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1) Columbus Day 2018 is half time at the 2018 Mid-Term Bowl. The score is GOP 17 and Democrats 16. Let’s recap the first half.

#BlueWave #RedWave #2018MidTermElections…
2) Going into the game the Democrats were riding their #BlueWave of enthusiasm. They were so confident America was tired of all the lies and sordid behavior of Coach Trump that the Democrats could win the game easily.
3) They laughed at their good fortune every time a GOP player would pledge to work closely with their coach; such easy pickings.

Read 23 tweets
THREAD: My biggest takeaway from #BrettKavanaugh Fox News interview is that he wants a “fair process” but that process doesn’t include testimony from #MarkJudge or an #FBI background check on the allegations. THAT wld be fair.
No one, including the #kavanaugh family and of course the Ford family or anyone else coming forward on any side of those should be threatened or live in fear. That is plain wrong and unacceptable.
My second but no less central takeaway is his denial of binge drinking is not supported by some of his contemporaries.
Read 12 tweets
1). The Cohen/Manafort debacle is devoid of anything substantial and is an absolute desperate & embarrassing attempt to unseat a duly elected President.

They still can’t accept the election results so they resort to this monstrosity we have now.

2). As someone involved for nearly 25 years in the investigative field, AND who has agency friends, I am sincerely dejected & embarrassed by our FBI & justice system.

All the time & money spent to find a tax fraud and a “possible” campaign finance violation.🤨

3). Everything else past a tax fraud indictment and a “potential” campaign violation is simply dimestore-bullshit-theatrics designed to make @POTUS look bad.


Read 4 tweets
1.) As we have all seen, @LannyDavis has become the face for @MichaelCohen212 after his guilty plea & he is attempting to implicate @realDonaldTrump in violation of Federal Campaign Laws.
I will show you how this @HillaryClinton groveling moron duped #MichaelCohen!
2.) According to the plea agreement and background documents the portion that he implicates @realDonaldTrump for Campaign Finance violations is in Count 7 and Count 8.…
3.) In this @NewsTimes they identify
Corporation -1 as American Media Inc., who is the parent company of the @NatEnquirer. This is where it gets very interesting!............…
Read 13 tweets
Seine Skandale holen ihn endlich ein: Donald #Trump wird von seinem Ex-Anwalt Michael #Cohen bezichtigt, mit ihm illegale Wahlkampffinanzierungen begangen zu haben. Ist das nun der Anfang vom Ende des US-Präsidenten? Nope. [THREAD] #CohenPleaDeal #TrumpRussia
To recap: #Cohen bekennt sich schuldig, dem Ex-Playmate Karen #McDougal und der Pornodarstellerin #StormyDaniels auf illegale Weise Schweigegeld gezahlt zu haben. „In coordination with and at the direction of [#Trump]" und „to influence the election“.…
#Cohen impliziert #Trump also in seinen Verbrechen. Das ist extrem brisant – und gewagt. Denn zwar hat Cohen ein Tape, in dem er die Zahlungen mit Trump diskutiert. Doch das gibt nicht 100% Aufschluss darüber, ob Trump illegale Finanzierungen bewilligte.…
Read 13 tweets

#MichaelCohen has pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations: hush money payments to #KarenMcDougal and #StormyDaniels.

This is terrible news for Trump.
The allocution will be handed over to Congress and the #MuellerInvestigation.
To be very clear, #MichaelCohen is now an admitted felon and cited Trump as his co-conspirator.

This could be turned over to Congress as a high crime and misdemeanor.

This is huge.
And what cannot be ignored is that #MichaelCohen served as Deputy Finance Chairman for the #RNC.

And Cohen just pleaded guilty to campaign finance crimes.

This implicates the party. This is no longer just about #MichaelCohen--it's about the #GOP.
Read 3 tweets
It's been 20 days since Q last spoke to us & there's been a lot of speculation as to whether or not we were being left to stand on our own. Last night, Q showed in full form & on fire. Settle, there's a story to be told.

From Sea to Shining Sea, Q is letting us know we're about to learn what Sessions has been doing quietly behind the scenes from the beginning. Something BIG is about to happen and as Q often says, #TrustSessions

In order to understand the story, first we need to understand 38 US Code Section 519 - Supervision of Litigation. Here, we find Sessions, and ONLY Sessions shall supervise ALL litigation unless otherwise authorized by law.
Read 37 tweets
🔥🔥🔥@MichaelAvenatti, as usual, was a fantastic guest on @amjoyshow with @JoyAnnReid this morning. Joy Reid was on FIRE🔥!!! Michael Avenatti was on FIRE🔥!!

❗️More from @JoyAnnReid on @amjoyshow

❓Joy Reid: What do make of his [Rudy Guiliani’s] statements attempting to mitigate the impact of this tape?

