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Oct 8th 2018
I really wish I were seeing #HillaryClinton talking about "our shared values and what unites us, our diversity" from the world stage as POTUS rather than playing herself in a cameo on #MadamSecretary.

"White nationalism is the greatest threat of our times..."
"We the people means ALL the people. Freedom of the press, religion--ALL religion or none--it's what unites us....E pluribus unum: out of many, one."
#MadamSecretary trolling Trump & Co hard with Hillary, Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell and I am so here for it.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 7th 2018
THREE DAYS before the 2016 election, a bitter Bernie Sanders tweeted cover for Trump voters, claiming they weren't racists and misogynists.

He did NOT ever tweet out "We could lose the Supreme Court if you don't vote for #HillaryClinton."

Sanders can take a seat.
Sanders should have told his flock that it would impact them, their kids, their grandkids if we lost the Supreme Court. Instead he tweeted this and not I have "Berners for Trump" in my mentions calling rape victims "crybabies."

"Mr. Trump."
From the same guy who wanted Obama primaried in 2012.
Tonight is making me so angry with entitled white men.
And don't @ me that you aren't entitled. please, because that's kind of peak entitlement.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 2nd 2018
The relentlessness of passing over superb women with strong credentials & election histories in favor of whatever man is a headline at a moment is exhausting.

Two months ago it was Avenatti. Now it's O'Rourke.

Bypassing the majority of Americans--women--is a national disgrace.
O'Rourke is fine. He is not, Harris, Gillibrand or Klobuchar.

▪Gillibrand is Congress' leader on women's rights & sexual assault victims.
▪Harris set NN2018 on fire with her speeches reclaiming identity politics.
▪ Klobuchar highlighted #Kavanaugh's unfitness for SCOTUS.
Americans MUST stop looking past women to find some man, any man to supplant them.

It took THIRTY YEARS of incredibly hard work for @HillaryClinton to get to run for POTUS. The rules for women are so different. No one sees a woman give a single speech and says "president!"
Read 16 tweets
Sep 17th 2018
Autre #breaking BADABOUM de la nuit US: la philippique d'#HillaryClinton contre #Trump qu'elle qualifie de tyran. Texte marquant et approfondi...dommage que cette passion n'ait point été ressentie par les électeurs et électrices en 2016.…
2) Le texte de #Clinton pose en effet 3 problèmes: d'1 part elle"refait le match" sans se remettre en cause le moins du monde. D'autre part, elle ne semble toujours pas comprendre qu'à moins d'1 collusion #Trump/Russie avérée, perdante, elle offre au président 1 cible idéale...
3) Et enfin, comme Cicéron en son temps, le décalage croissant entre ses plaidoyers vibrants contre #Trump APRÈS COUP et sa campagne 2016 terne et irrésolue devient problématique pour #Clinton. C'était aux Américains de 2016 qu'il fallait parler ainsi...
Read 3 tweets
Sep 14th 2018

#HillaryClinton was First Lady, senator, Secretary of State, 1st woman nominee of a major political party & won more votes than anyone in US history except Obama 2008.

Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculum…
One of the many reasons this erasure of @HillaryClinton from textbooks matters is because Texas is the main purveyor of textbooks in the US.

She's being erased in all 50 states.
Gail Collins explained here:
How Texas Inflicts Bad Textbooks on Us…
Read 5 tweets
Sep 10th 2018

This may be the most offensive article I've ever read.

That men pay other men to write this crap is why women are still 2nd class.

Whining Serena Williams Is Tennis Hillary Clinton…
This guy switches out Serena Clinton and Hillary Williams to drive his comparison home.

What a [redacted].
Men love to depict powerful women as out of control lunatics--yelling, faces in a rictus of rage.

Just remember when you let your misogyny run riot that it's men doing all the killing, raping and assaulting.

Not women.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 28th 2018
Lindsey Graham is in deep trouble.
What that trouble is, we don't know.
But this is a man who has sold out his best friend just two days after his death and divested of his own integrity.

He's also stating quite clearly that if HE were AG, he would send #HillaryClinton to jail.
“Lindsey Graham, in a very unfortunate way in my opinion, has decided to carry water for Trump – for whatever reason, he thinks it’s the right thing to do, he wouldn’t mind being in the Trump cabinet – who knows why,” @BillKristol says.
#JohnMcCain was a staunch opponent of Russia. Just days after his death his best friend, #LindseyGraham has gone from defending the Russia investigation to attacking it. Graham gave his eulogy to McCain and now has gone from defending #JeffSessions to saying he should be fired.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 16th 2018
Interesting read !
John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did colluded with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s....
Seeking to retain his position as #CIA director under #HillaryClinton , #Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple @realDonaldTrump candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into #Trumpn, which led the #FBI
to probe a computer server connected to #TrumpTower and gave cover to #SusanRice among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.

