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Since @billmaher + @TheEconomist were clearly out of their depth wrt tax + trade policies when interviewing the wily #ChristianNationalist #Bannon, they need our help. So here’s #10Qs4Bannon.
#10Qs4Bannon 1. Under the Trump/Goldman tax act, when do US companies actually have to pay the so-called 8-15% “repatriation” tax? Do they actually have invest in the US economy, or otherwise “repatriate” it, or do they just have to pay the tax? How much has actually come back?
#10Qs4Bannon Answer to 1. MNCs get 8 yrs to pay the 15% tax, int free, according to a fixed sched : 5% yrs 1-4, etc. They’re not req ‘d to reinvest or repatriate anything. And if they leave their offshore, they can invest tax free, since the corp tax is now “nearly” territorial
Read 23 tweets
#Breaking BADABOUM...Il est 18h41 dans mon TGV et je commence le live-#lecture du Fear de #Woodward sur #Trump ci-dessous...A dérouler donc #thread
2) #Woodward sort immédiatement une de ses plus grosses cartouches de la gibecière: la lettre présidentielle dérobée en septembre 2017 par le conseiller économique Gary Cohn sur le bureau de #Trump afin d'éviter la rupture de l'alliance avec la #CoréeduSud...
3) Sauf que Cohn, qui ne travaille plus à la Maison Blanche, vient pourtant de désavouer à l'instant le travail de #Woodward sur #Trump...Dur pour le bouquin.…
Read 5 tweets
URGENT: PROTEST IT: Kavanaugh's confirmation is the most important development since the US presidential election of 2016. If confirmed, SCOTUS, as Trump's court, will stop Mueller's investigation, change the constitution and extend the presidential term.
1. While the public is distracted by fabricated scandals, Trump is taking over the legislation system, judicial system and enforcement apparatus, following Putin's scheme of usurping the power.
2. Kavanaugh's nomination timeline speaks for itself.
Read 15 tweets
The Intelligence Mafia: How the US has been compromised for years if not decades. #OpDeathEaters #Dyncorp #Blackwater #XE #Cerberus
Private contractors "are allowed to make huge donations to political parties from their billion tax dollar contracts." #OpDeathEaters #Dyncorp #Blackwater #XE #Cerberus
Blackwater founder Erik Prince advised Trump's inner circle—including Russia asset Michael Flynn. " #OpDeathEaters #Dyncorp #Blackwater #XE #Cerberus…
Read 40 tweets
@TheBeatWithAri You must be so desperate that you would give racist a platform. @MSNBC you contributed to the election of #RacistInChief, and you only care about filling your pocket.
With this administration’s atrocities, you choose to give NAZIS a platform