🚫🧠Avenatti: I thought they were dumb, quite honestly.
🔥More from @JoyAnnReid on @amjoyshow:

💥Avenatti (cont'd): I don’t understand what he’s doing. I continue to be perplexed by exactly what Rudy Guiliani is doing. You know, he used to be a great lawyer; he used to be a good spokesperson.
Read 7 tweets
(Thread) Last week @MichaelAvenatti filed a new motion in the Stormy-Cohen-Trump defamation case. Here’s the document:…
He's trying to depose Trump. Here's an explainer.
First, the background:
1/ Oct. 2016: #MichaelCohen worked with Stormy’s lawyer #KeithDavidson to arrange for Stormy to sign a nondisclosure agreement (NDA)
[What’s that? See this thread: ]

Jan 2018: someone leaked the agreement to the WSJ. Stormy said it wasn't her.
2/ Cohen, using “intimidation and coercive tactics, forced [Stormy] to sign a false statement” denying she had an affair with Trump. [Quotations are from her complaint, here:… ]

Cohen then issued a public statement about the hush agreement, prompting. . .
Read 10 tweets
When it rains it pours. ⛈️

Wednesday was an outrageously busy day in #TrumpRussia news & revelations, so we did our best to summarize for you.

This THREAD is formatted as:

🔹A) What happened?
🔹B) Why is it important?

In conclusion, we remind you what YOU can do to help.
1A) The Senate Judiciary Committee released all transcripts/documents (some redactions) from its investigation into Russian interference and potential Trump campaign coordination.…
1B) The release of 1000s of pages casts light on the Trump Tower mtg, including coordination of stories by attendees, inconsistencies in Don Jr.'s testimony & hints of Trump's knowledge of the mtg & involvement in the false story Don Jr. initially put out.…
Read 26 tweets
1) #NXIVM again. In my tweet storm here 👇 I mentioned this could go in 100s of directions, but never expected this one. Incoming 💣

#QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS #GreatAwakenening #redpill #TheStorm #TheStormIsHere #MEtoo #ExposeAllEvil #ThesePeopleAreSick

2) So the #Anons have been bouncing this back and forth all day, but yes, someone we all know has the #NXIVM brand on them. And it will hopefully discredit her forever.

#DrainTheSwamp #DeepStateinPanic #DrainTheDeepState #DeepState #DeepStateAgenda #QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS
3) These images are direct from my screen captures. I had to suffer thru this porn film to get them, but they are mine, authentic and real. Many other anons have done their own versions and independently verified the same.

#DrainTheSwamp #DeepStateinPanic #DrainTheDeepState
Read 21 tweets
#FlashbackFriday when the 2008 Obama Presidential campaign received $1,363,529.00 in illegal contributions and was fined $375k by the @FEC but you know #StormyDaniels 🤡…
Oh look all those fancy U.S.C codes @tedlieu keeps telling us are a felony
Read 7 tweets
1. This trend with @POTUS Trump / #StormyDaniels / #MichaelCohen / @MichaelAvenatti is out of control... but not really... and here’s why...

We KNOW there is no “Russian Collusion” (hell, that’s not even a criminal violation) ...

2. What the #FBI (under former Director #Comey) tried to establish but FAILED was “conspiracy” or “treason” by @realDonaldTrump or his campaign... but NONE exists as we now know for FACT:

3. With Congress running a simultaneous investigation and finding nothing resembling any violations of our laws, #Meuller hit a dead end with this mythical Russian “collusion” fable.

Congress would never impeach. Meuller / Comey needed another angle.
Read 30 tweets
Let's start here: Dan Rather does a good job summarizing the Sinclair propaganda facet of Trump's authoritarian regime.
Rump's authoritarian behavior includes subverting democracy, failure to be transparent, failure to be accountable, nepotism, cronyism, and many dimensions of financial corruption.
Trump's authoritarianism includes thwarting the will of congress, obstructing the protection of the environment, and putting property & people & planet at unprecedented risk.