#JohnBrennan ‘s #CIA operated like a branch office of the #Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the
Read 17 tweets
Aug 15th 2018
🚨#BreakingNews 🚨
Several JIHADI Congressional candidates w/ ties to Islamic terrorists, Ilhan Omar (MN) & Rashida Tlaib (MI)

Campaigning w/ Linda Sarsour, who called for JIHAD against POTUS @realDonaldTrump

🇺🇸 National security Threat
TERRORIST built compound in NM, killed his son as sacrifice, held 11 kids hostage & was training them how to shoot up schools

liberal judge decided he was NOT threat & let him #WalkAway free

This is WHY we Need to Enforce current 🇺🇸 Laws
#WednesdayWisdom 1952 McCarran Walters Act<br />
CH2, Section 212Communist Control Act of 1954Treason against the United States of AmericaTERRORIST Linda Sarsour
America is responsible for LESS than 1% of world’s mismanaged plastic waste

Plastic straws make up less than 1% of that 1%

its Not about conservation, it’s about power & control

CA keeps people focused on fake problems so they don’t look at real ones
Read 50 tweets
Aug 13th 2018
The @OMAROSA story today has several important facets, none of them risible.

This is a woman who was in Trump's inner circle and who had his ear.

Prior to him calling her a "low life" on Saturday, Trump lauded her and her work in various tweets and interview comments.
Trump wants you to believe #Omarosa is a liar, but then there is the tape she played on @MeetThePress.

Which is evidentiary.

The #GOP and #RNC are concerned---they started an #OmarosaUnhinged hashtag and are busy tweeting about her, as are Trump's surrogates.

#Omarosa isn't "unhinged." She's vengeful. Is she a liar? About some things, verifiably. About others, verifiably truthful.

That she was able to go all over Trump's White House recording people is a cause for grave concern.

It speaks to Trump's incompetence as a leader.
Read 19 tweets
Aug 9th 2018
#QAnon #QArmy #Winning #WWG1WGA #POTUS
28 Oct 2017 - 1:44:28 PM

28 Oct 2017 - 12:33:50 PM

Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.
#QAnon #Winning #WWG1WGA #POTUS
Hillary has not been arrested yet but, when she is arrested and locked up in Guantanamo; her followers who have not yet been reached for the truth will not believe what she has done. I'm sorry for them. They are in darkness…
#QAnon #Winning #WWG1WGA #POTUS
Why is she doing all this? Does she needs money? Or is she still believes, she is madam president. How funny.
Hillary Clinton gets a new role: Executive producer with Steven Spielberg…
Read 14 tweets
Aug 6th 2018
[Incoming Tweet Storm]
1. We are now just 91 days from the most important midterm election of our lifetime.

Leftists have brazenly exposed the anti-American sentiment that lies at their core.

From the hateful racism of #SarahJeong to the fascistic rants of #MaxineWaters.

2. More than 500 supporters of President Trump have been assaulted since he declared.

We saw the lawless Hillary-campaign-coordinated Chicago riot.

We saw the coordinated assaults on Trump supporters in San Jose.

We saw the bigotry of #KinoJimenez attacking a young teen.
3. The #FakeNewsMedia has largely ignored these attacks, including the explosive truths uncovered by @JamesOKeefeIII and @Project_Veritas in their #AmericanPravda series of reports.

The bias of the #MSM is now incontrovertible to fair-minded people, their cover is blown.

Read 18 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
My life and that of my mixed race lesbian family would be infinitely better if #HillaryClinton were POTUS.
Same for the folks in my 95% black neighborhood and majority POC sanctuary city.
The #GOPTaxScam raised my health insurance premium to $1,978.10 PER MONTH. For an HMO.
Trump has tried wherever possible to decimate all #Obama's progress in domestic and foreign policy.
Trump even had to damage what #HillaryClinton did as SoS and before--like the #IranDeal and #CHIP.
Trump's only legacy is obliterating the work of others.
You can say the percentage of growth is up for this quarter, but it's irrelevant when wages are stagnant and the permanent tax cuts for corporations were not passed on to workers. What was passed on was higher #healthcare premiums and workfare for parents of #disabled kids.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 29th 2018
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4330: Donald Trump, "No Puppet. No Puppet. You're the Puppet" • #Nonverbal & #EmotionalIntelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #DonaldTrump #HillaryClinton #VladimirPutin #NoPuppet #YoureThePuppet #TrumpRussia
1/ The recent Summit in Helsinki has refocused attention on specific events surrounding the 2016 US Presidential election. One of these moments was a crucial portion of the third Debate held on 19 October - twenty days prior to the election.
2/ What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis of that exchange.
Read 45 tweets
Jul 28th 2018
Hillary's server was compromising America's TS SAPs during the same time frame she was taking in millions from Russia and connected entities.

Coincidence? Or naaaaaaaaaaaa
Imran Awan was infiltrating Democrat Congress from 2005-2017. That coincides with Hillary-Russia-UrAsia deal and her defeat in 2016 election.


Has media ever asked about this photo of #BillClinton & #Awan? Were they talking about their grandkids and golf?
#HillaryClinton worked with Debbie Schultz who was the Awan handler. That's one degree of separation.