Apparently @TheBeatWithAri and @MSNBC love to give Nazis a platform, because Brannon’s ideas can help reunite the kids separated from their parents and caged #WhereAreTheChildren
Apparently @TheBeatWithAri having White supremacist Bannon on will resolve police brutality on black people and the forgotten #BlackWomen #blacklivesmatter
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Short thread about this Steve #Bannon interview about his efforts to support rightwing populists in Europe that is exciting a lot of people here. @guyverhofstadt even came up with #BanBannon hashtag…
Bannon wants to unite Europe's rightwing populists/far-Right & nationalist groups into coherent political force. He's setting up a foundation, which he compares to @georgesoros network, to help them with funding. But he'll only have up to 10 employees & no serious cash.
Europe's rightwing populists have tried to unite before, notably in the @Europarl_EN, but not with great success, bc their policies pose a structural problem for a pan-European movement. Often their debates descended into insult-laden quarrels.
Read 8 tweets
1 fois encore, les menaces et intimidations du président #Trump sur Theresa #May à propos du #Brexit rappellent qu'il est dépositaire d'1 projet idéologique cohérent, à la fois nationaliste et mercantiliste, soutenu et déployé par le milliardaire US Robert #Mercer... #thread
2) Au coeur de l'interview au #Sun du président US #Trump, on retrouve en effet les piliers de sa doctrine politique: le peuple, ici britannique, vs des élites qui trahiraient le vote du #Brexit, la volonté de démanteler les bureaucraties étatiques ou supra-étatiques type UE...
3) la menace de #Trump à #May sur 1 accord commercial des #EtatsUnis avec l'#UE en cas de #Brexit doux démontre l'approche mercantiliste"bilatérale"où les partenaires US sont mis en concurrence et amenés à se soumettre par la position dominante US.…
Read 22 tweets
Steve Bannon was a political genius who knew how to @Breitbart the public. What is "#Breitbarting?" Creating a culture to win influence. The Hollywood approach (aka Milo). Bannon's "falling out" with Trump made zero sense. It was staged. Why? Simple. He needed to launch #Qanon.
2/ My problem with this theory... #Bannon's entire career was propped up by unapologetic pro-zionists. So when Q responded to an Anon's post on April 3rd it threw this theory right out the window... This is NOT the reporting of a zionist. #Qanon
3/ Q could have used ANY excuse to bring up the #Pope and/or Rome. This cartoon was a red herring. If you follow the crumbs, Q changes the subject back to Epstein Island and stays there. So I'm left with hack or herring? Or did Bannon really win for @POTUS then step out. #Qanon
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Le déraillement du #G7Charlevoix par #Trump démontre 1 trait central du président US. Il n'est pas"idiot"OU machiavélique selon le dilemme établi depuis son entrée en politique en juin 2015. Il paraît très cohérent idéologiquement ET fort naïf dans la relation interpersonnelle...
2) #Trump applique 1 doctrine ancienne,déjà exposée en 1987 dans sa fameuse pub au @nytimes:
a) refus de toute régulation de l'ordre international par les #EtatsUnis, trop coûteuse;
b) refus des alliances contraignantes
c) priorité à 1 développement centré sur le territoire US
3) Car reprenons ce texte de #Trump en 1987 qui est son 1er"manifeste"- publicitaire, quel présage- de politique étrangè tout le #G7Charlevoix, ainsi que sa mise en déroute- y est contenu...
Read 19 tweets
Au vu de ce tweet aberrant et de la logorrhée anti enquête #Mueller/#FBI,2 questions:
1) y a-t-il 1 révélation dans les tuyaux expliquant ce"pétage de plombs"apparent?
2) Mais #Trump s'égare-t-il vraiment ou organise-t-il avec soin les conditions du renvoi de Rosenstein/Mueller?
2) #thread Rappel de la situation: #Trump veut imposer l'idée que le #FBI espionna sa campagne à l'été 2016. En fait, selon ses méthodes habituelles, ayant connaissance de contacts inappropriés de 3 membres de la campagne #Trump avec la #Russie, le FBI leur a envoyé 1 informateur
3) Cet informateur du #FBI, ex de la CIA reconverti dans la recherche sur le renseignement, Stefan Halper, rencontra Page, Papadopoulos et Clovis, soupçonnés d'être les portes d'entrée de la #Russie dans la campagne #Trump. Bref, le #FBI a fait son job: du CONTRE-ESPIONNAGE...
Read 20 tweets
NEW: “You should do it.” Trump officials encouraged Papadopoulos’s foreign outreach, documents show. Emails show “coffee boy” Pap had extensive contact w/ both Trump campaign & transition officials–including Bannon & Flynn.…
Trump aide Bryan Lanza urged #Papadopoulos to do an interview with Russian news agency, emphasizing the benefits of a US “partnership with Russia.” This corroborates account that Clovis encouraged Pap’s outreach to Russian officials. Pap wasn’t rogue, contrary to Trump propaganda
"You're the best. Thank You."–wrote Trump deputy communications director Bryan Lanza, urging Papadopoulos to tell Russian press what he had previously told a group in Israel: that Trump believed Putin was a “responsible actor and potential partner."
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Back in Brussels 🇪🇺 after 3 weeks in DC & NYC 🇺🇸

High on my 'To do' list:

Catching up on avalanche of news on #CambridgeAnalyticaFiles.
Starting here:

‘I made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool.’

Meet @chrisinsilico, the data war whistleblower.

#CambridgeAnalyticaFiles #CambridgeAnalytica
#InformationWarfare #BigTech #BigData…
Read & follow @carolecadwalla for outstanding reporting on the big, dark tangled web of Brexit, Trump, Russia -- and how Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, WikiLeaks, Bannon, the Mercers, are involved.

#CambridgeAnalyticaFiles #BigTech #BigData…
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The @GOP and any remaining tRumpsters out there better start paying attention to the FACTS and the WARNINGS, & opinions from HIGHLY respected, life long PUBLIC SERVANTS who truly care ONLY about protecting OUR COUNTRY. They DGAF about politics...

...well, until politicians start preventing them from performing their DUTIES. These CAREER PROFESSIONALS do not politics affect their work. They follow the facts, they verify tips on illegal activity (#SteeleDossier) or clarify FALSE accusations (illegally wire tapped).

