividad parlamentaria
Read 23 tweets

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