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Oct 4th 2018
Without #paperballots, we can’t know 4 sure whether ballot-programming computers or voting machines have been rigged. But we CAN still detect rigging of central tabulators by comparing the POLL TAPES from each precinct to the REPORTED TOTALS, which is what a NEW MOTION in GA...1/
... has asked Judge Totenberg to order county election officials to do. Note that this is also something that we as citizens can do if we send volunteers to each precinct (at least in the largest counties) to photograph the poll tapes. Trying to get them after the fact is ... 2/
... timely and often very expensive. Johnson County, Kansas wanted to charge me more than $3k dollars for its poll tapes! By contrast, Delaware County, Ohio provided them free of charge. 3/
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Oct 2nd 2018
I am on record in media having warned starting in early 2016 that we were under atttack on a broad level w regard to our social media + that Russia was deep in our election related shit. Because US gov has not forcefully pushed/put hard money into fixing// we are in same place.
It is time for every state and locality in #USA to take it upon themselves and fix it. Put emergency funds into if you have to. This is a national crisis. 2016 was proof of concept now more substantial cyber attack occurring will occur by Russia #electionhacking #PaperBallots
.@cyber @DeptofDefense @NSA @FBI @CIA can only do so much to stop nation state based cyber attacks on our election systems in states/localities. States need to put aside partisanship to work together collaboratively to warn, help and have a emergency response team ready now
Read 6 tweets
Sep 25th 2018
And yet once again, @VerifiedVoting’s President says nada about the dangers of touchscreen barcode ballot marking devices (BMDs). On the contrary, she advocates “voter marked paper ballots,” which she defines as either HAND marked or marked by a MACHINE. Not good enough. 1/
My heavily sourced article on the many dangers of touchscreen barcode ballot markers (“BMDs”). 2/…
Read 18 tweets
Sep 19th 2018
Election integrity alert! 350 precincts voted in the Texas Dist. 19 election, which surprisingly FLIPPED RED. Of those, 221 were in blue Bexar county, the 4th largest county in TX. Bexar uses ES&S ivotronic PAPERLESS touchscreen voting machines. @PeteGallegoTX @BetoORourke 1/
2/ Bexar county results for its 221 precincts.
3/ Texas Secretary of State report showing that 350 precincts were involved in the District 19 special election (that suprisingly flipped red), with 221 in blue Bexar county.…
Read 32 tweets
Sep 17th 2018
My letter to Delaware's Election Commissioner re: DE's alarming decision to buy the ExpressVote XL, which will enable hackers to circumvent manual audits & manual recounts by altering votes only when voters choose the direct deposit ("freedom to cheat") feature. @Delaware_gov 1/
As explained by UCB Professor @philipbstark (who invented Risk Limiting Audits aka "RLAs"), even an RLA would be unable to detect this type of cheating.… 2/
@philipbstark alerted computer science professor and election expert Andrew Appel of this serious issue, prompting Appel to write this article titled: "Serious design flaw in ES&S ExpressVote touchscreen: 'permission to cheat.'"… 3/
Read 7 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
Georgia! This is huge! The court has ADVANCED the hearing on the historic motion to compel GA to use #handmarked #paperballots (vs. unverifiable touchscreens) & “is particularly interested in the PUBLIC INTEREST element”! New date: 9/12/18 at 10:15 AM. Pack the court! 1/
2/ Address correction: The hearing is before Judge Totenberg, room 2308 at 75 Ted Turner Drive SW, Atlanta, GA (it is NOT on Spring Street -as I had previously posted).
3/ Please remember this is a formal federal court hearing, not a protest, which means your presence is very much needed, but no chanting or shouting on this historic occasion.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 24th 2018
Dear @vermontSOS (D): I am alarmed that you helped scuttle the Secure Elections Act w/ your expressed "concern" that the "mandates for post-election audits [were] too stringent..." If anything, they were not stringent enough.… 1/
Contrary to what election officials have lead us to believe, all voting machines & scanners can be hacked via the internet even if they are not themselves connected to it. 2/…
This is because (among other reasons) all voting machines & scanners must receive programming before each election from centralized computers that can and often do connect to the internet. 3/
Read 17 tweets
Aug 24th 2018
US senator @ronwyden needs our grassroots help to pass a meaningful election security bill: the #PAVEAct. So are we going to help him by demanding that the Senate Rules Committee pass the Act & by identifying & calling out individual obstructionist senators or not? 1/
Here are the phone numbers, email addresses, and Twitter handles of all Members of the Committee.… 2/
Do not be disheartened by the recent failure of the Secure Elections Act. Election integrity groups had already withdrawn support of the latest watered down version of the SEA anyway. 3/…
Read 26 tweets
Aug 20th 2018
Use #PaperBallots whenever possible. Share this info with everyone you know!
Read 3 tweets
Aug 20th 2018
When the glitch happens in a primary, the "losing" candidate typically concedes for the sake of party unity. But why would the "loser's" supporters embrace the "winner" in these circumstances? The only way to achieve unity is to fight for & implement evidence-based elections. 1/
2/ @philipbstark, who invented Risk Limiting Audits, describes "evidence-based elections" 2 mean #paperballots + robust manual audits + a transparent chain of custody between Election Night & the audit (including perhaps video surveillance of the ballots).…
3/ I agree with this formulation w/ two caveats. First, as explained in my article linked in post 1, a HAND MARKED paper ballot is a much more reliable indicator of voter intent than a summary card--some call them "paper ballots"--marked by a computer.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 15th 2018
THREAD: by now, many of you have seen posts or articles re: @defcon’s @VotingVillageDC, and the ease with which machines and websites were attacked and exploited. And now, THIS is happening....#unhackthevote #infosec #ElectionSecurity
For YEARS, advocates of election integrity have been pointing out these issues. This isn’t new. After 2000, the Help America Vote Act was passed to modernize our elections, first proposed by Robert Ney (R-OH). Signed into law by George W. Bush. So much for this theory:
At the same time, Bush’s @TheJusticeDept began an investigation into alleged #VoterFraud. Guess what it turned up? No masses of non-citizens voting, nothing that could come close to altering an election.…
Read 15 tweets
Aug 13th 2018