#EPA #BootPruitt #DumpPruit #FirePruitt #PruittMustGo #PruittMustResign
Read 12 tweets
In May of 1997, @VP Mike Pence had a radio show where he suggested that adultery should be a crime in the US. Trump is accused of adultery & #SexualAssault while venal hypocrite Pence stands by. #StormyDaniels
Eric Greitens is a protégé of @VP Mike Pence. Before he was elected Missouri's governor, married Republican Eric Greitens raped a woman, struck her in the face & called her a "whore," the woman told a Missouri House committee.
Trump wants a dictatorship and Pence wants a Theocracy. They meet in the middle with #Putin. #ImpeachPence
Read 3 tweets
Wow. I’m going to highlight some of the important (and hilarious) parts of the governments filing here. Good stuff and a lot to be learned about Cohen/Trump. #CohenFiling #StormyDaniels #Friday13
This document is the Govt's Opposition to Cohen's Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order. In layman's terms, he's trying to keep the govt from looking at what it lawfully took from his office, hotel, etc. 2/ #CohenFiling…
On page 1 of the filing, it states that Cohen is under criminal investigation. For what he's being investigated, it's blacked out. But just let it sink in that the attorney for the President of the United States is under criminal investigation. And it gets better. #CohenFiling 3/
Read 29 tweets
💥#MichaelCohen ⚡️⚡️⚡️🥁 Thread on Michael #Cohen’s (aka Michael Hastings) ties with the USSR-born oligarchs, criminals, politicians. Missing/overlooked links plus Russian/Ukrainian sources. #CohenRaid #CohenFBIRaid #CohenRaids #MichaelCohenRaid
Note: A common misconception: Most of Cohen's USSR-born associates are Russian speakers of pro-Russian view. Emigrated in 70-80s when Ukraine was a part of the USSR. Referring to them as “Ukrainians” is misleading. Ukraine is under a hybrid war attack by Russia.
1. Cohen partnered with USSR-born “taxi kings” with a history of felony, fraud, tax evasion and some known for ties with the Kremlin circles.
Read 64 tweets
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4252: Donald Trump says he didn't know about Stormy Daniels payment - Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence • #DonaldTrump #StormyDaniels #MichaelCohen #BodyLanguage #EmotionalIntelligence #EQ #Nonverbal #Deception
1/ On Thursday 5 April 2018, Donald Trump made his first public comments regarding Stormy Daniels. He did so on Air Force One and it was recorded on video. What follows is a nonverbal analysis of this crucial exchange.
2/ JOURNALIST: "Mr. President - did you know about the hundred and thirty thousand dollar payment to Stormy Daniels?"


JOURNALIST: "Then why did Michael -"
Read 16 tweets
What the Trump admin did to immigration while everyone was busy with #StormyDaniels and the $hitshow that is this presidency:
👏 @AmericasVoice
1-ICE ended policy of presuming release for pregnant detainees;
ICE detention centers (and the for profit ones) are ill-equipped to treat medical issues pregnant women face.
Ice stating fear of flight. We tax payers pay for ankle monitors-Cheaper
This is the previous policy
2- Considering a policy to deny legal residency-deport legal immigrants who rely on Earned Income tax credit &health insurance subsidies (Tax paying immigrants) not to mention undocumented immigrants leave $10 billion in taxes they never file to collect.…
Read 17 tweets
Question @andersoncooper how do we know who the mystery man was threatening #StormyDaniels about? In 2011 (the same year her daughter was born) she claimed she was being “terrorized” by by her ex, even threatened so she filed a restraining order against him. #StormyDanielsDay
Porn Star Stormy Daniels: I'm Being Terrorized By My Ex… via @TMZ
To be clear, not saying #StormyDaniels lied just wondering if maybe the stranger was talking about Mosny, seems like a reasonable question did producers on #60minutes not do any background?
Read 4 tweets
Okay, let me save some of you the trouble: no, for white evangelicals, the #StormyDaniels interview will change nothing for them. So please, don't be surprised. #EmptyThePews #WhiteChurchQuiet
Instead be on the lookout for evangelical leaders to double down on their support for Trump. They will question the morals of #StormyDaniels while painting Trump as the victim.
Listen, white evangelicals are not the exemplars of moral virtue. Stop looking to them for examples of what's moral and decent.
Read 3 tweets
🔥Karen McDougal is suing AMI (owns the National Enquirer) and says Michael Cohen was secretly involved in her talks w/AMI who paid her $150k of HUSH MONEY‼️1/…
McDougal says AMI & her lawyer MISLED her about the deal. She also asserts that after she spoke w/The New Yorker after it obtained her notes on Trump, AMI threatened that “any further disclosures would breach Karen’s contract” and “cause considerable monetary damages.” 🤨2/
McDougal & #StormyDaniels shared the *same* lawyer, Keith Davidson, and tell strikingly similar stories about their relationships w/Trump.🤔 3/
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This is such a shocking story in its details.

We shrug off #DataPrivacy because we think it's basically inconsequential to our real lives. But the impact of #CambridgeAnalytica just began to be felt in 2015 and spread to 50 MILLION or 1 in 6 Americans.
The panoply of ways Trump used his cachet w/ billionaire supporters like the Mercers should concern everyone, including those on the right & left who just eyeroll these investigations as about #HillaryClinton when that's tangential to our national security & honest elections.
Every American should want to know what happened in 2016 because every American who's a critical thinker knows the person who wins the most votes won the election.

Moreover, everyone knows Democratic systems ensure an unskewed result, unlike #Russia's imminent election.
Read 8 tweets
TRUMP CHANGED HIS HEADER PHOTO… again. It may sound silly to mention it, but it IS important. Here’s why… (Thread)

We focus on his tweets – which is reasonable, considering how they could affect the entire frig'n planet – but when it comes to his header photos, we should 1/16
remember the old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Trump spends an inordinate amount of time obsessing over his header photo. He’s like an adolescent teen, sometimes changing it twice in a week. His choices are telling. Let’s start at the beginning, for his first 2/16
header photo, Trump chose one of his inauguration… except that it was wasn’t his. The photo was taken during OBAMA'S inauguration. Trump changed it to a flag an hour later after being called out, & again after that, to one of himself gazing out the window, probably wishing 3/16
Read 35 tweets

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