Investigations are SUPPOSED to have a NATURAL conclusion. That means tips, leads, facts, ENTIRE investigation has exhausted all relative leads & come to a VERIFIABLE conclusion. The same way we expect ALL law enforcement to do when we're accused of crimes, or crimes against us
Read 29 tweets
The multipolar spin: how fascists operationalize left-wing resentment. Read what the @splcenter & @MaxBlumenthal don't want you to read here:…
And download it here:
"​During his recent tour of Europe, disgraced former Trump strategist Steve Bannon declared “Italy is in the lead.” /1 #antifa #Fascism
Amid the historic resurgence of the Italian far right that returned right-wing populist Silvio Berlusconi to prominence, Bannon fantasized about “the ultimate dream” of unifying the anti-establishment Five Star Movement with the far-right League (formerly the Northern League)- /2
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#Pruitt is a regular attendee of the weekly Bible Study run by the highly politicized Evangelical Capitol Ministries. Here is their sermon on environmentalism. Folks really need to understand what is happening here. #ScienceMatters…
This goes throughout this administration. This is not 'economic populism' #Pence /1…
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You needn't be a fan of Wolff's work to know #FireAndFury depicts a Trump who is dangerously incompetent and utterly lacking in either self-control or control of his own @WhiteHouse.

#GOP leadership can dismiss #SteveBannon, but they cannot ignore the state of the presidency.
What's onerous for #GOP leadership & problematic in recent @nytimes reporting of Trump as merely a guy who's changing things up, is Trump's still the one in charge of the country.

Trump's nearly provoked a nuclear war and threatened a private citizen with jail.

He's dangerous.
Many (inexplicably) believed @GenJohnKelly would pull Trump's @WhiteHouse together as Chief of Staff.But other than several firings--including of #Bannon--and an embarrassing attack on a black Congresswoman, Kelly's been MIA & Trump is worse than ever.

#FireAndFury exposes this.
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Bon on débute le #livetweet de l'élection sénatoriale partielle d'#Alabama avec 1 rappel usuel pour mes followers: si les sondages sortie des urnes (#exitpolls)étaient 1 outil prédictif, Gore et Kerry auraient été présidents US.Bref,pour…
2)On peut d'ailleurs s'étonner que @CNN renouvelle l'expérience"#exitpolls" sur cette sénatoriale partielle d'#Alabama alors que certains médias ne cessent de les remettre en…
3) Plutôt que de gloser sur les exitpolls, rappelons les"intangibles" de l'élection comme on dit aux #EtatsUnis. L'#Alabama n'a pas élu 1 sénateur démocrate depuis 1992(en fait depuis 1990, car en 1992 c'était Shelby l'autre sénateur actuel, passé républicain en 1994 qui fut élu)
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re-#breaking Le journaliste politique vedette du @nytimes Glenn Thrush est accusé d'inconduite sexuelle par de jeunes #journalistes interviewées par Vox. Il célébrait pourant son soutien aux jeunes femmes journalistes après l'affaire…
2) Et le @nytimes a suspendu immédiatement Thrush le temps d'1 enquête interne. La grande lessive post- #Weinstein continue. Vous pouvez parier sur 1 tweet de #Trump. Il entretien avec Thrush et Haberman, sa partenaire de plume au Times, 1 lien fascination-répulsion.
3) #Breaking La réaction du @nytimes est sèche et nette contre #Thrush son journaliste vedette. A la hauteur de l'usage politique que #Trump ne manquera d'en faire contre ce "journal fake news d'élites dévoyées"...RT+
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The women & men who worked on @HillaryClinton's campaign were extraordinary people. To see them dismissed by Brazile is so ugly & cruel.
I met many of these folks over the course of the 2yrs I covered the election & women like @ZerlinaMaxwell & @jmpalmieri were so helpful.
And a reminder that one thing we lost was a Cabinet filled with women & POC--like HRC's staff has ALWAYS been & as she pledged to voters.
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1)La pantomime d'unité à laquelle viennent de se livrer le président #Trump et le chef de sa majorité McConnell peut étonner...mais logique.
2)On retiendra évidemment,après les insultes proférées par #Trump à McConnell,les images du président minaudant...RT
3)Mais à un an des midterms, à 9 mois de certaines primaires,#McConnell n'a pas le choix:il doit afficher son unité absolue avec #Trump...
Read 22 tweets
Oh the geezers are hard at it grafting media, it's always great to have easy scapegoats "North Korean cyber gangs.."…
2/"Mr Murphy’s firm was the first in the world to liaise with computer giant IBM over the use of the super-computer ‘Watson’ for real-time--
3/artificial intelligence-based defence against cyber criminals." Bear with me, I'm about to post a few more links in #THREAD #CyberSecurity
Read 71 tweets

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