1.) I was one of thousands of volunteers who worked tirelessly for Jon Ossoff's campaign during the 2017 6th district special election. What was SO frustrating about that loss (aside from the fact that he would have made a amazing congressman) was that the outcome didn't-
2.) - make any sense whatsoever - not with what I'd seen on the ground as a canvasser, not with the number of Democrats I saw streaming into my polling place when I was a poll watcher. I'm not an election integrity expert, but I, like many other Ossoff supporters, were thrilled -
3.) when @MarilynRMarks1 filed a lawsuit challenging the results. And then a few days later #BrianKemp wiped the server clean of data. So many people sacrificed so much during that campaign for someone to be our voice in the House, and now we couldn't even contest the results.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 11th 2018
Action item! On 8/22/18, the Senate Rules Committee will deliberate on @amyklobuchar’s Secure Elections Act. Demand that the Committee amend it to require states to (1) give voters the option to mark their ballots by HAND; & (2) conduct Risk Limiting Audits! Contact info below 1/
2/ Without the above 2 key provisions, the Secure Elections Act will do nothing more than allow senators 2 PRETEND they did done something to protect our votes. Enough pretending! We need #handmarked #paperballots & Risk Limiting Audits NOW! @RoyBlunt @SenFeinstein @SenSchumer 1/
3/ Here is a link to the addresses & phone numbers of all members of the Senate Rules Committee. We must call, email, & tweet to ALL of them nonstop between now and 8/22!! This is our chance to make our voices heard!
Read 11 tweets
Aug 7th 2018
“We gotta move to #paperballots that are marked BY HAND” - Senator Ron Wyden, author of the #PAVEAct
Here's an example of what many election officials & reporters misleadingly call a "paper ballot system," even though the so-called paper ballots have barcodes and are filled out by a TOUCHSCREEN that might not work!
Read 3 tweets
Aug 6th 2018
#OH12 - Request a #paperballot at the polls on Election Day tomorrow, August 7! Although most of the counties involved in tomorrow’s special election use touchscreen voting machines, all but Franklin County will let u vote w/ a paper ballot on request! I called them & asked. 1/
2/ Touchscreens—even those with so-called “Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trails”—aren’t really all that verifiable as revealed in this investigative expose by election integrity advocate and Emmy award winning documentarian @LuluFriesdat! Vote with #paperballots if you can!
3/ The counties I called are Delaware (Bronwen Evenar), Morrow (Nancy Shaffer), Licking (Brian), Franklin (Steve Dulen), Marion (John Meyer), Muskingham, and Richland (Jen Dover).
Read 9 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
Thread 1/7 WHY WE NEED #AUDITS. Professor Andrew Appel breaks down the #myth that someone can't #hack a #VotingMachine if it's not connected to the #Internet.… #PaperBallots #AuditTheVote
Thread 2/7 "The ES&S model #DS200 #optical-scan voting machine has a #cellphone modem that it uses to upload #election-night results from the #voting machine to the “county central” canvassing #computer." #PaperBallots #AuditTheVote
Thread 3/7 "The voting machine calls the county-central computer using its cell-phone modem... this connects ... to a cell tower ... near the canvassing computer." #PaperBallots #AuditTheVote
Read 7 tweets
Jul 28th 2018
🚨Trump's Roadmap for Russia? His "all-out" campaign in 25 GOP races couldn't be a louder signal to #RussianHackers. GRU acts on Trump's words (eg "Russia if you're listening," #McCaskill). #PaperBallots a must in those districts for election integrity. #Midterms cc @jennycohn1
🚨Nearly 2 years after Trump rode Russia's election attack to victory, his admin still has no coherent strategy to combat foreign interference—and no single person or agency in charge to ensure US elections' security or integrity. @KenDilanianNBC… #midterms
@KenDilanianNBC Election security experts are alarmed. Despite Russia's attack, states are struggling to protect 2020 election—let alone 2018 midterms this November. Nearly half of US states have opted not to upgrade their voting machines or are unsure if they will.…
Read 3 tweets
Jul 21st 2018
Focus of the Day, and all the other days to come until 11/6, shall be on #GOTV, #VoteBlue, #PaperBallots, #AbsenteeBallots, election integrity and voting rights.