By comparison, Trump is in trouble when his staff met with a Russian who may have been an intermediary for the Kremlin. Two degrees of separation.

Read 3 tweets
Jul 27th 2018
#QAnon Thread for July 26, 2018.
What was the point of filing impeachment art if Ryan was going to reject?
#QArmy #POTUS #WWG1WGA #TheStormIsHere #Q
#QAnon #QArmy #POTUS #WWG1WGA #TheStormIsHere
Q !
Jul 26 2018 11:44:26 (EST)
What was the point of filing impeachment art if Ryan was going to reject?
Known beforehand?
Think logically.
#QAnon #QArmy #POTUS #WWG1WGA #TheStormIsHere
by Congressman Louie Gohmert
Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people..
Read 28 tweets
Jul 19th 2018
Re: today's events:
In February, Mueller released information clarifying how and why #Putin desperately wanted to stop #HillaryClinton from being elected.

Trump, Bernie Sanders, and Jill Stein were helped by Russian election interference…
In #Helsinki, #Putin stated directly that he worked to elect Trump. His intent was to stop #HillaryClinton. He tried to effectuate that during the primary by targeting Sanders supporters. Putin could not sway non-white voters despite his broad disinformation campaign against HRC.
But even though #Putin was unable to win the primary, he WAS able to plant the seeds of disinformation quite strongly. That included the parroting of #HillaryClinton being "corrupt," which Sanders and Trump had hammered (without evidence) repeatedly. (Details are in the report.)
Read 18 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
In September 2016, @KellyannePolls told Trump he couldn't get elected if he kept claiming @POTUS44 was born in Kenya--as he had 67x on Twitter over 6yrs. So Trump gave a press conference saying he believed Obama was born in the US, gave no explanation, took no questions.

Trump has since walked that back.

Remember at the Inaugural luncheon where he paid tribute to @HillaryClinton and all she has done for America and asked those in attendance to applaud her?

Trump soon walked that back as well & has directed his DOJ to investigate her again.
Everyone knows Trump lies, that he has always lied and that he believes his own lies.

Trump lied repeatedly at the #HelsinkiSummit presser. He also told his truth--that Russia didn't attack our 2016 election.There is videotape of the live broadcast which the whole world saw.
Read 20 tweets
Jul 16th 2018
So the key @WhiteHouse access reporter from the @nytimes doesn't see today's events as #BREAKING.

That is hard to fathom.

.@maggieNYT stood with @PressSec against @Acosta during the #TrumpUKVisit.

Haberman also supported SHS after the #WHCD and the #RedHen incident. In 2017, Haberman said the cast of #Hamilton was rude to @VP Pence and that it was unseemly, as he was VP.
.@maggieNYT was primary reporter on the Hillary Clinton email beat. MH was personally bylined on 53 stories related to Clinton's emails.

No newspaper or reporter had more detailed coverage--incl the front page after the #ComeyLetter which NYT's own Upshot said cost the election.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 15th 2018
MSM: "We had no idea."
Me: "I wrote this June 30, 2016, so..."

Trump, Terror & Brexit…
When Trump was in the UK right after #Brexit, he spoke repeatedly about how the British had voted to "take their country back."
Trump reiterated that during his #TrumpUKVisit--he warned of the UK "Losing their culture."

We had a clear preview two years ago as I wrote here:
The claims no one knew Trump's intentions are false.

He trumpeted them everywhere he went. It was shocking, but fully evident. He talked about his intent to isolate America from the world--and demonized POC in every exchange.
#Brexit previewed how that racism impacted citizens.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 15th 2018
Elizabeth Warren is leading with voters in the pack of Democrats quietly running for 2020.

This piece sets Biden as the moderate & Warren as the firebrand. Harris,53, Booker, 49 & Gillibrand, 50, are also noted as the new younger fresh voices of change.…
The main thrust of this piece, which quotes people you've never heard of as "stratesgists," is to get a jump on who @nytimes phalanx that hammered on #HillaryClinton while giving Sanders and Trump a pass will attack first.

SPOILER ALERT: It's progressive women.
Inexplicably given the authors, there is no situating of Sanders failures in 2016 nor the @nytimes failure to vet him.
Also missing is any reference to Biden's failure to make it out of Iowa in his previous two runs.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 14th 2018
When I wrote a column asking what kind of receipts folks were getting and where,
in writing, there would be an accounting of the money raised and how and where it would be spent, I was called a naysayer who didn't want Hillary to be POTUS.

Also, votes for #JillStein were more than #HillaryClinton lost by in PA, WI and MI--the three states that decided the election.

Jill Stein's Recount Cash Pays for her Russia Legal Fees.…
Also, like Trump, Stein never filed tax returns for 2016 or 2012. So we don't know her worth. Or her husband's.
But we do know she has run for some office since 2002 every other year and won none.

That's a lot of campaign money.
Read 5 tweets

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