If youre reading this, you are the #Resistance.

A thread.

Voting Integrity
Dont trust #GOP voting machines. 1]
The majority of voting machines are Trojan Horses owned by the #GOPTreasonCult. They have a backdoor built in, so theyre easily accessible by hackers to manipulate the votes cast.

One way around them is a paper ballot. How to get one by 11/6? 2]
#AbsenteeBallot #VoteEarly
Know your voting rights. Heres what I found on this website 👉 Info is available for any state there. Go there and check for your state.
To start you off, look at the breakdown of candidates from both parties running for Congress. 3] #VoteBlue
Read 8 tweets
Jul 21st 2018
1/ #ProtectOurVotes #Handmarked #PaperBallots


All require, at one point or another, connection to another device, which inevitably leads to connection to a PC or server which may or may not be hooked to the internet but most likely is.


And there is reason to believe hacking has occurred in the past (Gore, Ossoff, ..) -- though no hard evidence (difficult to get when the server is wiped after a suit is filed) to prove.


is human readable, verifiable, audit tape and legislature allowing it to be used when even reasonable doubt or question exists.
Read 17 tweets
Jul 20th 2018
Last year at the @defcon @VotingVillageDC in Vegas, hackers were able to hack 25+ voting machines currently used within 90 minutes.

One EVM had voter rolls with voter info from TN still on it.

43 states used EVMs in the 2016 that were over decade old.
Russia is actively hacking the 2018 midterm elections.

Trump/GOP regime have done nothing until the senate passed this nonsense today.
Non-binding means they agreed with each other.

Reality: this doesn’t call for any action to safeguard our elections.

We must demand Congress take action Now or the midterms will be hacked.

Call Every. Single. Day.

DEMAND your 3 reps pass & enact the #PaveAct BEFORE midterms

S.3049 calls for handmarked #PaperBallots & audited elections.


Then #VOTE🌊
Read 3 tweets
Jul 18th 2018
Dear @amyklobuchar & @SenatorLankford: I am alarmed that your Secure Elections Act appears to allow states to force voters to use touchscreen barcode ballot markers like ES&S's ExpressVote, which has not even been subjected to human usability testing! 1/…
2/ The failure 2 conduct human usability testing is what landed us in the disastrous predicament we now face w/ so-called Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trails, which studies later showed cannot be "verified" or audited successfully. I discuss those studies in the article in post 1
3/ I worry that some of the same people who promoted VVPATs have a dicenstive to acknowledge their grievous error & are now compounding the error by equating "summary cards" from touchscreen barcode ballot markers with "paper ballots"--again without human usability testing!!
Read 42 tweets
Jul 16th 2018
One year ago, @Reince tweeted that the GOP had “a revolutionary data program” resulting in them “carrying WI for first time in 30 years.”

Attached was this article that said these “Data Operations” helped Trump win WI & will used for the 2018 midterms.

Trump won* WI by just 22,748 votes.

200,000+ in WI were unable to vote in 2016.

Along with MI & PA, WI was one of the 3 swing states that gave* the EC to Trump by a scant 78,652 votes.

All 3 States were among the 39 states reported as hacked by Russia.

Exit polls are a scientifically proven litmus test. In 2016, they were off by as high as 10%

Anything above ~2.5% indicates suspect anomalies. It triggers other countries to nullify elections.

In the swing states of MI, PA, & WI—all were all above 3%.

Read 6 tweets
Jul 16th 2018
I’m NOT a tech expert, but many election security failings stem from the confusing use of LANGUAGE, such as the suggestion that “verification”—a term used by EI folks 2 refer 2 the need 2 ensure a TOUCHSCREEN hasn’t FLIPPED ur vote—applies equally 2 #handmarked #paperballots. 1/
2/ There is no need to “verify” whether a touchscreen has flipped your vote when you fill out your ballot by hand! But vendors then try to confuse everyone by instead equating “verify” with “double check” so that everyone forgets the original critical reason “verification” ...
3/ made its way into the election security lexicon was the concern that TOUCHSCREENS might flip your vote as recorded on the so-called “voter verifiable paper trail,” ie the only paper record of voter intent.
Read 6 tweets

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